Drinking and driving


I ask members to express theirs feelings on drinking and driving, truly is road safety something a lot of people try to avoid assuming responsibilities for? I would love to hear all of your personal stories about yourselfs or someone you know that was affected by drinking and driving, be sincere in your answers:)
I ask members to express theirs feelings on drinking and driving, truly is road safety something a lot of people try to avoid assuming responsibilities for? I would love to hear all of your personal stories about yourselfs or someone you know that was affected by drinking and driving, be sincere in your answers:)
When I was in college in the early 1960s, three of my friends killed themselves in drunk driving crashes. I never got the details so I don't know if they also killed or injured others.

I've never been much of a fan of alcohol. These days I seldom have more than two beers in an evening. If my band is playing and we start loading in at 7:30pm and we finish loading out at 2:30am, well okay maybe three.

When I was younger I occasionally had four, and there were a couple of times that I drove home and didn't feel comfortable doing it, but continued anyway. I drove slowly, took back roads and was probably driving more safely than most of the people on the road at that hour. I certainly wasn't racing and yelling "whoopee." But I made a point to not do it again.

I've known several people who were true alcoholics and drove home after drinking more liquor than I keep in my house. I rode home with one once, without realizing what I was doing until too late. He drove just fine, was very attentive and responsible. I'm sure his reaction time was impaired but he drove better than my mother ever did at her best.

I've been told that my experience was representative, that it's not really people like that who cause most of the accidents. They've been driving drunk for years and they've gotten good at it. It's the average person who gets carried away one night and drinks too much without realizing it.

But it's especially teenagers or very young adults. Teenagers think they're invincible, immortal hot-shots when they're sober; when they get drunk they think they're Batman--and they're less likely to buckle up. It seems like all the big drunk driving crashes I read about in the paper, the ones where a car literally sails off the road into a tree at 80mph and two or three people die, are teenage drivers.

And I have read more than once that using a cellphone while driving is about as dangerous as having three drinks. The same is true of other distractions such as putting on makeup, swapping out a CD, reading a map, farting around with a baby in the back seat, and eating.

One comedian said that eating while driving is worse than driving drunk. "Drunks are at least trying to drive. People who are eating only want the sugar."
I've more than lost count of the number of lives lost due to drinking and driving - not only the drunk himself but innocent people in the cars - and in one case - a house that was hit. I've always lived close to a major city (even after moving several times) and there was never an entire week that went by without at least a single reported incident and often more than one.

A good friend got so deep in the bottle that actually started keeping one in his desk at the office. However, a single incident put him on the wagon for life at around age 45. He didn't even remember getting into his car to go buy more booze that night. All he DID remember was being awakened by a cop with a flashlight who had found his car smashed against a tree and him, about a hundred feet down a hillside lying against a slab in the local cemetery. Never took a single drink again.
Thanks for your responses I was starting to think no one cared about these issues. So far your replies have bin very informative and accurate, these are also some of the reasons why I think this issue is worth conscious attention paid to it. I seek to learn as much as possible about the real life consequences and perceptions of how this subject is viewed in the public. I am one man, I cannot truly appreciate the negative affects drinking and driving has caused in our communities generation after generation since cars has bin mass produced. Immature teens are a big part of the problem, I only want to leave you all with one more thought if you were coming home one night driving drunk and you fatally hit some ones car that had a new born baby in the back seat what happens to your life next? You have not died but you might just wish you did.
Read only were you personally affected by all those deaths caused by drinking and driving or was this just a lot of news reports? This is a sincere clearifification I ask for, I am attempting to get as many subjective view points as possible to be better attuned to these issues.
Read only were you personally affected by all those deaths caused by drinking and driving or was this just a lot of news reports? This is a sincere clearifification I ask for, I am attempting to get as many subjective view points as possible to be better attuned to these issues.

Both, actually. While only a small number affected me or members of my family directly, all tragedies of this kind has a negative effect on me and everyone around me.

There's one thing to keep in mind about drinking and driving when comparing it to other tragedies: In the case of drunk driving, it is *highly* preventable.
Well said Read only, thank you for assisting me with my research I was reading a paper today that speculated a link with cortisol levels lacking votility in repeat offenders remained one of the consistant symptoms of this disorder.