Easy way to solve this mystery once and for all.

Commander X

Registered Senior Member
Everybody has heard of the phrase, "Money Talks, Bullsh*t Walks".

Well I have an easy solution to this whole UFO dillema. Simply get a super rich person, Like Bill Gates or Paul Allen, (the 2 founders of Microsoft) to post a full page ad in USA Today, and every major Newspaper world-wide, that they will pay 100 million dollars to anyone who brings them absolute no question about it, hard evidence that will simply prove once and for all, that aliens are visiting our planet, and have been visiting for at least 50 years, if not more.

There is no question, that the hard evidence is out there. It's simply a matter of who is holding that evidence, and why they won't bring it forward. The secret Government with the U.S. that is running the whole show, probably has about 95% of all the real hard evidence. The other 5%, is out there in some individual peoples private storage facilities. They are probably fearfull of the lives, if they were to bring it out into the open, but with 100 million dollars dangling in their face, they would probably be stupid enough to come forward.

The key to this whole thing, is that they would have to word it very carefully, because there are alot of phonies out there that would try to fake something, or have something, that while very interesting, doesn't prove a damn thing. I'm talking about something so obviously alien, and obviously not of this world, that once it is presented to the entire worlds press, it will not leave a single doubt in anybody's mind that aliens are indeed very real, and currently visiting this planet right now.

For example, I would say that you only get the 100 million if the polls of people who believe aliens are visiting this planet, go from the current 38 percent, to above 90 percent.

It would probably take a few years after the artifact was presented, that the polls would go up that high, so the person presenting the evidence would have to wait several years before collecting the full 100 mil.
The flaw in the plan is that there is no profit to be had, and you would have to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that what you had was genuine before you could get someone like Mr. Gates to part with his money. They don't get that rich by giving it away. Screw that "for the good of mankind" crap. There's no money in it. The possibility of extraterrestrial trade agreements is so remote that there is no way in hell anybody would justify budgetting for it. Tariffs, shipping costs, manufacturing, let's look at this from a business standpoint. You couldn't even get decent laborers out of an ET, nor could they get decent laborers out of us without conquering the planet first.

The money to be had is in getting their technology and severely limiting it's availability on the terrestrial market. If it's readily available to everyone, we would all be better for it but all that profit would slip on down the drain for the select few who control the big bucks. By not even allowing us to know that any trade is going on, we won't try to establish our own ties and thus threaten the power clique.

Of course, this is just a viewpoint on a strange situation from a capitalist stance. I recommend such publications as "The World Affairs Companion" and the CFR's own periodical if you want to get a good look at how much money and raw capitalism on a global scale affects the little guy.
First off, 100 million to Bill Gates or Paul Allen, is like 1,000 bucks to you and me. Sure, it ain't peanuts, but I would surely part with 1,000 dollars to solve the greatest mystery in the history of this planet.

Secondly, yes Bill or Paul would have nothing more to gain than the fact that they would go down in History, as the individual who blew the doors of the greatest coverup in the history of this planet.

Also, you would have to consider the fact, that they would now own this piece of physical evidence, which they could put in a special museum and charge 10 bucks a person to see. After about five years, they would have their 100 mill paid for. Not to mention all the TV Networks and Magazines around the world that would have to pay some money to have access to pictures of the object and a full story about the object.

The reason I thought of this, is I just saw on the news that Paul Allen donated 10 million to SETI.

I really think, he could have spent the money better by offering that 10 million for proof of the existence of E.T. I think 100 million for sure would blow the lid off. You would of course have fine print that would require the person who claims the reward to have absolutely smoking gun evidence that would put this whole issue to bed.

Then the U.N. and President Gore would have to get together and decide how to go forward in terms of officially carrying on relations with the E.T.s, and the true, "New World Order".
It's worth pointing out that with the money these guys make, they need tax shelters.

Do these guys even believe in extraterrestrial intelligence? If they didn't, why should they part with one penny to prove it? Could I get you to part with $1000 to prove that my dog can speak english?

These guys are already famous for the money they've amassed. Why would they need fame for something so unprofitable as exposing a coverup? If they did attach their names to such an endeavor, their investors who don't feel the same way would probably think that these guys have lost their minds and investor confidence would take a sharp downturn. The odds are that their reputations would never recover and it's back to living on coffee and cold sardines for the once-richest men on the planet.

A local boy around here, the CEO of big firm, left his position to use his resources in the pursuit of evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence. All it got him was an unemployment check. Nobody will hire this guy because he's labeled as a nutcase. I don't recall his name right now, but he partied in the same circles as Billy and Paul. He went from fame to flames in a heartbeat. The same thing could happen to them, especially if nobody can come through.