Earth: Gulag for Souls?


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
With God as the Chief Commandant. I got this idea while kibbitzing with LG regarding the different lives of souls. I find it fun to come up with alternate scenarios that also have no proof.

What if Earth is, unbeknownst to humans, actually a Concentration Camp for souls? A place where rehabilitation and reformation are the main reasons that souls are vanquished here.

If so then technically all humans are living protoplasm containing the essence of severely misguided souls that once existed somewhere else. When you think about isolating those souls and limiting their contact with other outposts in the universe then Earth is quite an adequate location, far enough away. For example, laws of physics prevent faster than light travel which kind of limits our ability to contact other 'civilizations'.

For some reason, souls that end up here are subject to reprogramming. Did something happen in Soul Land that made this necessary? Was there a war after which the victors began the process of retooling the losers? How convenient is it for souls behaving badly that they are tossed into flaming lakes? Sounds somewhat familiar to some historical sites on Earth. It's more or less do well or say good night.

Your soul, whether you like it or not, is a political prisoner on this planet. You either reform or burn. Pledging allegiance to the Commandant is the first step towards an eternal life where souls worship their conquerors.:)
Your soul, whether you like it or not, is a political prisoner on this planet. You either reform or burn. Pledging allegiance to the Commandant is the first step towards an eternal life where souls worship their conquerors.:)

BG 10.10 To those who are constantly devoted to serving Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me.

mere pledging allegiance may not go the distance ....

As for yourself, you seem quite happy to live in a world where god is not (overtly) present, so why complain?
BG 10.10 To those who are constantly devoted to serving Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me.

mere pledging allegiance may not go the distance ....

As for yourself, you seem quite happy to live in a world where god is not (overtly) present, so why complain?

Happier than a pig in shit. I'm having a good life so far.

As with concentration camp inmates, souls don't seem to be too eager to placate the body in charge. Tough to love your oppresor. But ship them off to Soul Purgatory, add some threats and promises and voila!....more subserviants.
why is the pig shit oppressed in your precinct?

Not oppressed, just oppressive, especially when the wind is right. We thought we'd send some your way, you know, drop the Pig Bomb on you guys.

BG 10.10 To those who are constantly devoted to serving Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me.

This is even more disturbing. Are you saying that souls have a chance to become subserviant by showing their devotion while in a human body? If so, then doesn't this sound like your soul is being manipulated, steered towards an end not of its choosing? The more I think of all the souls that inhabit living things here on Earth, the more it sounds like something is attempting to force their ideology on them.

Gulag Earth is the place where it happens. The internment of lost souls with an outside chance of reformimg. Rebellious souls, that for no other reason than refusing to be subserviant to their conqueror are captured and placed here for reprogramming. Starting to sound like science fiction, however it could be as true as anything you've ever read on the subject!
This is even more disturbing. Are you saying that souls have a chance to become subserviant by showing their devotion while in a human body? If so, then doesn't this sound like your soul is being manipulated, steered towards an end not of its choosing?
perhaps if one is under the impression that its the nature of being involved in any loving relationship that one winds up being the loser

The more I think of all the souls that inhabit living things here on Earth, the more it sounds like something is attempting to force their ideology on them.
can hierarchy or order (in a social sense) exist without a dominant ideology coming to the forefront?

Gulag Earth is the place where it happens. The internment of lost souls with an outside chance of reformimg. Rebellious souls, that for no other reason than refusing to be subserviant to their conqueror are captured and placed here for reprogramming. Starting to sound like science fiction, however it could be as true as anything you've ever read on the subject!
actually the situation is that we are infinitesimal - totally bereft of any potency save our ability to desire - even if we want to fall in to illusion (ie be happy like a pig in shit) we require god's help every step of the way
can hierarchy or order (in a social sense) exist without a dominant ideology coming to the forefront?

If it can with a wrong dominant ideology then it can without one at all. IOW there is no difference between the two. But you're right, there will be a dominant ideology and countless hours are wasted on this forum alone discussing the merits of many. And since religious ideology is at the forefront here then I think it suffice to say it is practically guaranteed to be wrong.

actually the situation is that we are infinitesimal - totally bereft of any potency save our ability to desire - even if we want to fall in to illusion (ie be happy like a pig in shit) we require god's help every step of the way

What is it with pigs anyways? A pig desires a roll in the shit and it doesn't need god's help to do it. Now if you wished to roll in shit then you would need god's help? I suppose you would. Once in shit there is no illusion.
If it can with a wrong dominant ideology then it can without one at all.
How do you figure that?

IOW there is no difference between the two.
a wrong ideology is still an ideology

But you're right, there will be a dominant ideology and countless hours are wasted on this forum alone discussing the merits of many. And since religious ideology is at the forefront here then I think it suffice to say it is practically guaranteed to be wrong.
that's probably just your ideology speaking

What is it with pigs anyways? A pig desires a roll in the shit and it doesn't need god's help to do it.
it sure does
unless you have evidence of how pigs and pig shit and the environment for one to suitably roll in the other can spontaneously appear from nothing

Now if you wished to roll in shit then you would need god's help? I suppose you would. Once in shit there is no illusion.
of course any one can end up in shit ... its the desire to go back there willingly in a mood of delight that warrants a type of illusion
First, what is a Concentration Camp? In Europe during the early Forties the British and American's imposed a Trade Embargo on Europe which included all Food Stuffs. Because Mass Starvation would of course become immanent, people where sent to Relief Camps where food and resources could be rationed and distributed for as long as possible. Of course the British and the American's did not write it up like that, but it is odd that their lies have survived for so long. That people died in the Concentration Camps is certain, but what is obscured is exactly who the Murderes were. Do we blame those who rationed and then ran out of food, or those who blocked the Food Shipments in the first place?

Anyway, if God were to place us all in Camps in order to ration and supply us with our necessities, well God Bless Him for it.

But, despite all that, I do understand the basic point, expressed as crudely and misleadingly as it was.

When one looks around and asks one's self to reconcile a belief in a Transcendent God with the existence of a Crappy World, such ideas come to mind.

But really, we should not ignore the Argument of Free Will simply because it is no longer original. Even if we assume that God was the Creator, the moment of Creation was a long time ago. Also, considering that God is Eternal and that Eternity has not happened yet... an Eternal God must be given TIME to Finish what he Started. How long? Well, an Eternity. For an Eternal God to be Perfect takes Forever. Its simple Logic... the logic of Metaphysics.

So our Mixed World of Good and Evil is Free Will working itself out.

If there is any concilation its that Perfection IS possible. Remember those Aliens who crashed at Roswell New Mexico in 1947. Well, they were asked to write about their Civilization (they were clever little buggers and learned English in practically no time at all). They filled in a yellow looseleif binder which became known as the Yellow Book. It describes a stable Civilization more than 50 Million Years Old. Everythings fair. Everyone's provided for. health care is free and the Government doesn't send people to Cuba in order to curtail their Rights. Its a Civilization which no longer prompts silly essays from its young people which hope to explain why God can be such a prick. But it was the People themselves, maybe with the Inner Promptings of their God, their Collective Consciousness, which made them Their Heaven on Their Earth. But we follow suckass leaders and have suckass protestant Anti-Social Religions and so we should not be surprised that half of our Social Institutions are actually Anti-Social.

Its not God's fault that we had handed the sheep over to the wolves.

We should not have elected the Wolves.

With God as the Chief Commandant. I got this idea while kibbitzing with LG regarding the different lives of souls. I find it fun to come up with alternate scenarios that also have no proof.

What if Earth is, unbeknownst to humans, actually a Concentration Camp for souls? A place where rehabilitation and reformation are the main reasons that souls are vanquished here.

If so then technically all humans are living protoplasm containing the essence of severely misguided souls that once existed somewhere else. When you think about isolating those souls and limiting their contact with other outposts in the universe then Earth is quite an adequate location, far enough away. For example, laws of physics prevent faster than light travel which kind of limits our ability to contact other 'civilizations'.

For some reason, souls that end up here are subject to reprogramming. Did something happen in Soul Land that made this necessary? Was there a war after which the victors began the process of retooling the losers? How convenient is it for souls behaving badly that they are tossed into flaming lakes? Sounds somewhat familiar to some historical sites on Earth. It's more or less do well or say good night.

Your soul, whether you like it or not, is a political prisoner on this planet. You either reform or burn. Pledging allegiance to the Commandant is the first step towards an eternal life where souls worship their conquerors.:)
perhaps if one is under the impression that its the nature of being involved in any loving relationship that one winds up being the loser

Yes, in the common Christian conception of "love", one is the loser. Unless one is of course oneself a Christian.
First, what is a Concentration Camp?

Perhaps Death Camp is more suitable, after all we are talking about souls here. Although it appears that souls don't officially die since they are at worst, subject to being barbecued for the rest of eternity. To keep souls out of the furnace they are given the opportunity to swallow the party line.

Obedience then acceptance into something grander than what you are or were. Its like being a 'Puke' or a new fraternity applicant. Guantanamo Bay has nothing on this type of enticement.

Because souls are camped, it suggests that there is something more than meets the eye in the afterlife. We are led to believe that the initiation rites we must go through are for our own good but who is judging souls and why?

Something is wrong, if God is the commandant of Gulag Earth then He works for somebody. I just can't see the Supreme leader of everything, wasting His efforts on this lonely little outpost without there being a purpose in mind. Anytime the mind and will of men or souls are manipulated then it smells of something sinister.

Yes, perhaps Concentration Camp is too kind a moniker for this place of souls. For that is what I've been told, all life forms on this planet are here for souls to inhabit. We are merely superficial, a masquerade, a harbor for transient souls.