Egyptian girl strips to protest; western media censors her photos


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
Its ironic really. An Egyptian blogger posted full frontal nude pictures of herself on her blog to protest the authoritarianism against women and all the pictures of her in western media outlets are censored!!

This is her blog post

This is how her protest has been presented in western media



They can reprint the Mohammed cartoons ad nauseum. But a naked woman!!! It will burn off their eyeballs.

Just goes to show how self censoring the media is, when it comes to their own societal taboos.
Just goes to show how self censoring the media is, when it comes to their own societal taboos.

Without the taboos, what would the media have left to talk about?
With all the verbose attempts to circumvent the taboos, they at least get to fill the papers and the tv news.
Foolish act of bravery? Egyptian activist risks her life after posting full frontal nude shot online sparking outrage among Muslims

I don't see the problem.

She wanted to provoke, and she did, and people got outraged.
Cause and effect.

Nothing new.
I'm talking about the irony of censoring her pictures while proclaiming the outrage of others.

Whose sensibilities are they protecting in the Daily Mail? Muslims?

Gee I hope she doesn't get murdered by the forces of muslim honor/morality :rolleyes:

If they kill her, do you think the media will post her uncensored photos? In solidarity?
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I'm talking about the irony of censoring her pictures while proclaiming the outrage of others.

Whose sensibilities are they protecting in the Daily Mail? Muslims?

If they kill her, do you think the media will post her uncensored photos? In solidarity?

If only she had worn a bikini top, Has she received death threats from outraged muslims?
I'm talking about the irony of censoring her pictures while proclaiming the outrage of others.

Whose sensibilities are they protecting in the Daily Mail? Muslims?

If they kill her, do you think the media will post her uncensored photos? In solidarity?

Not in the Mail by policy they don't post nude pics it would be so page 3. ;)
Seems that the media is always broadcasting violence to make peoples emotional response become less and less to that violence so that one day when it happens around them , they will just take it as another daily occurrence. If you see enough violence you do become "immune" and uncaring about it after awhile. :(
Obviously to some killing a person is more moral than seeing them naked.

Probably. We should just file these casualties as collateral damages so that their deaths become irrelevant. As long as the oil is flowing who cares what laws are passed there, right? Who cares if women have rights? If they are stoned? If they are forced to cover or uncover? Its all fodder for the mill of DEMOCRACY!

But what moral obligations is the Daily Mail under? Why did they censor the photos?
Probably. We should just file these casualties as collateral damages so that their deaths become irrelevant. As long as the oil is flowing who cares what laws are passed there, right? Who cares if women have rights? If they are stoned? If they are forced to cover or uncover? Its all fodder for the mill of DEMOCRACY!

But what moral obligations is the Daily Mail under?

Lol yeah the collateral damage of muslim morality :D

I repeat: But what moral obligations is the Daily Mail under? Why did they censor the photos?

Seems that the media is always broadcasting violence to make peoples emotional response become less and less to that violence so that one day when it happens around them , they will just take it as another daily occurrence. If you see enough violence you do become "immune" and uncaring about it after awhile. :(

Do you really think so? I've worked in hospitals for years and I can never get used to people being reduced to body parts. I think people can get desensitized to violence in abstract, I don't think any amount of exposure to violence can innure a person to walking through body parts of what used to be their neighbors

Not in the Mail by policy they don't post nude pics it would be so page 3. ;)

And this is a moral obligation to whom? Egyptians have a policy about posting nude pics too, which is what the girl is protesting:

حاكموا الموديلز العراة الذين عملوا في كلية الفنون الجميلة حتي أوائل السبعينات و اخفوا كتب الفن و كسروا التماثيل العارية الأثرية, ثم اخلعوا ملابسكم و انظروا إلي أنفسكم في المرآة و احرقوا أجسادكم التي تحتقروها لتتخلصوا من عقدكم الجنسية إلي
الأبد قبل أن توجهوا لي إهاناتكم العنصرية أو تنكروا حريتي في التعبير

Put on trial the artists' models who posed nude for art schools until the early 70s, hide the art books and destroy the nude statues of antiquity, then undress and stand before a mirror and burn your bodies that you despise to forever rid yourselves of your sexual hangups before you direct your humiliation and chauvinism and dare
to try to deny me my freedom of expression

If you censor the photo, it kinda misses the whole point, yes?

Foolish act of bravery? Egyptian activist risks her life after posting full frontal nude shot online sparking outrage among Muslims.

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I repeat: But what moral obligations is the Daily Mail under? Why did they censor the photos?

Nothing to do with morality. Each media outlet has it's own standards and practices in england some draw the line at posting nude pics (construing such as unnecessary or downright distracting in regard to the story being told) some don't. There may also be copyright issues to consider.

And this is a moral obligation to whom? Egyptians have a policy about posting nude pics too, which is what the girl is protesting:

حاكموا الموديلز العراة الذين عملوا في كلية الفنون الجميلة حتي أوائل السبعينات و اخفوا كتب الفن و كسروا التماثيل العارية الأثرية, ثم اخلعوا ملابسكم و انظروا إلي أنفسكم في المرآة و احرقوا أجسادكم التي تحتقروها لتتخلصوا من عقدكم الجنسية إلي
الأبد قبل أن توجهوا لي إهاناتكم العنصرية أو تنكروا حريتي في التعبير

Put on trial the artists' models who posed nude for art schools until the early 70s, hide the art books and destroy the nude statues of antiquity, then undress and stand before a mirror and burn your bodies that you despise to forever rid yourselves of your sexual hangups before you direct your humiliation and chauvinism and dare
to try to deny me my freedom of expression

Good on her and she found a vehicle for her expression. Living in Egypt she has quite the monumental task ahead of her.

If you censor the photo, it kinda misses the whole point, yes?


The protest and point being made is hers the mail is simply relating the story to its public so no not missing the point.
Nothing to do with morality. Each media outlet has it's own standards and practices in england some draw the line at posting nude pics (construing such as unnecessary or downright distracting in regard to the story being told) some don't. There may also be copyright issues to consider.

Do they censor naked pictures of statues and naked drawings in art? How is this different from the Egyptian policy on public posting of nude photos? Are Englishmen distracted by beautiful eyes or only by boobs?
Do they censor naked pictures of statues and naked drawings in art? How is this different from the Egyptian policy on public posting of nude photos? Are Englishmen distracted by beautiful eyes or only by boobs?

Again depends on the media outlet nudity is not illegal in british media as it is in Egyptian.
Again depends on the media outlet nudity is not illegal in british media as it is in Egyptian.

Except when its distracting right?

Like this:
One report on the Bikya Masr news website suggested the proposal was made after a member of the committee was attracted by a woman’s eyes as he walked along a street, provoking a fight.

Read more:

Come on Sam.
You criticised those Israeli Women for their half hearted effort.
Let's see you in the raw.

Warn us first though, so we can brace ourselves.

I'm not advocating nudity [and you DO NOT want to see me naked, take my word for it, when I 20 maybe, I could have given Aliaa a run for her money lol] I'm discussing the social strictures regarding what women wear or don't wear. We can flip it around to rules which force women to take off clothing they want to wear and it still holds true. Its no one else's business or should be, what any woman wants to wear.
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