earth formation


Registered Senior Member
Birth of earth

I have new theory regarding birth of earth. Pls see below point wise.

1. Earth has biological growth like a tree and meteoroids are seeds of planets.
2. only some meteoroids can germinate in asteroids and some asteroids can convert in big planets only
3. Earth has bark like a tree and this bark is separated from each other. Continents is a bark of earth.
4. Earth is a result of one meteor only. It is germinated from single meteor.
5. Earth has all minerals same required by living thing.
6. Different different pockets of minerals shows that it has biological thing only. No other theory applicable of earth formation if it has different different pockets of minerals
7. Meteors contain amino acid shows that they may be seeds. Because seeds always contains amino acid.
8. Resin erupting from log indicates toward volcano.
9. Some knots or uplift on log of tree indicates toward mountains.
10. Log of tree contains core and crust.
11. Black lines indicate toward plate tectonic.
I have lot of another visuals logics proving my theory correct.pls see if these points attract you.
Suresh bansal
pls see attached links for more clarification

Core Crust

Asteroid and Plant

Seeds and Meteorids

Bark of Tree and Earth



asteroids are germinated from meteoroids and after some asteroids converted in big planets.this is complete mechanism of planet formation
What you have discovered is the interesting world of fractals, and it's underlying physical interactions. You haven't found the seed of the Earth, but you have discovered the seed of charge interactions.
I suggest examine the tree and compare it with earth particular with log of tree and believe in your self only
jsispat, you have been THOROUGHLY refuted repeatedly over on BAUT over the years in making this claim.

It is quite apparent that this is your pet hypothesis and no amount of actual science will ever dissuade you from trolling it on any forum that will tolerate you long enough.

You always promote it, faithfully ignoring all evidence to the contrary and asserting your pet over and over and over ad nauseum.

Get a Life.

the earth formed from gases, those gases went more dense by time, and then, alot of gases, then it srated to take it's shape, then cooled down, after it was very hot, and still like a gas ball, like venus...
upper layer or bark of moon is shrinking when whole moon is expanding like a log of tree