Egypt Air 990


One Hissy Kitty
Registered Senior Member
Okay, what happened in the cockpit? Was the co-pilot suicidal? Was he on drugs? Was he part of some jihad? Or are we talking "Manchurian Candidate" here? Was it even the co-pilot, or was someone else in the cockpit?

Anybody want to venture a guess?
You want me to say aliens don't you. Was there by any chance a "flash" as the plane exploded? -aliens

Was the pilots' transmissions crackly as if they had just been interferred with by a UFO's propulsion system? - aliens

Did everyone mysteriously disappear - alien abduction

It's obvious.

Let them rest.

Accept it.
Whatever it was, it was strange. Hey, has the Bermuda Triangle moved North? Many a strange goings on over those waters between the Long Island Sound and the coast of Martha's Vinyard the past couple of years...
Hey, Bert. Why do you think I'd want you to say aliens? Did you want to say aliens? If I was figuring on aliens, I would have posted in the appropriate forum.

Is there some deeper issue in your life that you want to talk about? I have read another post from you and it follows the same patterns of other people suffering from Histrionic Personality Disorder. If this is the case, I urge you to seek professional help.

If this is not the case, turn down the brightness on your monitor and the voices in your butt will stop. :D

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited November 17, 1999).]
So Bert, let me see if your logic is correct. If a plane crash exhibits any trait that has been even loosely been reported in UFO/alien sightings, and even if only one such trait exists, then obviously aliens are the explanation. That makes perfect sense. Lets completely ignore the criminal and suicidal evidence, and rush to the theory of aliens, which has the least evidence!

Plus, if anyone questions you, they should "just accept it," because you obviously know everything relevant to the issue.
I think what you are taxing yourselves so hard on, and failing, is the grasp and understanding of the word "sarcasm".

Or is that a bit too patronising for you. You do understand patronising don't you?

Accept it.
Bert-what you don't seem to be able to grasp is that sarcasm has a place, but it's not here. Just because you add a smile and a wink doesn't mean it's acceptable behavior. Words can be weapons. Choose your very carefully, because some of us have been on the battlefield a long time.
Sorry Bert...I never look at the headers. My apologies, though I would appreciate a definition of this "patronising" thing.
Hey Bert,

I thought your post was quite amusing. I don't know why others didn't see the humor in it, or why they object to your particular brand of humor. To me, it's no more objectionable than anyone else's. Keep posting!

Why thank you searcher. I do not think it is objectionable behaviour to point the lunacies in some of the postings. Some people clearly need to get out some more.

Corp. Hudson, very good.

Accept it.
What happened to the plane was sabtoage by NWO bodies in the US NAVY/MILITARY. As was reported like 2 weeks ago but not to the public the back end of the plane was hit and rip off from the rest of the aircraft completely. Now it's been stated that people associated with the New World Order plotted and performed this task. They hit the plane with 2 particle/pulse beams and knocked out the computer systems which is why u would have to dip in height to regain control(so says a aviation expert of msnbc) so it was either a missile or bomb that rip the tail of the plane off and this was done by the US no less.
A article by newshawk. I was first skeptical but always open to this "path of thought". It's funny how this suicide theory is not even working with the egyptian media or government. Bottomline is the people from either the NSTB or FBI have induced that the tail was ripped off my unnatural means meaning that it didnt disconnect from the plane on impact.
Is there a link to this article? Or where can I read it? It sounds interesting.
Wow! Lots of headlines there! I wish I had time tonight to read them all.

I read the 990 report though. This "Hawkeye" doesn't identify his sources, so I'm more than a little skeptical, but I can answer his question about what happened to everyone on board. When things hit the water as fast as 990 did, they tend to disintegrate into unidentifiable pieces. Organic material, such as the occupants of airplanes, wind up doing their part for the food chain, and after passing through a fish's digestive tract, wind up as silt on the ocean floor.

Still, I wouldn't put anything past any government, not just the US. Let me know if you find unrelated sites that corroborate Hawkeye's story. It would be interesting to assimilate the information from independent sources and see what comes up.
I think it's all a big conspiracy just like that airliner that went to France last year or the year before. It could be a Jihad or the co-pilot was suicidal. Who knows what really happened and Egypt is blaming us for it.

everything is not what it
appears to be