Einstein = Space Travel. Technological Innovation


Science = Ecclesisates 1 V 18
Registered Senior Member
I saw a program on the history channel last night called like Awesome Scientists or something like that.

It was talkign about albert einstein (genius).

He created some theories that I think should be used in the application of a long distance space traveling ship.

Time Dilation= Essentially shows that if you are traveling the speed of light, those individuals who are traveling at normal speed IE Normal Time, you would appear to be in slow motion to them... If you were smoking a cigar, and it was short, it would remain short for a longer period of time compared to the viewer, if he had a equally short cigar.
Essentially, if you are traveling the speed of light, time slows... What was 10 years in regular time, would be only 2 years in light years.

This shows instances of "Time Travel"

Next, the famous General Theory of Relativity...
Essentially E=Mc2
This shows that gravity actually makes mass in space "bend" it, attracting light to it, sometimes in a circular fashion.
If you can determine the attracants of light, possibly you can use these attractive molecule chains to attract a ship to a planet.. Possibly light in itself is not what makes it travel fast, but these attracant propertys.

This shows that particles of light reflect in atoms, etc etc, to make a long story short, you can create a very HIGH energy source out of almost no matter..

The energy contained in a human being is figured to be enough Mass to blow up a whole continent.

Now Long Distance Space Travel----

The aspect of Time dilution would make LONG DISTANCE time travel more feasible if this theory can be put into reality.

If we can travel at light speed we would be able to travel 10 light years in a 2 year period.... THis would be allow remarkable flexibility in long distance.

Use some sort of E=Mc2 figure, we could possibly make a more efficient propellant..


The aspect that planets actually bend light and attract it in a possible circular motion means that LIGHT ITSELF has some atomic structure for it to be possible to be "attracted" to planets... Within this this atomic structure would possible be the explanation to light along with its propertys.
IF we can identify these propertys, perhaps it would provide a solution to the ability to travel at the speed of light... We can identify the particle formulas, and actually condense them into some sort of ray... With these particles being high intensity, and high concentration and somehow "attached" to the spaceship, we could propell ourselves using the same forumla that planets or what not attract light..

Essentially these planets would figure the ship was light, and in essence attract it to itself at the speed of light...

Part 2

The next step would be deep freezing our astrounauts in the ship for a small duration of time..

Now this may seem impossible with our present state of technology, It is..
However, we already can freeze simple cells such as the cells of life, semen, fertile eggs, and bring these entitys back to life and thus "decrease their age/death avertion".. It has been documented that scientists actually agree, that with mummification of ancient human remains actually have cells that in theory are still capable of life.. they are not decomposed, but perserved for their belief they would be brought back..

It also has been documented that in a case, that some dogs were frozen outside for like 5 days... And upon unthawing them, they actually came back alive..........

So this 2nd theory of long distance space travel is also feasible.. in the near future...


With the ability to travel the speed of light, and delay the "time experienced" by individuals, along with early deep freezing then unthawing, long distance space travel is quite possible..

Even without the freezing option our space travel options are greatly enhanced...

These ideas seem plausible, and (IF) ETI intelligence actually exists, they probably have this same technology.

The aspect that time actually is relevant to the speed of light a individual is experiencing is a weird reality... Essentially, Time in its defintion is not static... Therefore, on other planets for example that experience different levels of light speed or whatever could actually be very OLDER, or Quite Younger in reality than our planet.

Time not being static, is lunch on PLANET X still noon.... Is the ritual mass still sunday at 9, and 10?

Possibly these timings of these events have nothing to do with time, but some kindof natural order from our creator...

Note: I being in the human science field am not advanced in physical science subjects... As I know many of you are, how feasible does this hypothesis seem, and any reactions?

(Theory is copyright TERPINATOR72, IE (name witheld).. Any use use citation along with proper credit where do.) ;)
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The aspect that planets actually bend light and attract it in a possible circular motion means that LIGHT ITSELF has some atomic structure for it to be possible to be "attracted" to planets... Within this this atomic structure would possible be the explanation to light along with its propertys.

Um...light (ie photons) are subatomic (belong to the boson class) and is massless. It is bent around a strong graviatonal source because it follows the geodesic of warpped spacetime... sort of like the path of least resistance or a marble rolling around a dimple.

Time not being static, is lunch on PLANET X still noon.... Is the ritual mass still sunday at 9, and 10?

Um...that's the whole point of relativity; that time is relative to the observer.

The aspect that planets actually bend light and attract it in a possible circular motion means that LIGHT ITSELF has some atomic structure for it to be possible to be "attracted" to planets... Within this this atomic structure would possible be the explanation to light along with its propertys.
IF we can identify these propertys, perhaps it would provide a solution to the ability to travel at the speed of light... We can identify the particle formulas, and actually condense them into some sort of ray... With these particles being high intensity, and high concentration and somehow "attached" to the spaceship, we could propell ourselves using the same forumla that planets or what not attract light..

Well given that that's now what we see in experiments it would be hard to turn ourselves into light without first converting ourselves into pure energy...a rather destructive process. The rest is pure technobabble....sorry.