Effects by blood types


Registered Senior Member
The variable that greatly adds to the uniqueness of our biochemical individuality is blood type. Blood type is an individual’s genetic blueprint that determines his/her biochemistry and susceptibility to disease and environmental conditions, and also dictates diet and lifestyle choices. Not only are we different because of our blood type, but also it directly affects our health and longevity. http://www.longevitywatch.com/BloodType.htm


Is it true that the effects of blood type is alike as mentioned above? Do we have some variations in our biochemical individuality in relation to our blood type? What will be for ' O minus'?

Best wishes.
Can we make some grouping by some other concepts accepted in science-- which can show few similar/resembling groups with common chracteristics? Can there be acidic, alkaline, heat, cold, hypo, hyper...types?
You can make up groups of any types you want--but unless you have some kind of scientific evidence for them, they will remain only imaginary groups, in your own mind.

Back in the medieval period, people were divided into groups called the "Four Humors". Read this to find out about it.

As you can see, modern science no longer divides people up into groups called "humors". This is because there is no scientific evidence for it.

Other imaginary groups that other people have made up include things like astrology or "people who were born under different signs of the zodiac", and phrenology, or "people whose bumps on their heads prove different things about them".

Your groups, Kumar--those of "acidic, alkaline, heat, cold, hypo, hyper"--will be the same as astrology, phrenology, and the "humors" theory of disease, unless you get some kind of evidence that they are real. It isn't enough just to say, "I think that people should be divided up into these groups." Anybody can say that. But here at sci.forums we are interested only in things that have evidence for them.
Iris, thanks for scientific explaination. GI tract pH imbalances can be due to hereditory & constitutional reasons. Can't we divide on these imbalances types people & deal with them accordingly for healing purpose. These imbalances shows some personalities traits, behaviour & tempraments. Can't we base this theory on Persistance & heriditory Imbalances in: 1. stomach acid, 2. Bile & 3. pacreas bicarbonates. Can you tell me scientifically, if these balances are hereditory & can persist through out whole life of oerson if no medication is done? Any mistake in dealing with suitable pH may mean just opposite & can be a emergency & most serious?
Funny...... some info about the diet and health is right for me...... and that some isn't mere 10%......
An increase of 20% in blood Ph makes the temperature of the enzyme complexes associated to the plasma nucleus increase by 10% or 150 joule per red blood cell.

Quite an effect I would say.
But 20% increase in blood pH may mean something other. Can we relate some fixed/whole life pH persistance in digestive & internal environment?
Bile shifts slightly in its colouration to the red. Previously it was thought there was blood in the bile, but it is the altered configuration of the alpha sheets in the bile protein caused by pH increase. Although this effect is not seen in the native population of Bora Bora.
Thanks, new information. Is there something like black & yellw bile?

Furthur I experianced something opposite in whole body system by the increase in intestinal pH or decrease in stomach pH esp. control in persisted high blood sugar in Diabetic type 2 with IR 10 year old case.
Can we realte these factors with any of our permanent condition esp. stomach acidity, bile & intestinal bicarbonate?

Condition that increase by:-

Explosure to cold , no routine in yur life, eating to much dry, frozen or leftover food, or food with bitter, pungent or astringents taste.
Fasting, too much traveling, too much or inappropriate exercise, suppressing natural urges, abdominal surgery.
Not oiling the skin.

Condition that increase by:-
Exposure to heat, eating too much red meat, salt, spicy or sour foods. Indigestion and irregularity of meals. Exercising at midday, Drugs especially antibiotics.
Too much intellectual work/thinking. Alcohol, Fatigue.Anger,Hate fear, emotion.

Condition that increase by:-
Exposure to cold , eating too much sweet ,meat ,fats, cheese, milk, ice cream, yogurt, fried food, excessive use of salt. Excessive intake of water , taking naps after meals. Doing nothing .Sedative and tranquilizers. Doubts, greed, and possessiveness. Lack of comapation
It looks following aspect may be having some relavance:-

Any selfish interest may be a motive behind all behaviours & tempraments of any person unless exception (like madness..) is there. There are some factors which decides who can give or who can take the blood type.

Can then the behaviour of any person be dependent on type of his blood giving or taking quality & need--being his future selfish motive? A person with 'O' minus blood group can be a 'giver/donator/helping to most & sharing with least alike him'type person in temproment & behaviour.

Is it ok & if so what about other groups?