I agree, but only the territories inhabited by ethnic Russians.Defenetely
Russian land is Russian an NO ONE ELSES.
You have no place in Checenia.
I agree, but only the territories inhabited by ethnic Russians.Defenetely
Russian land is Russian an NO ONE ELSES.
. In the real world I think the land should be legally owned by the state as a whole and inhabitants should be able to only rent it..
I agree, but only the territories inhabited by ethnic Russians.
You have no place in Checenia.
Hardly anyone cares about religion here.You'll be an excellent target for anti-theist separatists.
Chechnya has already become Russian. Unfortunately Chechnya cannot be given independence, they will turn to another Afghanistan. Why do you think Russia gave away that huge chunk of land to Kazakhstan? Just gave it away, no *hissing*, no problems? Because Kazakh people have an ability to rule themselves, and so does Latvia, and so do many other ex-Soviet states. But Chechnya is way too close to Moscow and way too dangerous to be left uncontrolled.
it's unfortunate.
Chechnya has already become Russian. Unfortunately Chechnya cannot be given independence, they will turn to another Afghanistan. Why do you think Russia gave away that huge chunk of land to Kazakhstan? Just gave it away, no *hissing*, no problems? Because Kazakh people have an ability to rule themselves, and so does Latvia, and so do many other ex-Soviet states. But Chechnya is way too close to Moscow and way too dangerous to be left uncontrolled.
it's unfortunate.
Multiculturalism is fun and interesting, provided that the members of that other culture aren't violent religious zealots.
Purity? You're racist or something?
Don't go chasing waterfalls
Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that
You're used to
I know that you're gonna have it your way
Or nothing at all
But I think you re moving too fast.
Was chattel slavery fun?
the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.
That's a strange conflation of terms. Defining multiculturalism as inequality, or as imperialism isn't accurate. How do you tie the two toether, DT?
it seems evident that a vector toward multiculturalism, as opposed to ethnically-based states, is what humanity is traveling on
How come, according to your logic, only non western?Multiculturalism is an attack on non Western cultures.
Recent history shows that nuclear deterrence, or "standoff" does not prevent states from engaging in warfare. Military conquest is becoming increasingly impractical in light of many factors. I don't follow your suggestion of some historic paradigm-shift due to bigger bombs. Would you please elaborate on that?
The most ascendant and dominant states today are multi-ethnic. "Non-state-entities" such as major corporations are predominately multiethnic. How does this fit your thesis?
Did that work in Vietnam? Has it worked ever? In LICs, the native group has the advantage, depending on geography.That makes little sense to me: Low-intensity conflicts are commonly exploited today for the purpose of consolidating state power.
That's the name of a book, and it means the chaos kind of anarchy.People everywhere do not tend to enjoy, or wish to sustain anarchy. Whether you mean anarchy in the sense of chaos, or the political ideal, neither seems attractive, or to be gaining in mass appeal.
In a broad historical and anthropological perspective, it seems evident that a vector toward multiculturalism, as opposed to ethnically-based states, is what humanity is traveling on. We've generally evolved (or devolved perhaps, from a separatist perspective) from universal clanhood and tribalism in our distant past, to the rise of modern states that increasingly encompass many ethnicities. The most unstable parts of the world today are those where extremes of ethnic competition and oppression persist. It's now axiomatic that segregationism is politically inflammatory and destabilizing.
Recent history shows that nuclear deterrence, or "standoff" does not prevent states from engaging in warfare. Military conquest is becoming increasingly impractical in light of many factors. I don't follow your suggestion of some historic paradigm-shift due to bigger bombs. Would you please elaborate on that?
The most ascendant and dominant states today are multi-ethnic. "Non-state-entities" such as major corporations are predominately multiethnic. How does this fit your thesis?
Did that work in Vietnam? Has it worked ever? In LICs, the native group has the advantage, depending on geography.That makes little sense to me: Low-intensity conflicts are commonly exploited today for the purpose of consolidating state power.
That's the name of a book, and it means the chaos kind of anarchy.People everywhere do not tend to enjoy, or wish to sustain anarchy. Whether you mean anarchy in the sense of chaos, or the political ideal, neither seems attractive, or to be gaining in mass appeal.
In a broad historical and anthropological perspective, it seems evident that a vector toward multiculturalism, as opposed to ethnically-based states, is what humanity is traveling on. We've generally evolved (or devolved perhaps, from a separatist perspective) from universal clanhood and tribalism in our distant past, to the rise of modern states that increasingly encompass many ethnicities. The most unstable parts of the world today are those where extremes of ethnic competition and oppression persist. It's now axiomatic that segregationism is politically inflammatory and destabilizing.
How come, according to your logic, only non western?
Africa is not a particularly good example, most of them were never real states to begin with (created artificially), and now are simply returning to their true stage of development.
Non Western cultures do not advocate multiracial/multicultural societies, because they do not practice such a high degree of control over and manipulation of, their own populations for material gain.
You think multiculturalism is not a shocker for places that have been multicultural for hundreds of years? You'd be surprised.
Nobody likes outsiders, outsiders don't always want to fit in. That explainscurrentpast tensions betweenMuslimJewish immigrants and inhabitants of whatever places to which they come -- all over Western Europe. U.S. is the same: immigrants are welcome only in some states, and some immigrants aren't welcome at all anymore. Generally, people like to live with their own kind. Multiculturalism is fun only as a bit of exotic, which means most people like to get a taste of it and go back to their usual lives. Actually, economy is one of the most rational reasons to dislike immigrants: they take away jobs from the native population and drive down salaries.
Well, sure. If you ask anyone, what's their nationality, Russian Latvian citizens will most likely say that it's Russian and Latvian Latvian citizens will tell them that it's Latvian because they have Latvian ancestry.
Nationality in popular langauge here means ethnicity, and it's not something you can change by changing a passport.
How would you term me?
Ah, I see.