ear infections


Burn in hell Hippies
Registered Senior Member
anyone know acure for ear infection? this sucks i cant hearout of my god damn ear and I CANT HEAR
Ear infections are generally caused by Pneumococcus sp., so an antibiotic would work best. Amoxicillin or something similar would do nicely.
yeah you're going to need antibiotics and/ or ear drops. keep your ears dry (stuffing lambswool in the ear when you shower and blow drying after helps and feels nice on an inflamed ear). dropping some oil into the ear helps it feel better.
going to the doctor today, the wierd thing is the whole right side of my face hurts, , as in , i cant close my jaw or my ear hurts
Are you certain that it's an ear infection? I guess you doctor will be able to tell you what it is.
got stuff from the doctor

I got some drops for my ears, an antibiotic and it supposedly helps the swelling go down and numbs the pain, I cant feel my ears, but i can hear now EVERYTHING IS GOOD IN WHOVILLE! :eek: now im going back to my quiet life of EQ , Thankey all
oh yah, he said it was an Inner ear infection, and that they commonly affect the nerves around your ear, including the area from the ear down to the jaw and sometimes down to the throat
ooo inners are the worst. i used to get them all the time. a hot water bottle on your face might help. feel better!
heh thanks swedish fish, i will try, Everquest my addiction, and Soup keep me comfortable, But my studies... She will suffer . heh. I feel sorry for you if you got them all the time, this is my first and i nearly pounded my head into a wooden plank till i fell over tonight to try and escape the annoying buzzing pain...its REALLY annoying!