Drug Liberation


Registered Member
Alrihgt, this is my new brainstorm and i want some others opinions. Why cant marijuana be legal?? the only reason its legal is because of the money the goverment makes from it with fines and overpriced drug scandals. Us medical journal released an article in 89 i believe that stated there are no heath effects under normal circumstances and that it is safer than alcohol and tobacco. the only reason alcohol and tobacco are legal is because our counrty was basicly founded on them. if marijuana was legal think about the benefits. 1:less people off the streets getting in trouble by purchasing and selling. 2:it would open up new job opportunities with growing it and testing and all that good stuff. 3 the gov would make more money from it than it does by fines now because they could tax the hell out of it like they do tobacco. there would obviously be rules to this however such as youd prolly have to be 18 to purchase it. it could most likely be over the counter like cigarettes though. you would have to have special liscences to grow it. you wouldnt be able to operate machinery or drive while under the influence of it(of course who wants to get stoned and drive around anyway?) i just think its bullshit howo the world has been brainwashed into thinking marijuana is dangerous and unhealthy. potheads its time to take a stand! haha. note:i know some of the things i sad are prolly exaggerated slightly but you all get where im coming from)

you guys tell me what you think.
One thing besides the threads given by Goofyfish...

Legalise Marijuana Now...!! :cool:
And make it available to all those who are aged 21 and older.
Your I.D., please?

Pot and the goverment.

The only reason that pot is not leagal is because once they leagelize it they have to make all pot leagal.

Pot is to easy to grow they cant make any profit from it.

Liquer is super hard to make and expensive to get it going.

Tobacco is one of the most expensive plants to grow. the soil needs to be flooded with chemicals to stop the soil from turning grey and blowing away.

they can only grow tobacco something like once every three or four seasons. then they have to grow hay and plow it back in.

Pot is the best plant in the world.

POT FOR LIFE............
After a brief look into it, I'm pretty much convinced that if America and Canada legalized marijuana, British Columbia could become an independant socialist republic.
Up with the evil weed (hahahhah leagle age in Australia for everything is 18)
Yeah, sometimes I think about it and it is crazy to me. The Government classifying marijuana as a drug and making it illegal. What the.......

Marijuana is a plant. The Mother Earth provides this wonderful bud for us. Alcohol and Tobacco has killed many people? Yet weed is illegal? Population Control?

Pharmasutically broken down Marijuana is more like a spice.

And this brings up another very interesting point. All you religious people should support the legalizing of weed. After all "God gave us all the seed bearing plants and herbs to use"

I actually smoked some kind bud lastnight. So tasty :D
There you have a hell of a point LIGHTBEING!

Come on all you godbelievers, and SMOKE...:cool:
I don't understand why weed isn't legalised, as far as drugs go, it's pretty safe and isn't highly addictive. I live in Adelaide at the moment, which is sometimes referred to as "little Amsterdam", 'cos it's the weed capital of Australia ;)

We're allowed to grow a couple of outdoor plants here, and the penalties for possesion are pretty much non-existant. Of course everyone here is a doped-out stoner :bugeye: , but hey, we have the cheapest, skunkiest buds in Aust, so I'm not complaining.

Io Aurelia

Re. "After all "God gave us all the seed bearing plants and herbs to use""

Including the selenium-containing plants, such as loco-weed, which
are poisonous ... and poison oak and ivy! Really thoughtful god.

Take care :rolleyes:
Well, if you look at the Biblical God, he is not thoughtful at all. He murders, lies, contradicts himself. He is not worthy if you ask me.

I'm just trying to get across, to the ones that believe in the Bible, that their God says it is OK to use anything which is grown out of a seed.

<font face="andy"><font color="green"><font size=4>why legalise it?!?!...

taxes if legal, it costs bout £10 4 n 8th...depends who etc etc

police do f*** all 2 u anyway

more exciting

