editing in the the quran



read the passage below, then ask yourself why the very first verse of the quran given to Mohammad would end up as part of the 96th chapter? to me it's a sure sign of editing, thus ending the myth of the eternally un-created heavenly quran, edited by man, Calif Uthman & his staff of "jihadists of the pen", read "official propagandists"


Muhammad (pbuh) was forty years old when the first verses of the Holy Qur'an were revealed to him. They were the first verses of Surat al-Alaq (chapter 96), and they were revealed during the month of Ramadan 13 years before the Hijra, at the cave of Hira in Jabal al-Noor (the mountain of light), his favorite place for isolation and meditation, a place which is now visited by many pilgrims. Muhammad (pbuh) went back home heavy-hearted, profoundly perplexed, deeply impressed by the sight of arch-angel Gabriel and by the depth of meaning implied in those beautiful words:

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Proclaim (or read)! In the Name of your Lord and Cherisher who created (everything). (He) created man of a (mere) clot of congealed blood. Proclaim! And your Lord is the Most Bountiful Who taught (the use of) the pen, Who taught man that which he knew not... (Qur'an, 96:1-5)

He felt feverish, so he asked to be wrapped and, once he felt better, he narrated what he had seen and heard to his faithful and supportive wife. "By Allah," Khadija said, "Allah shall never subject you to any indignity..., for you always maintain your ties with those of your kin, and you are always generous in giving; you are diligent, and you seek what others regard as unattainable; you cool the eyes of your guest, and you lend your support to those who seek justice and redress. Stay firm, O cousin, for by Allah I know that He will not deal with you except most beautifully, and I testify that you are the awaited Prophet in this nation, and your time, if Allah wills, has come."
Muslims believe that the Arabic Qur'an is the perfect, word for word, revelation of God through Mohammad (pbuh). The translations of the Qur'an are deficient because the languages could never perfectly express the original text, and people are fallible in their translations (amoung other things). So any translation is more of an interpretation of the original and not meant to be exact renditions of the original itself.

Unless you can say the same for the Arabic version, I don't think you have a case when accusing the Qur'an of being edited. Also, how do you know it's not just a deliberate reitteration of the opening lines of the book?
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Muslims believe that the Arabic Qur'an is the perfect, word for word, revelation of God through Mohammad (pbuh).
Muslims & others may believe it now, but if they or you were to look at muslims own sources, it would say something diff, like:
Consternation because many quarra’s died in battle of Yamama
Surahs written on leaves, stones, bones & hides
Many diff qurans until Calif Uthman ordered its standardization
Many surahs not making it to the final edition
Yemen’s recently discovered mysterious qurans

The translations of the Qur'an are deficient because the languages could never perfectly express the original text, and people are fallible in their translations (amoung other things). So any translation is more of an interpretation of the original and not meant to be exact renditions of the original itself.
then islam is an arabic religion, since their god is monolingual, unable to make himself clearly understood by others, except by arabs
Is that the type of god non-arabs should pray to? Would ‘allah’ understand them? Or just flick the dust off his shoulders?

Unless you can say the same for the Arabic version, I don't think you have a case when accusing the Qur'an of being edited.
xandrique, don’t you find it odd that if the quran is not edited, that it goes from longest to shortest surahs? Don’t you find it odd, that ‘allah’ goes back & forth on whether to let there “be no compulsion in religion”, then orders jihad? That he is a deceiver?

Also, how do you know it's not just a deliberate reitteration of the opening lines of the book?
because islamic sources say so


Ahmad b. 'Uthman, who is known as Abu'l-jawza', has related to me on the authority of Wahb b. Jarir, who heard his father say that he had(, heard from an-Nu'man b. Rashid, on the authority of az-Zuhri from 'Urwa, from 'A'isha, who said: The way revelation (wahy) first began to come to the Apostle of Allah-on whom be Allah's blessing and peace-was by means of true dreams which would come like the morning dawn. Then he came to love solitude, so he used to go off to a cave in Hira 1 where he would practice tahannuth2 certain nights before returning to his family. Then he would come back to his family and take provisions for the like number [of nights] until unexpectedly the truth came to him.
He (i.e., Gabriel) came to him saying: 'O Muhammad, thou art Allah's Apostle (rasul3).' Said the Apostle of Allah-upon whom be Allah's blessing and peace: 'Thereat I fell to my knees where I had been standing, and then with trembling limbs(dragged myself along till I came in to Khadija 4 saying: "Wrap ye me up! Wrap ye me up !5 till the terror passed from me. Then [on another occasion] he came to me again and said: "O Muhammad, thou art Allah's Apostle," [which so disturbed me] that I was about to cast myself down from some high mountain cliff. But he appeared before me as I was about to do this, and said: "O Muhammad, I am Gabriel, and thou art Allah's Apostle." Then he said to me: "Recite!"; but I answered: "What should I recite?"; whereat he seized me and grievously treated me three times, till he wore me out. Then he said: "Recite, in the name of thy Lord who has created" (Sura XCVI, I).
All religious doctrine are subjected to correction and review at some stage of time. It's amazing how many people in the 21st century still hold on these meaningless ideologies to convince themselves that their very existance is the will of a divine entitiy.