Eating A Well Cooked Fetus


Registered Senior Member
I just had a thought, if a woman aborts a fetus (No matter what stage), and then proceeds to sell the fetus for science, or even eat the fetus for pure pleasure, is it illegal? Or wrong?

On the topic of food; I’m not the first to have this thought. Jonathan Swift wrote A Modest Proposal, in which he describes eating children to benefit the poor and hungry. So is it wrong because the woman killed it herself, and it’s already dead, or is it an abomination?

Note1: I couldn't resist using WellCookedFetus' name as a joke, I'm sorry.
Note2: This has to be, hands down, the weirdist topic that I've ever started.
Hello Coffee,

It wouldn't be wrong to eat an aborted fetus. It also wouldn't be wrong to eat the corpse of your mother. At least one culture regularly ate the remains of their family members (they also had a bit of a problem with prions). The bestselling book from the 70's, Alive!, was a truish story about the rugby team that survived an airplane crash but had to resort to cannibalism in order to stay alive (I played rugby back then and I remember the t-shirt saying, "Rugby Players Eat Their Dead").

Devoid of human life, a human body can be thought of as a food source, though I prefer to think of it merely as compost. The reason we don't eat our dead has mostly to do with culture and tradition (and now, medical science), rather than morality. If you and I were stranded at sea in a lifeboat, and I died first, I'd be pleased to know that you managed to survive by consuming my remains. And despite the fact that I've been a vegetarian for the past 25 years, I'd be chewing on your fingers within minutes of your (natural) death.

Counsler - If I recall correctly, in A Modest Proposal Swift stated that the Irish should eat their children at Christmas instead of turkey. I think this is because he hated Irish people. (Possibly because they were Catholic.)
I think the sage words of Boy on a Stick and Slither can frame this question better than any of us

Sorry for just injecting that link like that, but its topical and I really can't imagine this thread was serious to begin wtih. Also, eating those valuable stem cells would be wrong. We need those to develop cures for various awful diseases, and once those diseases are out of the way, horrific human/animal hybriding.
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SpyMoose said:
We need those to develop cures for various awful diseases, and once those diseases are out of the way, horrific human/animal hybriding.

Rock on! We need to develope a race of vulpine and lapine sex-slaves, oh and of course some very stealthy spy moose.

Oh, and for those of you who think that you'd be too good for human/animal hybrid sex slaves, then think again, we all know you'd get curious eventualy and go for it.
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I have no problem with designer sex slaves, but I only ever hear stories about them getting free and killing everyone who ever hurt them...

Edit: Okay, maybe I do have a problem with slaves.
I have seen chickens eat there own eggs, and many insects and arachnids eat there offspring alive. I’m sure in may third world countries it would not be unheard off, In fact I heard something about cannibalism in NK.
Well now, when you think about it, why should the poor get this extra nourishment? It would just be incentive for them to have more babys so there is something to eat! Why not let the RICH eat the poors babys? They will certainly put the enery to more productive use, and if I understand my supply side economics correctly, feeding poor babys to the wealthy will create more jobs!
Who will get these jobs?
I'm thinking wealthy men's wives are the ideal candidates, unless the jobs are difficult, in which case the wealthy mens wives will have assistants that do all the work. The assistants can be community servants.
Are you suggesting that wealthy men do not have the right to give thie wives jobs? Do you think the government should go around mandating who should hire who, and what people can eat what other peoples babys? You are nothing but a liberal elietist who wants to restrict the rights of the people that make this nation work!
Aborted fetuses are eaten in china as health food. It's not illegal AFAIK, but there may be some health issues here.