Drug testing methods


Full Time Nerd-Bomber
Registered Senior Member
I had to take a drug test for the new job I am going to start working at. I know that drugs can be detected in urine, hence the standardized urine sampling done on people. But I learned that one can tell if drugs have been used by taking a sample from fingernails or a strand of hair. Can someone explain why this is so?
The body breaks down the chemicals in the drug, and those chemicals deposit themselves into the hair and nails due to their chemical characteristics. Essentially your body is a large, flowing vessel of water. So pesticides, which are very hydrophobic, are mostly eliminated but some deposit into your fat, and never leave. Likewise the metabolic products of THC and cocaine deposit into the hair and nails, although in small quantities. Further, people never cut all of the nail and never cut off all of their hair either, so it leaves a good record of what you have been up to. And yes, if you shave your head, they will just take pubic hair. There are numerous toxicology textbooks and articles if you are interested in further reading, but you have to know a good deal of chemistry and biology to understand it.