drugs, abortion. related?


Registered Senior Member
Well, I'm not sure on my view of abortion BUT...those who think abortion should be a choice no matter what, and if your reasoning is because the government doesnt have a right to say what goes on with our body, shouldn't drugs be legal?
You could say drugs are harmful but...in abortion you're ending a life. So I'm not sure which, but maybe it should be all or nothing with allowing them. So..that just occured to me. I'm not sure if the way i put it made sense but..thoughts? I want to know what you think.
This topic can be debated forever. It has both equal positive and negative qualities to it that can benifit society or the pregnant woman in need.

Personally I think that once someone is concieved it is their right to achieve a state of mind. The fact is, once it happens right from the start, you are already a person, developing everything you need in order to get out of the mothers womb.

To consider giving life to someone as a problem is sad and distrepectfull to the point of your own life.
I mean, how many of us were planned pregnancies anyway ?

If a fetus did not want to live it would die in the womb anyway, we gotta start respecting others lives.

Then there are the positive qualities : people who have depression that cannot look after themselves let alone an infant, population control, incapacitations, violent abusive parents or family, social environment, and income.

It will never be a settled debate from both sides of the fence, so I'll leave my argument / discussion to the above point.

those who think abortion should be a choice no matter what, and if your reasoning is because the government doesnt have a right to say what goes on with our body, shouldn't drugs be legal?

Maybe they should. Good thinking.

On the other hand, it could be argued that allowing some drugs might lead to an increased rate of crime, due to addicts committing crimes to support their habit. Thus, legalising drugs could be detrimental to society, in that other people (other than addicts) would suffer. Thus, it isn't just a matter of people being able to control their bodies.

Maybe abortion is different ... or maybe it isn't. What do you think?
How many times do we read of someone stealing for a pack of cigarettes? Or a beer?

Certainly it happens, but legalization will crash the price structure unless the government executes with foresight and installs an aggressive tax scheme. And, well, government and foresight ... yeah.
i see what you mean, how difficult it would be politically and economically. But morally, it sorta makes sense doesn't it? "It's that person's body", so those agree with that statement should agree with legalization of drugs. i think.
I do agree with the legalisation of drugs. I think that legally produced, imported, taxed and openly sold drugs, subject to consumer protection laws would cause far less damage at less cost than the present absurd policies. Nearly all drugs were legally available in many countries in Europe and the USA until about 1920 when international agreements made the open sale of drugs illegal. That is the problem: any attempt to legalise drugs will depend on the cancellation of internetional treaties; until many countries accept the legality of drugs it would not be a practical policy for any one country.
to tell you the truth i am even a conservative and i agree with you however i dont agree with abortion but that is just my opionion
Of course drugs should be legalized. Addicts only commit crimes because drugs are illegal. You could be a heroin addict all your life, and not be a detrement to society, as long as you could get your drugs. Some drugs do have illegal uses, however, above your personal right to use them, such as GHB, used to sedate rape victims.
No matter what side you take on the abortion issue, there's always someone out there attacking you for being there. Including neutrality. People will attack you for being "unfeeling and heartless" in not taking a stand.

The best position to take is to just ignore the whole thing and give the finger to whoever complains.
I will mention this abortion fact here, because most people are unaware of it. When abortion is made legal, the crime rate will very predictably drop 18 to 24 years later. Most people who commit crimes are between 18 and 24 years of age. A significant percentage people who commit crimes come from unwanted pregnancies and poor backgrounds.



There are arguments against this fact, but I challenge you to find one that is not religous based. Sad but true. I try to be nice, but the truth is that if I were in charge, I would make Hitler look like a boy scout.