Dualistic biology and secondary information system?


Registered Senior Member
Hello all,
Here is extract from one website,where the proponent claims that there are indications that humans have 2 information systems,one on material level another one on mirror level:

This theory is based on the assumption that living organisms make invisible mirror copies of themselves (parallel dimension, mind, dark matter, mirror particles).
Benveniste´s experiment and Kirlian photography of a cut leaf are indications that mirror copies of molecules and atoms are a reality.
Libet`s experiment, blindsight, endospores, seeds, phantom limbs and tardigrades are examples which indicate that organisms have developed a second information system on mirror world level.

Libet´s Sensory Experience Backwards in Time-experiment is a good demonstration that humans have two information systems: 1. The nerve impulse to cerebral cortex + 0.5 sec to consciousness in the material brain. 2. A fraction of a second (faster-than-light) on the unconscious mirror world level to mind brain.
Consciousness appears where mind brain is connected to the materialistic brain. Neurotransmittors act as body-mind transducers.

My interpretation of Benveniste´s experiment: Every molecule has a corresponding mirror copy of the molecule. A copy ("key") can react on a specific receptor molecule ("lock") on body level according to the immunological principle."


What do you guys think?Is it worth some serious attention or mere speculation?
My major point here is this: ""Libet`s experiment, blindsight, endospores, seeds, phantom limbs and tardigrades are examples which indicate that organisms have developed a second information system on mirror world level."
We got a claim here.Can it be refuted?I think claim on phantom limbs can be refuted,what about the rest?"
Thank you,
What do you guys think?

New age hand waving garbage.

Is it worth some serious attention or mere speculation?


My major point here is this: ""Libet`s experiment, blindsight, endospores, seeds, phantom limbs and tardigrades are examples which indicate that organisms have developed a second information system on mirror world level."

I don't think it indicates that at all.

We got a claim here.

So, I can claim marmosets are aliens.

Can it be refuted?

Sure, but that would simply be a waste of time that could more effectively be used staring into space.
Let's examine his claim form here:
"Libet´s experiment, blindsight, phantom arms and legs and the smell show that the second information system exists"
Well,blindsight and phantom limbs have perfect neurological explanation.Smell?I don't see how it relates to "secondary system".The only issue I find(for now) is to refute his claim about Libet's experiment.Here is how he explains it:
"According to Libet´s experiment the sensory experience is taken "backwards" in time. This can naturally not be true. The nerve impulse from the finger reaches the brain and consciousness appears after 0.5 s. A faint stimuli causes an evoked response but not consciousness. An evoked response is changes of the electrical fields of the brain measured by EEG. A strong stimuli causes an evoked response and consciousness. Consciousness is delayed but not the subjective experience (Libet). The signal on mind level reaches the mind brain direct via the second information system with a speed faster-than-light, immediate (subliminal perception). "
Doesn't sound a bit fantastic and far-fetched?And I think Libet had his hypothesis on that
My thinking is that twin particles would lead to basic symmetry... left/right handedness... cell division, basic direction interpretation, and action to equal reaction.

That's ok,but this guy makes theory based on assumptions that biological organisms "created invisible copies of themselves" - i wonder by what mechanism?Another point - I was in correpsondence with few astrophysicists who are leading authors about "mirror matter",they say there are hardly supposed to be presense of mirror matter on Earth
That's ok,but this guy makes theory based on assumptions that biological organisms "created invisible copies of themselves" - i wonder by what mechanism?Another point - I was in correpsondence with few astrophysicists who are leading authors about "mirror matter",they say there are hardly supposed to be presense of mirror matter on Earth

I agree with the invisible copies, but I think that mirror matter is inside matter. So really, the symmetry remains the same. It's a bit like the letter 'X'. You have 4 prongs that are mirrored, but when you cut an 'X' in half you can't really see which parts are connected to which.
I agree with the invisible copies, but I think that mirror matter is inside matter. So really, the symmetry remains the same. It's a bit like the letter 'X'. You have 4 prongs that are mirrored, but when you cut an 'X' in half you can't really see which parts are connected to which.
Yes,but You don't state something similar to author.He is talking about "dualism" that,kind of that mirror copies are the "soul"
Just few minutes ago I got e-mail from eminent paranormal researcher Alan Gauld to whom I sent the same I posted in OP.His reply : "I can't see how he can draw any conclusions from the empirical studies he cites about his very nebulous idea of 'biological dualiusm'!"
Yes,but You don't state something similar to author.He is talking about "dualism" that,kind of that mirror copies are the "soul"

Well I am not meant to copy what the author said. I am meant to give my own opinion. I am covering zero state, which means that we need opposite forces to cancel each other out. One of those forces should be a mirror particle. Yeah, and it has a sort of soul aspect to it, but not mentally (or maybe it does, I'm not sure).
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How about his arguments here?
"The arguments for that the soul is a mirror image of the body

1. The crossing of the nerves in the medulla oblongata means that the memory of
the brain is situated in the mirror copy of the brain.

2. Heart chakra: physical heart on the left, spiritual heart on the right and heart
chakra in center.

3. The energy channels (nadi) in the etheric body are mirror images of the nerves
in the physical body.

4. Chiasma optica: the crossing of the optic nerves "
How about his arguments here?
"The arguments for that the soul is a mirror image of the body

1. The crossing of the nerves in the medulla oblongata means that the memory of the brain is situated in the mirror copy of the brain.

It does? How so?

2. Heart chakra: physical heart on the left, spiritual heart on the right and heart chakra in center.

I only see evidence for 1 heart.

3. The energy channels (nadi) in the etheric body are mirror images of the nerves in the physical body.

What is the evidence that a etheric body exists?

4. Chiasma optica: the crossing of the optic nerves "

This proves the soul exists?:shrug:
Thanks,origin.I must say I am very gullible person,and buy almost everything I read.But my gut feeling told me that there was something wrong with these arguments.You confirmed it
Right now I occasionally went to his site,and found there something that mind simply boggles.I think the right definition to it is : empty assertion.Have a look: “The static mirror world is a background to the material world. Universe expands (scientific time) in an independent static mirror world where every universe has its time. All universes (memories) in the mind brain can be reached from the material brain.“