Edward Snowden Nobel Peace Prize Nomination


Valued Senior Member
Snowden Gets Nobel Nomination

President Barack Obama wants to see Edward Snowden clapped in irons and bound to the U.S. for a criminal trial. Two Norwegian politicians have a different fate in mind for Snowden: the Nobel Peace Prize. Norwegian parliamentarians Snorre Valen and Baard Vegar Solhjell nominated Snowden for the award -- the same honor Obama himself won in 2009 -- for his disclosures about National Security Agency spying. The idea that the Nobel committee would bestow its most prestigious prize on a man some in the U.S. consider a traitor drew a dismissive response from a White House official, who said Snowden instead should be tried as a felon. Snowden “should be returned to the U.S. as soon as possible, where he will be accorded full due process,” White House National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden said.
Ed should be returned to our Farm where we will parade him about the other Tax Cattle before trialing him in a mocked-up court of "Law" and butchering him for meat and milk.

War on Terror, what a Joke.
Patriot Act, what a travesty.

Sink already.....

The O-blah-ma presidency has been the hardest on Whistleblowers than any preceding POTUS in our history.
Let's see how the National Socialist Progressive Democrat Workers' Party does in the next election under Hitlery. I for one, hope she wins.

You want Big Government - you'll get it, and then some.
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Give it to his virtuous handlers instead.

Author Of New Snowden Book Explains How Russia Would Exploit A Disgruntled NSA Employee

Looks like Edward Lucas is trying to cash in. According to his own logic:
“[Whistleblowers] must have:
(1) clear and convincing evidence of abuse. There was (and is).
(2) Publishing the information must not pose a disproportionate threat to public safety. There wasn't and isn't.
(3) And the leak must be as limited in scope and scale as possible. It was.
Snowden failed all three of these tests.” Not he didn't.

Not that it matters. The average American is so stupefied following 12 years of daily Government "Education" that, while they may not be literate, they sure as can wave a flag and sign up to die is some made-up war somewhere. The Citizen's right to privacy isn't coming back. It's gone and it'll stay gone. Even if it requires amending the US Constitution to alter the 4th amendment.

So, on-wards and down-wards we go....
Looks like Edward Lucas is trying to cash in. According to his own logic:
“[Whistleblowers] must have:
(1) clear and convincing evidence of abuse. There was (and is).
(2) Publishing the information must not pose a disproportionate threat to public safety. There wasn't and isn't.
(3) And the leak must be as limited in scope and scale as possible. It was.
Snowden failed all three of these tests.” Not he didn't.

Not that it matters. The average American is so stupefied following 12 years of daily Government "Education" that, while they may not be literate, they sure as can wave a flag and sign up to die is some made-up war somewhere. The Citizen's right to privacy isn't coming back. It's gone and it'll stay gone. Even if it requires amending the US Constitution to alter the 4th amendment.

So, on-wards and down-wards we go....

Serious question, Michael: Why don't you move to North Korea? You can't loose ANY freedoms there.
Serious question, Michael: Why don't you move to North Korea? You can't loose ANY freedoms there.
You equate NOT wanting to be spied on BY the State in violation of the 4th amendment to... me wanting to move to NK?

Off the meds today are we?