Dude, you're not Satan, Vladamir Putin is.

Commander X

Registered Senior Member
Dude, how can you be Satan if Vladamir Putin is the anti-christ. Vladimir Putin is the incarnation of Satan in human form. One of the key secrets of Fatima that was just released reveals that the anti-christ will hail from the city of domes in the east. In other words, Moscow. That he will come after a collapse in the stock market. Russia's money markets have pretty much collapsed these last few years. He has just risen to power, and will eventually be the catalyst to WWIII. You heard it here first. So Dude, stop faking the funk. I know that this isn't a religous posting site, but I just think Dude needs to wake up and smell the vodka.
so..... what makes u so sure that this is the anti-christ??? what makes u so sure there is a anti-christ??? how do i not know that you are some internet geek (no offence to 9.9/10 of this message board) who doesnt have anything else to do but chase some wild fantisy of some all powerful god????

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)
I don't know about Moscow being the "city of domes in the east". You see, I live in California, and Houston, home of the Astrodome, is east of here. Hmmm. Baseball. I knew it was evil! ;)
commander x i saw live the public revelation of the thirth secret of FATIMA here in Portugal and isn`t that the message.
it`s not good to transmite that idea when is not the correct information.
ASIMOV- You stand corrected. Yes, that wasn't the secret that the Pope revealed in Portugal. Instead he talked about a subpart of the third secret, regarding a high ranking member of the vatican having an attempt to have their life taken happen to them. The major secret though, is regarding the true location of the anti-christ. The Pope decided not to reveal that part of the third secret at that time publicly.
Originally posted by Commander X:
ASIMOV- You stand corrected. Yes, that wasn't the secret that the Pope revealed in Portugal. Instead he talked about a subpart of the third secret, regarding a high ranking member of the vatican having an attempt to have their life taken happen to them. The major secret though, is regarding the true location of the anti-christ. The Pope decided not to reveal that part of the third secret at that time publicly.
Proofs? we must have some reason to believe that, there is no evidence of that, and more the idea of anti-criste is very strange and not very logical, but this is my opinion

im more of something than you are.


[This message has been edited by Dude (edited June 09, 2000).]
ASIMOV- It has been widely reported in the mainstream media that the Pope finally revealed the third secret of Fatima regarding a high ranking member of the Vatican (not necessarily a Pope), having an assination attempt, attempted on them. But, as almost a side note, it has been reported that although the Pope revealed that portion of the third secret of Fatima, that isn't the portion that has caused the Vatican to keep it secret all this time. The mainstream press talks of another more earth shattering secret that the Pope will reveal at some futher point in time. Many rumors have been swirling, including members inside the Vatican, affirming that this earth shattering revelation that is contained in the third secret of Fatima, that does not relate to the assination attempt, has to do with the location and time of the anti-christs rise to power. From what has been leaked out of the Vatican, the main thrust of this earth shattering revelation is the fact that we are now in the current time of the anti-christ, and that the anti-christ is currently alive on earth and will come from a city in the east with domes. It has also been revealed that this person will come to power during a turbulent time in his nations history, and that the financial markets of this country will be in ruin. The third secret does not actually reveal Vladamir Putin as the actuall individiual, but others have come forth to suggest that that is the most logical conclusion. If you consider Moscow, it obviously is a major city in the East and has many structures with Domes, in fact most of the actuall Government buildings have domes. Also Russia is just now beginning to start the uphill climb of recovery from a major financial recession and the near collapse of their financial markets. Vladamir Putin has just assumed power, and fits all the variables to a T. You make your own conclusions.
Dear Xcommander

i must tell you something, FATIMA is a hoax, a big hoax only to make money, so lets see our bishop in portugal released the money made by the sanctuary last year it was 1,6 million escudos that in $ is $8000000, dont you think it`s a lot of money?
why a lie, let`s see, when the reds assumed the power in russia back in 1917 , the church was unacceptable and wasn`t welcome, so the church had to answer somehow to that menace.
What i find the must interesting is that the perpetrator off the assassination atempet was released because was forgived by the pope and the italian president him self because he argued that he ( the assassin) was an instrument of god, this is he was part of a profecy:)
isn`t this funny ?? and sad ? he used the suposed third secret of fatima to be put in liberty eheheh he is very inteligent i may say...
when you come to portugal i`ll be glad to meet you

Best regards