E.T Good or Bad...


Registered Senior Member
Ok people...

Is E.T Good or Bad?



[This message has been edited by chad (edited July 04, 2000).]
I don't know Chad, our people good or bad?? IMPO there are both here now. Perhaps in time they will quit playing hide and seek and come say hi. Then again, do we want them to? How would you welcome an alien at the door? Don't know till it happens. :)

I am where there is need, I am not where no need exists, I am a staff to lean on, a lamp to light the way, I am shelter from the storm and yet I am the storm that rages around you.
susan mcmanaway
How can you discuss the motives of something that might not even exist? "IMPO" sums all of it up. This is all idle speculation and fantasies.

First lets look at all the "proof" of alien visitation, and decide what actually happened. No one, not even so called "debunkers" denies the possibility of visitation. We just want proof - something which all fields of science requires. But then again, ufology isn't science. It is religion. Think about it - it creates devotion to unproven "facts" which make up a ufologists entire perception of the universe.
Corp Hudson
Grow up! If I testified in court that I saw you beat the crap out of someone, that would be evidence!! You would go to jail. Yet when people testify to what they have seen, people like you cry out for "evidence". You are not going to find a piece of ship anywhere, nor is any alien going to walk out and say hi to you, just to prove to you that it's real. The body of evidence is in, in the form of photos and film that meet and surpass the "experts" ability to disprove, and the MASSIVE amount of reliable eyewitnesses. Yes there are "unidentified objects" in space around us, when you take that "FACT" along with the unique way they move/behave it shows that the "objects" are intelligently controlled.
What more do you need? The evidence is at hand, it only takes the willingness to ACCEPT it.
I don't accept every photo/film that comes in as "real", nor do I think all reports of UFO are extraterestrial, but having seen an UFO, and having some knowledge of OUR craft, KNOW that it was not ours, KNOW that it was controlled by intelligence by virtue of it's actions. I'm not BELIEVING anything. I KNOW.

I am where there is need, I am not where no need exists, I am a staff to lean on, a lamp to light the way, I am shelter from the storm and yet I am the storm that rages around you.
susan mcmanaway
I'd like to think that I would be a good hostess, but it really comes down to the situation. If it felt good, then I would welcome any visitor. ( Hopefully I wouldn't be considered ~in good taste~ ;) )

I am where there is need, I am not where no need exists, I am a staff to lean on, a lamp to light the way, I am shelter from the storm and yet I am the storm that rages around you.
susan mcmanaway
Anyone who had an alien show up at their door would either pass out or run away, screaming. We have a hard wired xenophobia, and don't deny it.
The only thing that humans are hard wired for is HEIGHTS. Even a child will show fear of heights.
We may be conditioned to respond to certain stimuli, but not hardwired. A child will gleefully play with fire, until burned. Even with heights, we can overcome the fear with training, education and practice. Experts will tell you that one of the best forms of practice is "mental rehersals". Self preservation brings in fear of large animals, espeacially predators and snakes.
While some people may respond with;
ARGGG and pass out; some would respond with
ARGGG and get the gun,
ARGGG and run away,
Nice costume, don't want any, close the door, and some with
WOW Didn't think I would EVER see something as ugly as you
WOW Come in and talk, do you eat chicken?
The responses would be as varied as we are. We would each respond in the way that WE are trained to respond.
SO - be responsible and train yourself to respond to any and all emergencies. How would you respond to a fire alarm in your workplace?? The choice is YOURS!!

I am where there is need, I am not where no need exists, I am a staff to lean on, a lamp to light the way, I am shelter from the storm and yet I am the storm that rages around you.
susan mcmanaway
I often wondered what I would do if I were to encounter an extraterrestrial or one of their crafts while in an awake state. Except for the height thing (which is part of a deeper fear), I'm pretty fearless (brag brag). There was an event, however, that tested my nerves simply because I refused to believe what my mind was perceiving. Be patient, you guys may enjoy this:

I had a weird feeling that night, as though the static electricity in the air was unusually high. I had a difficult time settling down to sleep, but eventually felt my eyelids getting heavy. Sleep soon overtook me, although it was a restless sleep at best. I tossed and turned and was unable to slip into anything but the lightest sleep.

At around 3 in the morning, that magical hour reserved to stray cats and the hopelessly insane, what little sleep I had gotten was negated by a bright light illuminating the room. The light was steady and eerily familiar, but I couldn't place the memory save for a dark corner of my mind that I don't like to go to very often. This light was accompanied by a high-pitched vibrato sound. I could detect movement in the light. It stayed there for what seemed to be an eternity, "whistling" while the mysterious shapes seemed to move closer to my window.

As I said, I'm pretty fearless. That night I was paralyzed with confusion and the terror of what I had perceived but dared not accept. There was no way this could be happening! After what felt like a lifetime, I steeled myself to the challenge and sat up, staring the intruders eye to eye.

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

It was a '74 Pinto with stuck high-beams and a squeaky fan belt, temporarily stopped facing my house and dropping off my neighbor.

This is a true story. It happened to me for real in March 1999. Have all the fun you want to with it. I almost died laughing at myself.

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited July 06, 2000).]
Good one!!
Reminds me of a similar event that took place when I lived in CA.;
Late at night (2-3a) my husband and I were awakened by this huge bright light and god awful noise. Getting up and looking outside, found myself illuminated (naked of course) by

apparently that time was "the time" to harvest the field around the house.
Talk about a case of butt! Wake me up that way.

I am where there is need, I am not where no need exists, I am a staff to lean on, a lamp to light the way, I am shelter from the storm and yet I am the storm that rages around you.
susan mcmanaway
reminds me of a couple similar occurences, one time i was almost asleep and this bright light shone through the room window, this was really bright, and i saw this shape pop up onto the window, it scared me sh!tless then i realized that there was a very loud humming sound, like a helecopter, when i came around, in noticed that it was a helkecopter, and they were searching for some run away convict, and my dog had jumped onto my window ceil, as he often did. so i started laughing at myself for that one also.

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)
Depends on your definition of good or bad.
I myself would like to believe that I would welcome an extra-terrestrial visitor after I a)recovered from shock b)got out of the bathroom from cleaning myself c) awakened from passing out.
Unless the aliens intentions were hostile, why would I act any other way than hospitable?
i would probobly friek out if a et came in through my window. but mabe they'd gimme some sort of a trank., so i wouldnt be frieking. and then i would ask if it it wanted anything, but if it proved hostile, i'd bust out my 9 and pop a cap. or grab a base ball bat and make them all run for shelter, either one, before i could evan get withing a ten foot radious, he would bust our his suptra-laser, pulse pistle and i wouyld be no more

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)
Hello all...im back for good now as we have our puter. Now the question at hand....good or bad....it depends on which species we're discussing. The light beings are good,the Greys,depending on the subspecies some are good some are bad. The ones working with the Reptilians are bad but it is a begrudging relationship between them as they hate eachother. Not sure the agenda of the Subterraneans but when i met them thye werent all that hostile just curious. And the other species i met which Dave and H-kon have the dna diagram i sent them was a quite friendly species. As for meeting them at the door many people already do throough abductions and many cant handle it which is why the aliens dont approach this way. Cpl Hudson you do need to grow up and climb out of the hole you live in the evidence is all around just pull the wool off your eyes. Take care and have a great day.
Love and Light,

Eric Cooper
well chad where do you think science fiction gets there ideas someoones mind? not all of it its based on fact and glamourized. Thats why your shows creature looks like a reptilian.....its based on the real species

Eric Cooper
Hi Eric,
Where and when did you meet them, and why you? How do our animals respond to them? Would my dog behave normally towards them? If so I know why not me. ;) What are the criteria for meeting an ET? If most are not allowed to remember, why do you? Sorry I am kinda new here, and I really am interested in you story, Will do a post search.

I am where there is need, I am not where no need exists, I am a staff to lean on, a lamp to light the way, I am shelter from the storm and yet I am the storm that rages around you.
susan mcmanaway
Courtjester give me your email at faerieshaman@yahoo.com and i'll forward our article off the Caus site, its too long to tell it all in a thread again.

Eric Cooper
hey Eric
couldn't email you so I will add my email to the profile. I haven't in the past cause my old man gets freaked if I tell him I am writing to a 'stranger'. (really) But he generally gets over it.

I am where there is need, I am not where no need exists, I am a staff to lean on, a lamp to light the way, I am shelter from the storm and yet I am the storm that rages around you.
susan mcmanaway