Dreams of the future in general


Valued Senior Member
Anybody have dreams of the apparent future in general? I mean, not where you saw your friend do something, but where you saw a future way of life? It’s irrelevant to me if it’s just fantasy; I’d still like to hear the interesting stuff.

Recently I was awoken suddenly from a deep sleep. I was all set and patiently waiting to be dropped from the outside of a spaceship accelerating close by a planet, along with and alongside my fellow soldier, who happened to be a woman. We’d be released from the ship, slide down a flare at the rear of the ship for the purpose of slowing our velocity relative to the planet (just like a playground slide), individually fall into the atmosphere of the planet, and parachute into the battle zone. The reason for this strategy was because the other side could not counter this type of drop as it could a drop from a craft within the atmosphere. I knew all this implicitly even though the only visual was of the slide and the curvature of the planet beyond. The planet was only partially visible because there was a "roof" over us and I could see only through the vent at the bottom of the ship, beyond our feet. The atmosphere of the planet was blue like Earth but that wasn't part of my thoughts in the dream; it might as well have been any planet.

In another dream I was walking in a residential neighborhood of a future city. The mass transit system was gondolas like ski resorts have. They traveled at subway or monorail speed and crisscrossed the city at different levels, the highest 30 meters or so, dipping down to stations at ground or second-floor level. One of the posts of the system was in the backyard of a house I was walking by. The post had a small footprint; it didn’t take up much of the backyard. I’ve given some thought to this idea and it seems like the best possible transportation system—cheap, efficient, relatively fast and easy to erect. If in the future people cooperate more for the common good (unlike today where the mass transit is often chosen to make the developers rich, who then kickback to the politicians), I can see that gondolas might fly in cities.
Very nice.
I need to start a dream journal. I find myself having many after 6 hours of sleep.

Very interesting dreams zanket. My dreams mainly lean towards "What if" kind if of situation... And they are only realitive to my own life.

But I did have one dream where millions of flying lights attacked earth while earth was in the 3rd world war. I dream in color and this was an amazing dream to me.

Another dream I had was where people from the past warned Me and My friends about about the furture, while me and my buddys where at a camp fire. I talked with poeple from every walk of life and time in this dream.... It was too weird.... I hardly remeber it even. It was an amazing dream to me, but I hardley remeber it. :(
It happened atleast 3 or 4 years ago. :(

Can dreams be a small glimphs into the future even if we know it or not? Or is it a pipe dream.
i have dreams about sex ... maybe you play to much halo2 ... are there aliens? are they green? ... im seeing it as you are the anti-christ and you dropped into this earth ... im just playin with ya .... i wouldnt doubt that we will be in space travel in the near future ... but i dunno if you and me will be able to do this ... i wish i could dream that dream it sounds tight ... was the chick you were with a pornstar??? was it like a spaces suit that was uni-sex or did it have lil places for the boobs? ... wait if she was in a suit how did you know she was a girl ... did you see her pussy? give her the feeler? c'mon it was a dream you could do anything u wanted to ... did you tap that shit man?
oo yea did u get shot or what? what kind of guns did the enemy or u use? were u fighting against your own race or did they look diffrent? how did u wake up?

actually u got me interested in this now ... and it does sound possible ... russians are coming out with a ion driven rocket that will cheapen space flight drasticly ... but we are still using solid and liquid driven rockets ... and i dont see why u couldnt parachute in ... but if the planet has an ionsphere like ours you would need a heat shield ... thats why im getting that these suit you were in ... were they bulky or what? did u have rockets on the suit to guide your landing to the planet? or was it just a normal parachute?
Who doesn't dream about sex?

I didn't look at anything except the planet beneath my feet--at least that's the only visual I remember about the dream. But, like you probably know what clothes you're wearing now without looking, that is how I knew the things I posted. No, I didn't tap her, it was more like she was my partner in soldiering. There was a lot of gear including battle gear, so yes we were bulked up. No info about what she looked like, who was the enemy, what type of guns, etc. Kind of makes sense--if you could live a few minutes of some other life you might remember only what you were thinking about at the time. I had the impression there were no rockets, just a free-fall until the parachute opened. I remember right after I woke up--to my cell phone alarm going off--how I was surprised that I had no fear waiting to be dropped. More like I was the consummate soldier just going to get the job done.

The slide to the bottom of the ship--where it flared outwards--was long, like half a kilometer. I thought afterwards that the flaring made sense as well to push us away from the engines.

Even more detail: It was dark. The only light came from the planet through the vent we'd exit from at the bottom of the ship. Our suits were dark colored. We were waiting for the ship to be in position. I had the feeling there were more soldiers along the circumference of the ship also waiting to drop, but in our slot it was just me and her.
I've had a serious debate for the past few years as to whether I should include my sex dreams in my dream journal. Whether or not having them in there would make the journal less, I don't know, I guess "sophisticated", maybe.

I have finally decided that those dreams are just as much a part of my dream universe as any other dream, and leaving them out would be to deny part of what my dream-life is. To leave them out would be to deprive myself of written record of how and when I had those types of dreams.

On topic:I have pre-cog dreams, though only rarely are they very specific. Specific enough to occationally tell someone what they are about to say, or to tell my friends about a conversation or road sign or something that they pops up in their life days later.

On Sept 10, 2001, My best friend and I somehow started talking about what the effect would be of having a modern jet hit a skyscraper; as opposed to the small plane that hit the Empire state building in the 30's. That one really freaked us both out come the 12th. :(
How can you discern a dream about the future: wether it is the future or just a far more advanced place/society in another place or in the past?

For dreams about the near future, how could you publicize them without changing the future?

I onced dreamed of a place that was like a modern health resort. There were
strick rules about information/conversation and fruit(yes fruit!). The fruit there was
about 3 times the size it is here. As I started to reach for a fruit in a place that looked
like a bar, I noticed everyone looking very seriously towards me. I don't know what
the rule was but decided not to take any at all. I set in front of a gorgeous blond lady
dressed in white and quickly informed I was not from there and wanted to know where
and when I was. She said "Telepacifica, the year 1986(this was in 2003)". As she
spoke, her bluish eyes started emmitting a bluish light. I found my self in the middle
of the street surrounded by a lot of people who looked at me like I was an alien or

That is all I remember. I don't know of anyplace on earth named "Telepacifica".
danielb said:
How can you discern a dream about the future: wether it is the future or just a far more advanced place/society in another place or in the past?

Welcome to sciforums. Good point. I guess you couldn't tell without some more info.

For dreams about the near future, how could you publicize them without changing the future?

I kinda hope I do! I'd like to ride in that gondola system.

That is all I remember. I don't know of anyplace on earth named "Telepacifica".

Neat dream! Once in a while I get a name of a place or person but it usually fades like mist upon awakening. I should get one of those digital recorders so I can get it down.