Easter Fun: Jesus and the Egg


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
The story so far:

Australia's public schools don't have school chaplains—not anymore. They've got a bad case of the separation of church and state down there too. What Australian schools have are "Christian volunteers." That's the law. But the law didn't stop a school chaplain Christian volunteer at a grade school in Adelaide from identifying himself as "school chaplain" on a permission slip sent home to parents. The permission slip was for an off-site "presentation" about the "true meaning Easter," and the school chaplain Christian volunteer had gone to the trouble of ticking the "I give my child permission" to attend box on behalf of the parents. That ticked off one non-Christian parent ....


The result of this silly situation is an email exchange that is nearly humorous. I mean, it starts off well enough, with agitated father David Thorne explaining—

From: David Thorne
Date: Wednesday 10 March 2010 7.12pm
To: Darryl Robinson
Subject: Permission Slip

Dear Darryl,

I have received your permission slip featuring what I can only assume is a levitating rabbit about to drop an egg on Jesus.

Thank you for pre-ticking the permission box as this has saved me not only from having to make a choice, but also from having to make my own forty five degree downward stroke followed by a twenty percent longer forty five degree upward stroke. Without your guidance, I may have drawn a picture of a cactus wearing a hat by mistake.

As I trust my offspring's ability to separate fact from fantasy, I am happy for him to participate in your indoctrination process on the proviso that all references to 'Jesus' are replaced with the term 'Purportedly Magic Jew.'

Regards, David.

—but goes downhill from there.

From: Darryl Robinson
Date: Thursday 11 March 2010 9.18am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Permission Slip

Hello David

The tick in the box already was a mistake I noticed after printing them all. I've seen the play and it's not indoctrinating anyone. It's a fun play performed by a great bunch of kids. You do not have to be religious to enjoy it. You are welcome to attend if you have any concerns.

Darryl Robinson, School Chaplain

And so on. It eventually gets down to Mr. Thorne sending the school chaplain Christian volunteer an email from God instructing Mr. Robinson to buy the offended parent a white Toyota Prado with dark grey leather interior and satellite navigation system.

But, look: It's always a "mistake". Oh, sorry, didn't mean to presume on behalf of all parents. It was a mistake. Oh, sorry, didn't mean to tell your kid that you're going to burn in Hell for all eternity. It was a mistake. Oh, sorry, didn't mean to molest your son. Or his father thirty years ago. Or the fifty-eight other little boys whose parents taught their children to trust me in all things. It was a mistake. And when my superiors conspired to send me to a wilderness town full of indigenous children for me to choose from minister to, and I banged all of those kids, too, that was just a mistake.

It's always a mistake. There is always an excuse, isn't there? When it's a Christian trying to do work for Jesus, we should always shrug and look the other way, shouldn't we?

Such broad application of the idea of a mistake is problematic. In the United States, many parents are upset that schools try to teach children facts about life, the Universe, and everything. Schools meddle, goes the accusation, with a parent's authority. I guess they have the same problem in Australia.

Only when it's teaching children how to protect themselves, it's evil administrators and conniving teachers. When it's a Christian trying to make parental decisions for other parents, it's a "mistake". And when it's a Christian volunteer trying to pass himself off as a school official, even more so.

From: Darryl Robinson
Date: Monday 15 March 2010 9.22am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Permission Slip

I'm not going to waste any more precious time replying to your stupid emails. If you don't want your child to attend the play just indicate that on the permission slip.

Yes, "Chaplain" Robinson, that's about what people expect. Learn to face up to your "mistakes".

The dangers of making independent decisions: Thankfully, Mr. Robinson
checked the appropriate box for Mr. Thorne.


Savage, Dan. "'I have received your permission slip featuring what I can only assume is a levitating rabbit about to drop an egg on Jesus'". Slog. March 22, 2010. Slog.TheStranger.com. March 25, 2010. http://slog.thestranger.com/slog/ar...vitating-rabbit-about-to-drop-an-egg-on-jesus

Thorne, David. "Darryl. The kind of friend Jesus would have". March, 2010. 27bslash6.com. March 25, 2010. http://27bslash6.com/easter.html