Easy As it Gets


Registered Senior Member
You know what? This is as easy it gets. I am currently at a point in my life where everything is as simple as it can possibly be.

I'm upper middle class. Money therefore is never a major problem.
I'm white. I have never and likely will never suffer racism.
I'm male. I will never suffer sexism in the same way women can.
I'm young. I drink, I use to smoke pot (probably will again by october or so, then quit for two more months then back again for good), I sleep 3 hours a night (not my fault).
My body can take any abuse possible. Literally, I heal from injuries as fast as humanly possible.
I'm fit. I will never (again) suffer any pain of being overweight. Rather, I'm about as fit as I can be.
I'm athletically talented.
I'm remarkably intelligent compared to the people in my area that are my age. I think this must be something about my area because the stupidity is remarkable in my school. One of the most "politically respected" girls in our grade thinks kids 16+ should be allowed to vote. When she was 15 she said 15+, when she was 14 she said 14+ and.... That's her only actual point.
Since grade 7 I have not done homework. It was the beginning of second term in grade 7 that I stopped completely (theres actually an interesting reason behind this). For the last two terms of last year I didn't even do class work except in English, Drama and occasionaly Science yet I walked away with an A average in one of the highest academic high schools in Toronto. I'm convinced there's some sort of fairy that follows me around and does my work when I'm not looking or something.
I'm tall (hey, I've heard people complain about being short so I'll throw this in).
I can safely say without being too egotistical that I'm fairly attractive.
I can play music on three instruments.
My job is fun; I build bikes and then sell them. Not exaclty difficult if you're a competent salesman (I've learnt from the best, which I'm very grateful for) and decent with tools.

Prompted by Xev's 'Im getting...' thread I've realized that the reason that I can take so much joy in small things. I have it as easy as fucking possible. I don't think there could be one thing to make my life more simple. So perhaps this is what I take joy in. Just knowing that I've hit the top. I have absolutely no right to complain about anything.
Actually, now that I think about it, maybe it's depressing. This is as good as it gets. I'm 16 and my life goes downhill from here.

Ah well. Enjoy it while it lasts eh?
Originally posted by Tyler

I'm white. I have never and likely will never suffer racism.
Go overseas. I found racism against whites quite common in Asia, and we see from Mugabe that it's very easy to establish as a government policy in at least part of Africa.
I didn't revise for my exams and passed with flying colours (well, not all of them:D )
I've realized that the reason that I can take so much joy in small things. I have it as easy as fucking possible. I don't think there could be one thing to make my life more simple. So perhaps this is what I take joy in. Just knowing that I've hit the top. I have absolutely no right to complain about anything.

I hope you realise how unusual this is - in a very good way. It's been too often my experience that people with the least reason to complain make a career of it.
"Go overseas. I found racism against whites quite common in Asia, and we see from Mugabe that it's very easy to establish as a government policy in at least part of Africa."

Really? I didn't find too many problems in Asia, though I admitt I spent minimal amounts of time there. I found being treated to an extreme version of a tourist, but that was all.
And while I'd love to I can't see myself going to Africa anytime soon.

"Tyler, you have no challenges? Go and get them then."

I've discovered I much prefer a challenge if it's thrust up on me. A challenge I come up with I always know subconsciencly it doesn't matter if I make it or not. I'll have a challenge come October when hockey starts back up.

"I didn't revise for my exams and passed with flying colours"

I know what you mean. Final exam studying times - one hour for math, one hour for science. My mom use to yell at me for not doing homework or studying saying it would seriously bring down my grades, I think she just doesn't bother anymore because she knows I haven't seen my grades go down.

"I hope you realise how unusual this is - in a very good way. It's been too often my experience that people with the least reason to complain make a career of it."

And I did at one point. Eventually it just stops being worth it.

Plus I have the easiest job ever. I get paid to play computer games
I can't help but notice that everything you've elected to "take joy in" centers completely around you. I'm not saying you should save the world, or anything even close. But maybe there's more to life than having it easy...maybe there's more to life than just you. Just a thought.

Tyler, whens that mass suicide thingy going on?
You've just decided now?????

Everyone should know that ;)

Tyler, next Tuesday alright for you. Shall I bring some virgins?
I can get ahold of 3 virgins to be sacrificed in your name. Please state the manner of the sacrifice. Do you want the standard 'Lay them on a stone slab and stab them in the stomach' job or something more exotic?
Hmmmm. I require 18 virgin women to dance around the slab chanting for 3 hours. And then after the other virgin is sacrificed (the 19th) the 18 are sent to my room for 3 days and then let free.
hehe, i'm waiting to see your face when you find out that your 18 virgins are a bunch of fat pimply rejects who will do anything to get a little lovin'. :D
Can we make it 20 so I can 'let one free'

But 19, no probs. Any goats to sacrifice or to 'ahem':D
Ah Tyler, to be young again.

Yes, at your age you have the world by the horns. Later, that changes. It is nice to see that you appreciate how it is for now.

There will come changes later for you. And challenges enough to add to it.

One day you must go out into the world and forge your own way. When school is over and it is time to pickup the reins of adulthood. Then, things will start changing. Slowly at first, but have faith, the pace picks up.

For most, they find the woman they seek. Then comes the house, the kids, the bills, and all of the other little things that make up life. There will be times to challenge the most capable of us.

In the states for instance, because you are of the majority is no sign that you will not be discrimated against because of race. Just because you are most qualified does not mean you get the job, promotion, or position. Being a minority gives you greater advantage. So in your sameness you are discriminated against in favor of those who have less competance and therefore less chance to land the goal you seek. (mandated by law)

The ability to recover from abuse will also degrade as you age. Your miraculous ability to recoup will go down hill and your recovery time will increase the older you get. Even in your late 20's and 30's you will see a lengthing in the time of recovery. (trust me on this)

While your job is fun will it pay the bills when you support yourself and family? When you pay the ulitilities every month, the wife needs glasses, the kids need school clothes, and the mortage payment is due? And it is time to purchase a new car because the cluncker is on it's last legs?

These are things you have to look forward to. There are many benefits to go with them that are fun to do but responcibility also goes with it. I hope your life continues to be excellent, that you obtain all you deserve and are worthy of that you seek in life.

Things will change a bit when you seek your fortunes in life...