Easter Celebration


czar of things
Registered Senior Member
i don't know if this is common knowledge or not, but here goes...

aparently in mexico to celebrate Easter they actually crucify a guy. nails and cross and all. they make it just like it says in the bible, they nail him up there and then carry him on the cross for however long.

the kicker is how they select the young gentleman who is crucified.
it's considered a HONOR to be choosen. some nice christian boy is picked who has lead a very good christian like life and he is rewarded with this whole crucifiction thing.

any thoughts or reactions?

all i could do is shake my head and mutter "...this is why i'm not christian..."
You realize its not REAL.... its basically a Passion Play. No one is actually crucified. He is hung from the cross..but no nails, just rope, and fake blood.

Jesus was the sacrifice. Sacrificing someone else would be nothing but an insult to God.

Originally posted by AntonK
Jesus was the sacrifice. Sacrificing someone else would be nothing but an insult to God.


I don't know about that, it seems that there are a lot of people and children dying every where out of opression and greed of others. They suffer a great amount of pain, more than any suffered on any cross. Are these also considered sacrifices to your blood and pain loving pagan god? Or is Jesus in heaven now needing his own supply of sacrifices...I think not.
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I'm sure it's not their intention, but in their ignorance thay make a parody and a show out of crucifixion.