Eco Freindly: To kosher or not to kosher - or - does God hate Mother Earth?


Valued Senior Member
Is Keeping Kosher Good for the Environment?

Replacing non-kosher pork with an equivalent 48 pounds (22 kilograms) of beef releases about 1,504 pounds (682 kilograms) of greenhouse gases annually, compared with 1,378 pounds (625 kilograms) of carbon a year for pork.

Tuna are energy hogs when compared to shrimp, needing about 460 gallons (1,740 liters)—twice the fuel of trawling for shrimp—to harvest the same single metric ton of tuna. That adds up to a massive 10,212 pounds (4,632 kilograms) of carbon dioxide per catch. So eating four pounds a year would have a footprint of 18.5 pounds (8.4 kilograms) of carbon dioxide, almost twice the shrimp eater's footprint.

Something to think about,
kosher had real benifits when it first developed, in fact the probabition against pork is the same as the rule of always cooking pork to well done. now that we have the technology to certify them disease free its compleatly unnessary to cook pork all the way through and the same goes for kosher

as for shell fish the invention of decent reliable refrigeration eliminated the risk that was present with shell fish which can go off really fast in hot weather

these were all very sensable rules but the problem is they got mixed up with religion and now the reason for the rules is lost and they are just an irrelivent ritual
Sorry, the effect of millions of cow farts have more effect globally than we do. Taking care of the environment is one thing, but, ascribing man the power to cause global heating and cooling is taking it a bit far. Eating kosher meaning the reduction of cows? Could be an environment saver after all.
you have it backwards my friend

kosher means EATING beef over pork not the other way around
Sorry, the effect of millions of cow farts have more effect globally than we do. Taking care of the environment is one thing, but, ascribing man the power to cause global heating and cooling is taking it a bit far. Eating kosher meaning the reduction of cows? Could be an environment saver after all.
You do realize that the reason there are so many cows is because of us right?
When I was in India, I ate vegetables rice, chapatis and lentil everyday, fish twice a week, and chicken once a week [Sundays]. We had organ meats maybe three times a year, beef maybe once a month and goat once or twice a year.

When I was in Saudi Arabia, I had fish once a week, rice lentil vegetables everyday, a LOT of fruit, chicken twice a week and meat once a month.

In the US, I ate meat almost everyday. Mostly because of the work ethics [less relaxed], time constraints and poor quality or taste of most vegetables and fruits. Fresh being more expensive than canned, for example.

These calculations about beef and pork ignore the fact that its not a one to one replacement. Its a lifestyle.
The study takes into account people have a life style of eating meat and sea food. If you never ate meat, then you'd have an even smaller eco footprint... if God cared about the earth She would have invented a planet that could accommodate her silly dietary requirements or added stimulation: Once humanity has breached the 1 trillion mark, oh, cut back on all meat and live on as vegetarians. Or, how about, once humanity has reached 6 billion humans, only have a max of 2 children, so sayeth the Lord....
michael, ever noticed that the more fundementilist a person is the more children they seem to have?
Actually, the poorer people are the more children they have. Fundamental nations obviously tend towards being poor. Unless they sit atop a pile of oil.
actually i was talking about fundermentilist christans in places like the US and Australia not people living in the third world
well, do they? I mean, I don't know many people that have large families here. I know a lot of white trash in the USA that have huge families....
the adverage goes up the further down the socioeconomic ladder you go (a search of the ABS data will prove that if your interested), the conection to religion is slightly harder to make but it does seem anicdotaly that the lower you go on the SE ladder the more people worry about religion, this could have something to do with the conection between SE and education but *shrugs*