

Registered Senior Member
At times while I meditate, I get this sensation thats really powerful, like .... and orgasim or something but stronger, Like getting a little shock.
Its been spreading more lately when I feel it. First it started at my lower spine, and that was like a month ago. Then I started feeling it spread up to my middle. And nowadays I feel it in my neck. Now when I feel something like little needles poking in my neck, the feeling starts from bottom up all the way up past my head then to the center of my head. The feeling isnt exactly on my spine its on the sides, sometimes the right sometimes the left.
Its really a strong feeling that I can't focus on it cuz its a painfully good experience. I've never been able to continue it with at one time, so I guess that's why it spreading slowly from time to time. When I try to focus on it when it happens my body jerks and I let go, feeling very alive when its done.
What is happening to me? Sometimes I feel as if I can float or something when this is going on, my body seemed like it was moving backwards when I wasnt , other night it happend which is why I typed this up.
Can anyone plz give me some info ? pllz

Thnx bye
It all has to do with your mind, my friend. From what I've read, their is a similariy between meditation and self-hypnosis, and this does effect your state of nature, and physiological feelings.

A properly trained mind can ignore severe pain, cold, intense heat, and other such conditions. In a state of nature, a deep sense of calm like that in some form of concious meditation can be percived by animals. If you have a gentle nature, tame animals will not run from your presence. I've seen people in such states walk within inches of small nests of ducklings without a mother duck attacking them, and pet wild deer.

I don't profess to know everything... but I do know that a meek character does certanly have to do with such things.
What your experiencing is called Kundalini, that's to say I'm pretty sure from your discription, very good, as you know, I'm not realy going to tell you anything about it, read it from somebody who knows, Kundalini Tantra By Swami Satyananda Saraswati is the best I've found so far, extremily good, he covers pretty much everything, right down to scientific bio-electric energy experiements, that while still in an infantile state a the moment are yeilding realy suprising results, I'm going to post about it soon in as much detail as I can, so you might read that, I'm not sure if you will be able to find this book though, my yoga teacher bought it for me from an ashram, still their heaps of stuff on the net about it, so go hunting,
Just to note, if your doing good meditational practices they'll be a long way from self hypnosis so you don't need to worry to much about that,
I do have a question for you though, when you get this feeling, are you eyes closed? If they are what are the visuals behind your eye lids?
And you not alone in this feeling, I've had it, so as my friend, he didn't know what it was until I told him either, the only problem with me is it used to come while I was on acid, so I'm pretty scanty on the concrete reality of it, I've only lightly experienced since then, I wish I could get right back in the thick of it so I could explore it better, also don't worry so much what is happening to you if you can, try just to watch and see where it takes you, also try and find "The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyan" it's very symbolic poetry, and is pretty old, but replace wine with the feeling your getting, it's been known as the wine of the Mystics,
Oh' one other thing, is this feeling acompanied by any sounds, noises that are sort of in your brain, not so much your ears?
Is the tingeling you speak of like a wierd pressure in specific pionts of your body, like in the middle of your chest, in between the eyes?
If you could answer my questions I'd realy help me to,
Have fun
COol =)
Good respones and thnx very much
I'll try to answer your questions with best of my knowledge cuz it hasnt happend since I wrote topic about it.

I saw a flashing light behind my eyes and it had a feeling of vibration to it. I dont hear ANYTHING when this happens even when I heard the tv in other room and outside noises before it happens though I do hear a buzzing before it starts. Usually the buzzing starts before I see the lights in my head.

As for the pressure... Its not really like pressure more like a release of pressure. Feels very good. I usually feel it at the sides of my spine from bottom up or from the neck down. But my head is different story now thats a feeling of pressure its like my head is going to explode and it kinda hurts like a headache. And my forehead vibrates with the light I see. Oh yea and I get real warm feelings in my body.

This reminds me. Other night I was trying to astral project and same thing happend but it was different. It started with my chest instead of neck or bottom. It was like I got electrocuted and it hurt just for an instance. I could feel the "electricity" I call it that cuz thats what it seemed like. Anyway it felt like my chakra there was real clear and open , I could feel my lungs like its real clean or something , felt good =) But the "electricity" started to spread but it wasnt hurting it felt like liquid slowly spreading up and down my body in a straight line from my chest. It was different feeling cuz it wasnt like the normal kind of painfully good ecstacy feeling. It was like a coolbreeze was flowing through my spine.

I dont know how I make these things start. All I do is try to relax my body and think of nothing and I guess doing that makes me be more aware of my body and the feelings get stronger and stronger till what I've said happens.
I use to meditate before I knew about chakras and all that type of stuff. And I use to do same thing just relax and clear my mind. But since I've been meditating on my chakras and trying to be my higher self I've been gradually getting those feelings.

I've been looking up some stuff on kundalini but most say same thing. I like this one forum I read about kundalini but they dont recognize it as that. Anyway they focus on the Dan Tien or navel chakra and build energy there and send that energy to the root chakra and then focus on the tail bone. They said that at base of spine theres a little hole but its partly blocked by tissue or something and if you have enough energy the enegy can go break through it making a clean route for energy to go up the spine.
I'm just kinda scared that when I do get a full blown kundalini opening that its going to do more bad than good.

Thnx for reply I hope this helps

Dont get preoccupied with this stuff, if you get attached to it or concieted about it youll get stuck. Find someone to talk to about it.
Find a hindu temple or a zen center in your area and give them an earful.
If nothing else ask this guy:

He's gotten me through some pretty hairy shit, he can help you figure out what this means and get you back on track.
Treelyfe, the feeling you described is something that I have
experienced. In fact until now, I thought it was just some
weird physiological event that was unique to me... but lo and
behold others experience it! There are some differences between
your experience and mine so let me outline them.

* I can actually bring on the feeling at will (I dont meditate nor
have I ever meditaed before). I can bring on the feeling in
my car driving to work or at home while watching tv...
you get the point.

* I can bring on the feeling extremely quickly in the presence of
music that really sounds good for me. Certain guitar solos,
chord combinations, etc... kind of facilitate bringing on the
feeling much quicker and with alot more gusto behind it.

* When I start the feeling it typically starts in my head -OR-
spine and can project all the way to my fingertips and/or toes
depending on the intensity behind it.

* Once I start the feeling, I can start another one shortly after
and keep on perpetuating it. I find that after 10 times or so,
it becomes a little draining to keep it up and usually stop.

* I actually found a practical use for this feeling (although it
may only apply to me). If I just wake up from a deep sleep,
I can initiate the feeling and I will nearly instantaneously be
thrown into a lucid dream! The interesting part is that the dream
will start in exactly the same context that I awoke (in my bed in
my room).

* I don't recall ever experiencing any sound with the feeling. I
also don't recall ever experiencing any visuals either; although,
I never really made the observations...

I am interested to know more about your experiences with this.


tree liyfe

what you have descibed reminds me of what maharishi mahesh yogi once said to his students there will be times when after you have invested a sufficient amount of time into meditation your sences will be over flooded with emotion and pumped up energy aches and pains, while this is happening you should continue through and these pains will eventually stop

Hey there =)

Cool how you can bring it on will. I've been able to bring the vibes on will myself lately but it takes a while before it gets to the intense feeling. I'm like you , when I listen to certain music the vibes come quicker. I can bring it watching tv and stuff but I have to be sitting or relaxed I guess, I try to do it while Im walking but I cant feel it.

When I get the vibes I seem to have more control over it lately. I can make it go to my fingers easy or my toes, takes little more will to get it to my head. I love it when its between my shoulder blades =). Sometimes when I meditate I send it to my hands and think theres something between them and I can feel a repulsion or attraction feeling in my hands like there magnets.

Yea it is tiring, maybe thats why I usually go to sleep after long meditation. I dont have the pleasure of an instant lucid dream thing like you do, it sounds like more of an astral projection , what your saying.

As for sounds it can be a buzzing noise that can get intense that my head will explode at times when i concentrate on it. And the lights i see come and go at times. I dont try to hear or see those things but when I do they get intense. Lately I hear voices not in my head but in the room i guess. Or see colored hazes. Thing is when Im not trying to hear or see things they come easier then when I try.... weird.

Maybe astral projection can come easier to you than it does with me =). Like I see things in the air as easily as u can project.
I dont know what the feeling is suppose to be for or what you can do with it. Maybe it is like pyshic energy and u can enhance your abilities when you focus the feeling to something?
I like to think its healing =)
Interesting... to bring on the feeling requires different levels
of effort between us, but listening to something we like brings
it on faster (a commonality) and maintaing the feeling is draining
(another commonality). My feeling seems to be a facilitator
of near-instant lucid dreaming while yours brings on audo and
visual phenomenon. I wonder how many other 'uses' for this
feeling people have found and I wonder if our commonality
applies to others? (any takers?)

As far as Astral Project/ is concerned... well I am actually still
searching for some proof of any kind of psi/paraphysical abilities
(I started a thread on it). Alot of my experiences with lucid
dreaming have been increadible but at the same time they
seemed to be just dream content (nothing special beyond that).

This 'feeling' is very important to me (even though I don't bring
it on too often) as it at least lifts the idea of something
psi/paranormal to a hypothesis (rather than just a belief). This
thread caught my eye big time as until recently I thought I was
the only person on earth who experinced the feeling. The very
fact that there are others presents a good starting point for me
to begin exploring something that could potentially help me prove
to myself (and I am a tough customer! :)) some very significant
aspects of reality (not to mention the gazillions of theories that
could be spawned off of such a proof).