DTV: Worldwide?


Registered Member
First does anyone know if other countries around the world are converting to purely digital television transmissions much like here in the U.S.?

Second what do you think the digital conversion will mean for both the US and possibly the world?

Doesn't it seem strange the the US government is so concerned about the visual quality of our entertainment?
Actually America is catching up with Europe. They have had 1080 lines of resolution for over a decade already!
First does anyone know if other countries around the world are converting to purely digital television transmissions much like here in the U.S.?

Second what do you think the digital conversion will mean for both the US and possibly the world?

Doesn't it seem strange the the US government is so concerned about the visual quality of our entertainment?

Evidenly you missed the primary reasons for the government wanting to make the switch. :shrug:
evidenTly I did miss the primary reasoning behind the whole thing...please feel free to enlighten me...

OK. The radio spectrum is practically full. Converting to digital from analog will free up a great deal of it. Quite a bit was already desperately needed for emergency services (fire, police, EMT, etc.) and that was the only way to get it for them.

Additionally, quite a bit is also needed to expand cell phone service provision ans well as other wireless applications. The Treasury has already made several millions of dollars by pre-auctioning most of the bands that will be freed up.

The enhanced TV quality is just a byproduct of the conversion, not the driving consideration at all.