Egyptians from Mars


Registered Senior Member
I recently saw a rerun of an old documentary about the Major Egyptian pyramids.
The facts as they reported them said that the most prominent pyramids have exactly the same layout and paracosmic measurments as a set of identical pyramids observed on the surface of Mars.
To the degree where a few thousand years ago, the strings of minor pyramids in each formation aligned exactly withe the point on the horizon where the sun rose on each planet.
Can anyone confirm or refute this?
Does anyone have any thoughts or information about this?
A thousand years ago times six, people looked at the sky and knew, somehow, that it was important. They invented astrology to help them understand it. Never mind that it wasn't true; that wasn't the point. What mattered was that they believed it, and blind faith will do a lot to calm your nerves when you are afraid that a flood will wash away your village. Today, despite our modern pretensions, we are no less irrational. We see shadowy faces in fuzzy photographs of Mars, and know that it must mean something. And so we build Martian civilizations in our imaginations. Crop circles appear in English fields and crank theories blossom around them, attributing the phenomenon to alien pranksters in UFOs or to plasmic fluctuations in the aether.

There is a book called "You Have More Than You Think," by David and Tom Gardner. I'm thinking of writing a sequel called "And Not Only That, You're Probably Thinking Too Much." We complicate things that are simple for no rational purpose that I can imagine. People will stare at a stock chart until their eyes go fuzzy, trying to make sense of the senseless. They will plot their trend lines and their resistance levels, their Bollinger Bands and their Leibnitz Pre-Harmonic Oscillators. Most of that time would be better spent building pyramids on Mars.

We human beings will complicate our lives by multiplying our hopes by our fears. We will make those emotions contend with each other in our imaginations, and stage those dramas in a theatre called The Unknown.
We complicate things that are simple for no rational purpose that I can imagine.

Why is that we complicate stuff that are irrelevant to our survival yet oversimplify (KISS) when it needs to stay complicated such as aligning business process to system design in a nonlinear multivariate environment - that results in laying off tens of thousands of people and a lot of pain and suffering....I wonder...

Human nature, I suppose...

You humans think in such three dimensional terms.

Personally I do not think tht these were Egyptians tht built those pyramids. Or maybe they were given super advanced technology from smone else.
explanation one - advanced ancient earth civilization(Atlantis)
explanation two - aliens visiting earhth. there are proofs for each of these . 1-follow the link. 2- read smth of Erich von Daniken
I duno (although I have heard about pyramids on Mars) if they are true, cause those photos are quite blury.
Men are from Mars... :D

May be...we will soon find out from NASA probes is a few years if there is really a pyramid there that has the perfect alignment like ours.
I believe Extraterrestrial Beings inhabited Mars at one point and very possibly built Pyramids there as well as here. Isn't it a little strange the Nasa only released blurry photo's of Mars. You expect me to believe that they do not have the capability to take a picture perfect photo of a structure on Mars, for example. Seems a little Suspect.
There are no artificial pyramids on Mars. The Mars Global Surveyor is in the process of checking out the surface in great detail. Rock formations in the Cydonia region previously claimed by some to be artificial have been clearly shown to be natural.
This site is excellent for Martian topography.

MOLA is the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter, an instrument currently in orbit around Mars on the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft. The instrument transmits infrared laser pulses towards Mars at a rate of 10 Hz and measures the time of flight to determine the range of the MGS spacecraft to the Martian surface. Range measurements have used to construct a precise topographic map of Mars that has many applications to studies in geophysics, geology and atmospheric circulation. MOLA also functions as a passive radiometer, and is currently measuring the radiance of the surface of Mars at 1064 nm.

James R is right. There are plenty of crackpot websites one may indulge. Look up Hoagland, wacko numero uno. :D
Did you know they've found evidence of Muppet life on Mars? Here's a picture taken by Viking 1 in 1976:

<img src="">
Aren't several of the Mayan pyramids of Mexico larger than the Egyptian pyramids?

No wonder Area 51 isn't located in Africa. :rolleyes:
Happy face! :)

If we find out that a large asteroid will wipe out life on earth in say 1 year, do you think, we will build some type of monument for posterity?
kmguru ...


If you wiped out 'all life on earth', what 'posterity' would remain?

Take care ;)
to rephrase from a movie called Wishmaster 2:evil never dies, I would say Life Never Dies. Even after the most cathastropic asteroid hit, bacterias and microbes would still survive and maybe in a few billion years there would be new advanced life forms of course if Earth is not fully destroyed. BTW, I prefer not to be hit by a huge pile of rock;)

ok, ok, but you got the idea, what I wanted to say.

If we find out that a large asteroid will wipe out______life on earth in say 1 year, do you think, we will build some type of monument for posterity?

If you wiped out 'all life on earth', what 'posterity' would remain?

It was really you, who said all life.
Take care;)
Let me rephrase...90% of humans! Since we do not know for sure, it will be 83.546% or 98.678%, I said "all" because it will feel like all...that movie about Extinction Level Event (ELE) still left a huge bunch of people...some in bunkers....
Oh scat ...

My goof!

I considered wiping out 'life' on earth as 'all life'.

Guess I'm just more ecumenical than most.

Take care ;)
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