Druids and Stonehenge


Space Bitch
Registered Senior Member
Does anybody know why modern druids place religious significance in Stonehenge? Construction of the monument ended long before Celts reached Britain, yet druids seem to lay some kind of claim to it.
Maybe it was infact the druids that built stonehenge, the natives could well have been druids. I don't really see the link between your mention that the celts coming over to Britain after it was constructed and the druids apprently claiming to own stonehenge when celts and druids are different.
Modern druids do not claim to own stonehenge, and they consider it to be a very powerful magical site. Which is why they consider it to be important.
The druids were Celts. There is no evidence connecting Stonehenge to druids.
The thing was built in the neolithic period. Druids and celts had nothing to do with it. 'Twas just the native inhabitants.
The druids were Celts. There is no evidence connecting Stonehenge to druids.

Some Celts may have been Druids, but its perfectly possible that they took some beliefs from natives at the time and merged to an extent, Celtic tribes from different parts of europe differ slightly. Native inhabitants built Stonehenge in the neolithic period, before migrating Celts reached the British Isles, they didnt invade and conquer Britain merely merged with natives, hence it would be most likely that native sites of importance and belief systems would be incorporated together.
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Was stonehenge built by druids?
No. The Celts didn’t expand into Britain until between
the 5th to 3rd C. BCE. Stonehenge was completed by
about 1600 BCE. The Druids, however, did have enough
astronomical knowledge to realize the significance of
Stonehenge. They may have used Stonehenge, at least
for observational purposes, although there is no clear
evidence to support this.


The reason druids feel the connection and significance to stonehenge is not at all that they built it, but because they feel it to be a strong link to the pre-christian history which they came from.It's a site which they find symbolising an earlier way of life and belief sytem that they wish, if not to recreate, then at least to emulate. They also consider it to be a site of great natural power, if you have done your research you will know that stonehenge is situated near by and over a great many number of "ley lines" which are considered to be, power lines if you like.