Effects of Artificial Intelligence on workers

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I am a student studying Information Technology in Birmingham, England. For my dissertation I am writing a piece on the role of workers when Artificial Intelligence is used in the workplace. I have read many of the articles in this forum and they have been useful, you guys really seem to know what you are talking about.

I would greatly appreciate any additional information or guidance that anyone could offer me on the above subject

Many thanks

Hi Dominic:

Welcome to sciforums. First try the Google search on the topic. Also use the following word: Business Intelligence, Decision Support, robots, campaign management, supply chain....

Also check out the business magazine sites of Fortune, Forbes, Business Week too. Then, if you have some specific questions, post it here. We will do our best to answer from an industrial/business workplace perspective.

AIs are good for analysis of vast amount of information and these days are used for predictions, pattern recognition, weak signals, voice recognition, oil field activities, fault predictions, nuclear safety, credit card fraud detection, military enemy target acquisition, foreign currency transaction, economic modeling, telecommunication network routing etc.
DomMcG ...

Although many Expert Systems are in use, I now of no AI systems.

Correct me if I'm wrong, kmguru.

Take care, and welcome to Sciforums. :)
Good answer Kmguru.

Chagur, from this hamster’s perspective, historically expert systems have been considered part of AI. As AI techniques are incorporated into products they tend to be viewed as applications rather than AI. Same happened with chess playing programs, neural nets, and genetic algorithms.

Believe there are many AI systems in use that combine a mixture of AI techniques. AI systems are common in strategy games.
Thanks guys.

For the sake of this project I think it will give me a lot more to talk about if I include the likes of Expert systems, neural nets, genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic etc, even if they are not strictly AI systems.

I have looked up such things but only seem to be able to find complicated explanations, could any of you provide me with a more layman definition.

The main crux of the essay will be targeted toward the implications of such systems on the workers themselves, in all areas of the economy. So far I have concentrated on the the effects on unemployment, job security, and morale amongst workers. Are there any other implications for the workers that you think would be interesting to pursue?

Many thanks

Hey Guys,missed you a lot.:(

Proffessionally or officially speaking yes,the expert systems are considered to be part of AI.Genetic Algorithms that many people regard as AI are also nothing but Expert systems with a Different approach isnt it?

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