Einstein's 'biggest blunder', was Right After All


Registered Senior Member
Einstein's 'biggest blunder', was Right After All


"We shall not cease from exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we may find ourselves where we started, and know the place for the first time".
- T. S. Eliot

Re: Total Field Theory: Reinstatement of Cosmological Constant & Steady State Theorie


Originally Posted by theunify
I'm not trying to state the obvious, but since you have had a difficult time in the publishing and promotional areas of scientific work do you suppose you could provide us with a few pointers? For instance is it a good idea to send your work to physicists or is it enough to post it and let them come to you?

Dear Unify:
In my experience, it's a good idea to post work and not concern yourself with a 'community' of conflicting ideas, thoughts and theories. There's a heap of 'in-fighting' underway 'in-ranks', and 'outsiders' are also a serious threat to established reputations.

Theoretical physics is in a highly confused and utterly contentious transition in this era. You will note that there is a culminating (if coy and camouflaged) return to Einstein's formerly abandoned work. (The 'expanding universe' is Accelerating...)

This trend, i submit, will continue, and, Einstein's formerly abandoned Unified Field (Cosmological Constant) will be reinstated, as I predicted in published, copyrighted and distributed manuscripts (in three languages) more than fifty years ago.

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pff,instead of throwing a link with a huge article that most people won't read, why dont you copy paste in OP the part that is needed?
The 'expanding universe' is Accelerating

Could the expansion of universe be accelerating because its environment "dark matter" is actually moving and thus carrying and spreading the observable matter of our universe?

Could the "dark energy" be a result of the constant movement of dark matter?
The Cosmological Constant is reinstated, by any other name.

Could the expansion of universe be accelerating because its environment "dark matter" is actually moving and thus carrying and spreading the observable matter of our universe?

Could the "dark energy" be a result of the constant movement of dark matter?

Dear decons:
In response to each and both of your astute questions, yes, that the expanding universe is accelerating is among the principal predictions of my 1958 copyrighted, published and distributed work, and it is my intended translation of the 1996 discovery of the accelerating universe.

'Dark matter', 'dark energy', 'quintessence' - are merely new vocabularies for Einstein's presently 'abandoned' Cosmological Constant - a repelling *force originating out of all matter, *proportionate to the value of given systems of origin, and (unlike any other force) increasing with distance... The converse of the classical interpretation and conceptualization of 'conventional' gravity.

Post Script. Dissatisfaction has been expressed with the duration of the material accessed by the provided link at the beginning of this thread.

Whereas, the history of the evolution of Einstein's Cosmological Constant, including its rebuttal by the academic elements, is fairly extensive and convuluted, and a review of that history (and many of the misunderstandings and wayward attitudes that accompany it) is intended to provide inspiration and understanding to any sincere spirit of inquiry.

The 'abandoned' Cosmological Constant has in fact been functionally reinstated, accompanied by a (duely noted) revised vocabulary and revisionary manner of alluding to it.

Sincere thanks for your meaningful and straighforward missive.
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Dear decons:
In response to each and both of your astute questions, yes, that the expanding universe is accelerating is among the principal predictions of my 1958 copyrighted, published and distributed work, and it is my intended translation of the 1996 discovery of the accelerating universe.

'Dark matter', 'dark energy', 'quintessence' - are merely new vocabularies for Einstein's presently 'abandoned' Cosmological Constant - a repelling *force originating out of all matter, *proportionate to the value of given systems of origin, and (unlike any other force) increasing with distance... The converse of the classical interpretation and conceptualization of 'conventional' gravity.

Post Script. Dissatisfaction has been expressed with the duration of the material accessed by the provided link at the beginning of this thread.

Whereas, the history of the evolution of Einstein's Cosmological Constant, including its rebuttal by the academic elements, is fairly extensive and convuluted, and a review of that history (and many of the misunderstandings and wayward attitudes that accompany it) is intended to provide inspiration and understanding to any sincere spirit of inquiry.

The 'abandoned' Cosmological Constant has in fact been functionally reinstated, accompanied by a (duely noted) revised vocabulary and revisionary manner of alluding to it.

Sincere thanks for your meaningful and straighforward missive.

Thanks for the reply Kaiduorkhon. It leads me to read more about Einstein's Cosmological Constant.
Matter, the nearest star, and substantial wave energy.

The nearest star is Hydrogen matter, emitting tons of wave energy per second; which is pretty substantial.

This is because E really does = MC2.
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'Dark matter', 'dark energy', 'quintessence' - are merely new vocabularies for Einstein's presently 'abandoned' Cosmological Constant - a repelling *force originating out of all matter, *proportionate to the value of given systems of origin, and (unlike any other force) increasing with distance... The converse of the classical interpretation and conceptualization of 'conventional' gravity.

Vacuum energy density. It seems like so simple a concept that I have been amazed for years that there is so much confusion.

I can fully support the concept of a cosmological constant within the context of General Relativity and the Cosmological Principle.

Personally I suggest that the context is too limited and should be considered in the context of a greater universe. Where Einstein's world view was of one universe that could be open, flat, or closed, the greater universe would demote our current view of "one expanding universe" to a tiny and passing arena of energy density within a potentially infinite universe filled with fluctuating energy density.

In the "greater universe" world view, the cosmological constant would be flat and our "arena's expansion" would continue to accelerate due to the energy density differential between the energy content of our arena and the much lower average energy density of the greater universe. It would expand until something interrupts the expansion and in my view that will happen.

The cosmological constant of the greater universe is the average energy density which establishes a potentially fixed ratio between matter and energy. But though the mix is essentially fixed on a grand scale, energy density has limits that occur under the extremes of gravity. Those limits control the amount of matter the can collapse into any given center of gravity and those limits keep the entire universe in a process of arena formation, expansion, overlap, collapse of a tiny arena from the overlap, and the burst or bang of the collapsed crunch into new expanding arenas here and there across the potentially infinite expanse. This is world view of a greater universe that is potentially infinite and perpetual.