Ecumenical Compromises

Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
Ecumenical Compromises

An Angel King gave me a Briefing on the planned New Dispensation – “The Three Peoples suffering from Drought need to be brought to the Water” – and the Angel knelt and drew a Map on the ground showing 3 Mountains (one to the North West, the second to the North, and the third to the South East, which was adjacent to a large Lake to its East). From this I inferred that the Three Higher Religions, which are now undergoing a Dry Period, would be brought to one New Spiritual Fountain.

I should have asked for clarification but I didn’t. However, I understand the Three Peoples to be Catholicism, Islam and the Sanskrit Traditions.

It is my hope that the New Dispensation will be ushered in with numerous Signs and Wonders. Today there are rather more people who are apathetic about the doctrines tenaciously held by any of the Institutionalized Religions, then those who would stubbornly persist in them. Such apathetic people would instantly be attracted to a Super Christ-like Saint or Prophet. But maybe it will not be that easy, or maybe God intends that some of the Religious Diehards be brought into the New Fold also. This would require that they accept some level of compromise.

As Christ said, you cannot pour New Wine into Old Skins. All of the Ancient surviving Religions are very ‘old skins’. They’ve poured out their wine, and now they all show themselves to be dry in the Spirit. Where Christians think they can convert Islam, or Islam that they can convert Christianity… well each would be humiliated to accept the complete doctrines of the other while rejecting all of their own. And to convert them by force would take 3 Generations to assimilate – three Generations which would be packed with murderous civil conflicts. It would not be worth it. Besides, these two Religions can hardly hold onto their present memberships, let alone expand. Christianity is falling prey to Atheists, Masons, Scientists and Secularists. Islam is falling to the same trends, with the added threat of Military Intimidation being foisted upon them by the West. A New Dispensation, to draw in the old Diehards from Catholicism and Islam will have to preserve the essentials of each Tradition while eliminating the offensive non-essentials. They would need to be offered something they obviously agree with, while being asked to give up ideas that they do not feel it worth fighting for.

Christianity could easily lose all the excrescent influences of Paul – salvation by Faith, rejection of Righteousness, Christ as a Polytheistic God – Christ taught none of these things. Islam – they could give up the notion that Mohammed was the final word from God… which will be easy enough for them when they are confronted by this next Great Prophet. The Sanskrit Traditions could demote their Multitudes of Gods and Goddesses to the rank of Arch Angels so as to side-step the charge of blatant Polytheism.
It is entirely possible that the 2nd Coming of Christ may appeal more to the Muslim or the Hindu. Most Protestants are fixated on the Scripture. The Second Coming of Christ is not specifically layed out in detail in the New Testament and so the Protestants will argue that it is not in the Bible and so it is not True -- just like everything else they dismiss.

I would hope that the Catholic Church would recognize the 2nd Coming. Even if the Bishops and the Vatican are slow to extend their recognition, there are always the hundreds of Contemplative Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods (Orders of Monks and Nuns) who often act autonomously from what they refer to as the 'Secular' Bishops.
Christianity could easily lose all the excrescent influences of Paul – salvation by Faith, rejection of Righteousness, Christ as a Polytheistic God – Christ taught none of these things. Islam – they could give up the notion that Mohammed was the final word from God… which will be easy enough for them when they are confronted by this next Great Prophet. The Sanskrit Traditions could demote their Multitudes of Gods and Goddesses to the rank of Arch Angels so as to side-step the charge of blatant Polytheism.

Well as a muslim I think that there is a "cause and effect" thing here.....if not for the corruption of the Bible by Paul/Saul (but not exclusively him) there would not have been a need for the Prophet(pbuh) to come with a definitve word to "clear up the mess" how could one ever ask someone to go from believing the Koran(which we believe came from God) to the Bible when most of its authors arent even known? Also even if there wasnt a Koran a muslim would never believe that God "begot a son" or that God would ever be "part of a whole".....peace to you
Leo Volont said:
It is entirely possible that the 2nd Coming of Christ may appeal more to the Muslim or the Hindu. Most Protestants are fixated on the Scripture. The Second Coming of Christ is not specifically layed out in detail in the New Testament and so the Protestants will argue that it is not in the Bible and so it is not True -- just like everything else they dismiss.

I would hope that the Catholic Church would recognize the 2nd Coming. Even if the Bishops and the Vatican are slow to extend their recognition, there are always the hundreds of Contemplative Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods (Orders of Monks and Nuns) who often act autonomously from what they refer to as the 'Secular' Bishops.

Muslims do beleive that Jesus(pbuh) is coming back
surenderer said:
Well as a muslim I think that there is a "cause and effect" thing here.....if not for the corruption of the Bible by Paul/Saul (but not exclusively him) there would not have been a need for the Prophet(pbuh) to come with a definitve word to "clear up the mess" how could one ever ask someone to go from believing the Koran(which we believe came from God) to the Bible when most of its authors arent even known? Also even if there wasnt a Koran a muslim would never believe that God "begot a son" or that God would ever be "part of a whole".....peace to you

Thank you for responding. I've never been on a page with so many Muslims, and expect to enjoy it. When the Angels came to me and told me that a New Dispensation was planned, I almost instantly thought upon Islam and that any New Dispensation would have to be seen as in accordance with Islam -- afterall, except for a small core group of Catholics here and there, Islam is the only Religion that still maintains a coherent following. Any World Religion would be seriously remiss if it were not to recruit Islam along with its viable institutions and moral structures. In this regards, I started my campaign within Christianity to withdraw canonization from Paul. Everything that causes friction between Muslim and Christian can be attributed to Paul. So Paul has got to go.

Muslims have never shown any disrespect to Christ -- only questioning that He is made co-equal to God the Father, which DOES fly in the face of every decent Monotheistic Intuition, which Islam, of course, upholds.

Islam has also shown the greatest Respect to the Blessed Virgin... indeed, more respect then is proferred by Protestants who, as per the Prophecy of Simeon, can not let Her name pass without insulting Her. To my knowledge no Muslim has EVER insulted the Blessed Virgin.

If I were to have my way, every Muslim would be entitled to take the Blessed Sacrament, as their obvious Submission to Allah -- 'God', in Catholic parlance -- makes them part of the Blessed Fold of the Righteous.
Leo Volont:

You believe you have been visited by angels? Please expand on that.

Thank you for your kind words :) ........

Muslims have never shown any disrespect to Christ -- only questioning that He is made co-equal to God the Father, which DOES fly in the face of every decent Monotheistic Intuition, which Islam, of course, upholds.

Indeed one HAS to believe in Jesus(pbuh) to be a a matter of fact one has to believe in all the Prophets to be a muslim:

"The Messenger believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, as do the men of faith. Each one of them believes in God, His angels, His books, and His Messengers. They say: 'We make no distinction between one and another of His Messengers.' And they say: 'We hear, and we obey. We seek Thy forgiveness, Our Lord, and to Thee is the end of all journeys.'" (Al-Baqarah, 2:285)

so we cant show any difference between Jesus(pbuh) than we would show Moses(pbuh) etc.... As far a Mary(pbuh) is concerned Islam states:

And when the angels said: O Marium! surely Allah has chosen you and purified you and chosen you above the women of of the world.

so we have much love for her....peace to you and your mission

In your opening post could you please quote the source of the texts since they don't appear to be your own.

James R said:
Leo Volont:

You believe you have been visited by angels? Please expand on that.

Oh! Are you the James R of the Rules? Of course!

I'm an old man and so I can look back over many years. I didn't always have these Angels, but before they came to me, I was going to them. From a young man I had a deep prayer life, and during the Sixties learned of Meditation and Mystical Religion. From that point I found that I was often transported spiritually to what I now call Elijah's Cave of Prayer -- it is a cave illuminated by thousands of candles and inside of it is a rough hewn altar where Seekers can pray their prayers. You need enter that cave and pray only once, and from that time on Elijah watches over your Soul... or at least he watched over mine. Years later I was again in Elijah's Cave and he approached me and told me "The Principalities of Heaven and Hell vie for your Soul", and he pointed upward to a Sky full of Dragons circling in aerial battle. I would have to decide between radical politics and Spirituality.

Before I was given Angels, I was given a Spiritual Horse -- Will Power which I had to learn how to control. It took years to make that Horse truly my own.

In some dreams I was tested. I was assigned to be Body Guard to the Young King in one dream. The King seemed silly but enthusiastic, and soon I was as willing to protect him as though he had been an infant. At the end of this dream a volley of arrows was discharged at him, and I stepped in the way -- and I learned that one does not die in Dreams. The Young King would recur in my Dreams, as well as my service to Him in various capacities. After some years of this I was told that I was given a Commission over 30 Angels.

In Meditation I hear their voices. In Dreams they are the characters who speak deliberate messages to me. And some Visions come direct.

The most powerful Angel I have seen was perhaps the Angel of God. It was as large as an Oak Tree and was luminous with Flames of every color of the rainbow. I immediately fell upon my knees in Its presence, and tears burst from my eyes -- even though I had no other emotion but surprise. In this Vision I was at the Tomb of Erasmus on which was graffiti saying that Erasmus would not live beyond the grave. I said, "ofcourse he would... all Souls do." This is when that Angel of God appeared. It said, "No-- not all Souls live beyond the grave. But Erasmus will". I intuited that most Souls do not speak to this Angel, but I boldly enquired, "What about me?" The Angel hesitated... I began to worry about the long pause, when the Angel finally said, "You too will live beyond the Grave, but remember One Thing -- that Birth is but an illusion and Christ is the Life in All Things".

That was a very great angel, but the Angels typically are simply agencies and messengers.

It was nice meeting you, James, we will have to speak again.
Leo Volont said:
I'm an old man and so I can look back over many years. I didn't always have these Angels, but before they came to me, I was going to them. From a young man I had a deep prayer life, and during the Sixties learned of Meditation and Mystical Religion. From that point I found that I was often transported spiritually to what I now call Elijah's Cave of Prayer -- it is a cave illuminated by thousands of candles and inside of it is a rough hewn altar where Seekers can pray their prayers. You need enter that cave and pray only once, and from that time on Elijah watches over your Soul... or at least he watched over mine. Years later I was again in Elijah's Cave and he approached me and told me "The Principalities of Heaven and Hell vie for your Soul", and he pointed upward to a Sky full of Dragons circling in aerial battle. I would have to decide between radical politics and Spirituality.
Hmmm. I hear that many people also had similar experiences during the sixties.

Before I was given Angels, I was given a Spiritual Horse -- Will Power which I had to learn how to control. It took years to make that Horse truly my own.
Is your name Wilbur by any chance?... Was your horse named Mr Ed?

In some dreams I was tested. I was assigned to be Body Guard to the Young King in one dream. The King seemed silly but enthusiastic, and soon I was as willing to protect him as though he had been an infant. At the end of this dream a volley of arrows was discharged at him, and I stepped in the way -- and I learned that one does not die in Dreams. The Young King would recur in my Dreams, as well as my service to Him in various capacities.
Leo, do you know and understand the difference between a dream and reality?

And no, one does not die in dreams. Hence why it's called a dream.

After some years of this I was told that I was given a Commission over 30 Angels.
Oh my!:eek:

Ermmm Leo, can I ask, who told you this?

So can you order these angels to do as you wish? Since you see it as a commission, are you paid for it? Given the key to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow perhaps?

In Meditation I hear their voices. In Dreams they are the characters who speak deliberate messages to me. And some Visions come direct.
How do you know these voices are the voices of angels? How do you know that ANY of the messages you are getting are from angels? How can you be 100% positive that it is angels talking and not your mind trying to tell you that you forgot to take the little blue pill?

The most powerful Angel I have seen was perhaps the Angel of God. It was as large as an Oak Tree and was luminous with Flames of every color of the rainbow. I immediately fell upon my knees in Its presence, and tears burst from my eyes -- even though I had no other emotion but surprise. In this Vision I was at the Tomb of Erasmus on which was graffiti saying that Erasmus would not live beyond the grave. I said, "ofcourse he would... all Souls do." This is when that Angel of God appeared. It said, "No-- not all Souls live beyond the grave. But Erasmus will". I intuited that most Souls do not speak to this Angel, but I boldly enquired, "What about me?" The Angel hesitated... I began to worry about the long pause, when the Angel finally said, "You too will live beyond the Grave, but remember One Thing -- that Birth is but an illusion and Christ is the Life in All Things".
Oh man!... I am trying soooo hard to restrain myself at the moment. I have one word for you Leo. Medication!

That was a very great angel, but the Angels typically are simply agencies and messengers.
What? Like the FBI? CIA? FedEx?:confused: Amway?:bugeye:
Leo I really hope that you do not believe that a group of skeptics are going to believe these tales about your encounters with angels, God, Mr. Ed, etc....
is it possible, that pig's fly in your world " LEO " and is the sky pink with yellow polka dot's.
is so then angel's have spoke to you.

I'd keep those sort of storie's to yourself, if you do not want to be ridiculed in the future.
and certainly dont say, I know what I saw, or I know it's true.
that will just compound the problem.
Dear Everybody,

I see a trend here. A lot of people on this page must totally be disregarding their subjective experiences, or they don't have any.

And I infer that a lot of people on this page do not believe in any spiritual or even psychic unity. Why not? Science now concedes at least a psychic unity, or the Pentagon would not be spending good money on Remote Viewing.

It can't be very much fun feeling as though you are isolated in a hopelessly separate individuality, guessing about your reality through perceptions you can't trust. Spirituality and Mysticism offer Unity and Direct Knowledge, but your skepticism keeps it out of your reach.
Bells said:
This is akin to when George Bush stated that God told him to invade Iraq.

I think you must be exaggerating. His political handlers would never let him say anything approaching "God told me to invade Iraq".

The political motivation to invade Iraq comes from the Neo-conservative clique which jumps when Pundit Bill Crystal snaps his fingers. The political support for the invasion of Iraq comes from American Jews of the Zionist persuasion and Protestants who believe that toadying to Israel will give them a Divine Alliance with the Chosen People which will get them into Heaven. It is odd that they should strike up a partnership with those who have renounced their Christ, no longer putting any store in the Christian Dispensation but returning to the primitivism of the Old Testament -- but all that Evangelical Trash never were very famous for the amount of thought they were willing to put into the beliefs they are willing to fight for.