Dropa Stones


Registered Member
I haven't seen any postings on this site about the Dropa discs. It's an incredible story about extraterrestials here on Earth. Really cool story. Here's the link: http://www.crystalinks.com/dropa.html
Check out the article, do some research, let us know what you think about it.
Okay, I researched the Dropa stones on the net and made a fascinating discovery. Almost every article I read (about 93 of them if my webcrawler is accurate) is practically identical, verbatim. The photographs are all the same ones on every site. The text is like it was copied and pasted. The photos themselves aren't very good. The only one showing size has any details obscured by the poor quality. the others are not shown by anything for comparison.

The whole thing is suspect.
I read the link too. Here are my thoughts.

Anytime we have a plane crash, we go investigating. Anytime we get maritime SOS, coast guard or a govt Navy nearby goes searching. It is heard to believe that a lonely spacecraft crash land here with no communication to the home world. Or that no one will be looking for the missing loved ones.

I have a feeling, in 1950, people thought these disks to be like phonograph records (those 78 rpm museum pieces). I have news for you - when we get to the point of having thousands of star ships travelling light years in a few days time, we surely will have:

computational devices that are far superior to our present intelligence. The devices will be both silicon, chemical, optical based and biological photosynthesis based and may be something far out that we can not visualize but be able to somewhat comprehend if we see it today.

We would have self healing devices that can repair itself atom-by-atom with a DNA like blue print. Not to mention Nanobots and the like.

There will be no DVD disks or music CDs that store a few Gigs. If we go by the way of flash cards, it will be a small block of mettalic piece that will hold Petabytes but communicate via sometype of wireless technology.

Some of the ancient Indian text such as Mahabharat and Ramayan is full of stories with out of this world conotations. This may be a time to search and find out what was sci-fi and what was not.

Sooner or later the truth will come out and it will be stranger than fiction...