Of cause most of what I say is generated in my head,
Empty vessels make the most sound.
because it is new and science doe's not have this written anywhere, this is original thinking based on what I have learnt, which forums have learnt me, you are technically my teachers and you have provided literally 1000's of pages of knowledge and links for me over all the forums.
No, all your ideas thus far, are non scientific, nonsensical and childish scenarios, more suited to a children's fairy tale book.
You persist in I have not learnt anything, although yesterday I provided your definitions back to you to show you I understand you and what I have learnt of present information.
You have no definition, you have not learnt anything, and it has been shown you do not understand.
The evidence I have provided are really simple basic axioms of rational thinking and logic based on the visual observations we all can agree with.
It is your knowledge in which I have my ideas, they are not random ideas, the subject I have the idea about is not logically accurate or lacks substantiated proof.
Accept it...You have nothing but stubborn, persistent delusions, and that is why you have been banned elswhere, and your posts always in the fringe sections.
I have no problems accepting something of logical or absolute value proof, a lot of content in science I have already accepted to be close to the truth has you can get.
The proof pertaining to the fact that you do have trouble accepting anything of logic is here for all to see, despite your denial of those facts.
However the certainty of some subjects falls apart with reasonable questioning about the content provided, such has time dilation, light , time travel, and a few other subjects that I am more agreed to than opposed too, but I still feel there is a shortness of answers.
Convince me that time dilation exists?
That is your problem. Whatever methodology you apply to reasoning is obviously 100% faulty, and in most cases from evidence so far on these forums, is driven by the facts you have admitted yourself....[1] You dont take notice of the knowledge gained before you...[2] you are delusional to a very high degree...[3] You have an inflated ego...[4]you totally ignore evidence that refutes your nonsense.
And yes, time dilation happens all the time, and we have 100% observational proof of that fact, which in line with your many shortcomings, you refuse to accept.
I see that all you are doing is measuring the energy output of the Caesium atoms and have no idea how you associate that with time, there is obviously no connection to time and it is phases of energy being differentiated by gravity displacement, example - Put a caesium clock on the moon, the energy output will be different to on Earth because the moon has 1/6th of the gravity of Earth, so your time dilation is an energy dilation and not relative to time.
I say it how I see it, and I see no more than a difference in energy by a change in gravity force, and that is the Physics involved, no third party of time involved, although I will say that decay slows down or speeds up relative to gravity, you can exist for a longer period within time by this effect.
Continued gibberish, continued gobbldydook, continued stringing together of scientific words into meaningless banter. Congrats. You have again prooven what I have just said.
I also conclude that the ''time dilation'' shows you that gravity has an effect on the energy in mass, and the force of gravity extracts energy from mass, as shown by your Caesium atom.
You keep forgetting what you conclude makes no difference to the scientific world beyond your delusions.
What you do, what you claim, what you believe, is like dust in the wind.
You are making no difference to science, the scientific methodology or peer review.
Children at some time in their immaturity, live out fairy tales and fantasies.
The same children eventually become mature adults, and learn then to face reality.