Dreams & OBE ???


Registered Member
I've seen many ufo-dreams. Sometimes they are
very lucid and realistic but I've always
considered them as dreams. Do you think
those dreams might be true..? I've heard
that when you're sleeping, your astral body
leaves your physical body and flyes around and you can't control it :) And at the morning you can remember few things about
your "dreams"...well..umm..bye :)
Are you normally a lucid dreamer? A lucid dreamer can take control of a dream (or at least I can). I have certain tests that I run when a dream is getting too strange. If only one of the tests passes, then I discount the whole evening as a dream. If the colors are unusually vibrant, if I have the god-like ability to manifest things, or if I have a high degree of clairvoyance, then the odds are it's a dream. I will also generally dismiss a UFO dream if the images fit the popular media imagery too closely (which usually occurs after too much pizza and beer). :)

What are your UFO dreams? How do they start? This can often tell the tale if it's just a bad night or something else.

As far as OOBEs go, I've had a few of them during waking hours. The deal with your spirit leaving your body and going wandering when you sleep is a Chinese belief as I have heard it. I believe it happens, but I don't believe that's what dreams are. Most dreams are simple re-caps of the day's events, or else are the result of the subconscious mind going over a nagging problem. Others seem to be strictly entertaining. I have had dreams so funny that I woke up laughing, even though I couldn't remember what I was laughing about!
Hmm..my ufo dreams sometimes just comes up.
I haven't read anything about them or anything suspicious had not happened. When I've seen these dreams I've not been even thinking about them. Lately I've seen few ufos (if they're ufos..) but I haven't seen
any dreams.

Only once they've been hostile. That night I was sleeping at my friend's home. Usually when I'm there I don't see any dreams. But this time I saw two or three "weird looking" humanoid...they looked they hadn't got any skin. Just muscles and veins or something..they ripped my clothes and one of them crouched down and looked my eyes. And I can't remember what happened then.
Few months ago I was again spending my night
at my friend's home. At night I woke up when
really weird sounds came from the living room...and REALLY LOUD! I had to hold my ears
but it didn't help much. Then I woke my friend. I said to him: "do you hear those sounds". He mumbled something like: "whatta f***" and then slept. Then I crawled into my
bed and then I slept. At the morning I asked my friend did he hear those sounds last night. He didn't remember anything and said I've must been dreaming...well..if that was a dream it was VERY LUCID.
Good descriptions. May I ask why you were spending the night at your friend's house? Was it just a sleep-over, was your place having work done to it? Feel free to e-mail me if you'd rather carry on the discussion in private. I have a method to my questions, an depending on the answers I get, some can require more information than you'd like to have made public. (No credit card #s or anything! :))