Dreams...Can you fly, In Colour?


Registered Senior Member
In Dreams...
Can you...
lucid dream (control your own dream)?
are you in colour?
do you wake up when you fall?
have you died?

Dream questions are always there. They have confounded philosophers for centuries because everyone is different. For example. You can fly in your dreams but do you fly like Superman, or some other way. I am curious to know the following:

1. If you fly in dreams, how?
2. Do you dream in colour or black and white or a combination?
3. Have you ever died in a dream.
4. Have you ever consciously controlled the outcome of your dream?

Let me know your answers and I'll share mine in a week, so as not to cloud the issue.
1. If you fly in dreams, how?
Sometimes straight up, slowly - other dreams like superman (though less frequent)
2. Do you dream in colour or black and white or a combination?
Always in color
3. Have you ever died in a dream.
4. Have you ever consciously controlled the outcome of your dream?
Yes, sometimes if I woke up, I go back to the same dream to change the outcome. I also can setup a story ahead of time and then dream the story with participation (like Startrek Holodeck).

1. When I fly I slowly lift from the ground and take a horisontal position with my belly down..:), then I rise to the hight I prefer at the time.
2. Always in colour.
3.I can´t remember if I have died in a dream.
4.Yes, when I fly for example is always when I have wakened in the dream.

As you can tell I've just looked at this thread, I myself use to dream and then I stopped.
The reason... Because someone forgot to reload the dat machine.

Seriously, I've had dreams where I float, Even bounce round from floating like a tennis ball being flung against concrete.
Some of my dreams have been noticibly black and white, or monochrome while some of them have been known to end with credits (The names of the actors etc seem to be Polish and it seems that the film is probably something you would see at a film show, hidden in an archive by now)

My personal favourite was the fact that you have a dream and then you have an amount of times you wake, and for everytime you go back to sleep you dream a different ending taking off from the first place you were disturbed. A kind of dream like the film "Groundhog day".

Of course I've learnt now that all my dreams are just another part of a bigger picture, perhaps one day people will be allowed to understand.
1. If you fly in dreams, how?

Usually, I'll start jumping and I'll fly for hundreds of yards before coming back down to earth. Like, huge bounding leaps.

2. Do you dream in colour or black and white or a combination?


3. Have you ever died in a dream.

No, I usually wake up a split second before the tragedy happens in my dreams, or I miraculously land on something soft if I fall.

4. Have you ever consciously controlled the outcome of your dream?

No. I've known people who can, but I think I sleep too hard or something.
I love flying in my dreams, its almost like a combination of superman style, and really big leaps.

Always in color

Unfortunately I've died a number of times in my dreams. Beaten, shot, falling and hitting the bottom, drowned more often than anythign else.

If I realize I'm dreaming I can always control everything. Even what others do. I become almost like Neo in the matrix. I can bend everything to my will. It's kind of neat, and it can make for some interesting dreams.
I can do everything you listed; flying is a little akward, but I can deliberatly manage it.
I lucid dream almost every night.
Flying in a dream usually is a great task for me, I have to move my legs and/or arms as fast as possible to do it.
I'm almost completely color blind, so I can't dream in color, haha.
I used to die all the times in my dreams, but not much anymore. I'd go to heaven or hell and continue my dream for a little while there.
I have never controlled any of my dreams, and never realized it was a dream, but in one case I had a dream where I died, and then I woke up. I was awake for sure, and got something to eat, then went back to bed and fell asleep. I went back to the same place, talked to the people who saw me die, and told them, "It's ok, you can just wake up and go back to sleep."
Originally posted by tmegeney
1. If you fly in dreams, how?

Yes, I often fly in dreams. Flying in my dreams always feels exactly like falling in them does, except that I control the direction. Sometimes, I have difficulty with things like speed or landing....if one of them get's too out of control it always wakes me up. Sometimes, though, it's really easy to control.

2. Do you dream in colour or black and white or a combination?

Always color, but not always life-color. Things get a grainy looking texture sometimes, and sometimes one color will stand out much more than any others.

3. Have you ever died in a dream.

Nope, never died, I always either wake up or am somehow unharmed by what should have killed me. My favorite example of that is when I dreamt that I was attacked and eaten by an alligator, but once I was in it's stomach I just pulled out my trusty pocket knife, and cut my way out.

4. Have you ever consciously controlled the outcome of your dream?

I couldn't answer that with certainty. However, it certainly does seem like it when I'm about to get dream-laid just as it's time for my alarm clock to go off.


I have a recurring theme too. I dream about being in a prison of some kind. The kind of prison changes....every type from penitentiary to chaingang to POW. Then I figure a way to escape. I always manage to escape....sometimes with others...sometimes I go back in to help others to escape. They're always somewhat stressful dreams.
1. When I was little I used to be able to fly in dreams, but only in certain dreams. (I have recurring dreams with their own histories and stories that I revisit every so often.) Last year was the first time I had flown in a few years. I had left it and didn't dream about flying then one dream I tried to fly again and discovered that I couldn't I practiced that dream. I was kind of depressed that day because I had forgotten(felt like Peter Pan in the movie when he had gotten older and had forgotten). But the next night or a couple of nights later I got it back and could fly.

When I fly I kind of jump and float. I kind of swim through the air so to speak but am afraid to go high since the atmosphere gets lighter then it will be too hard to slow down in time or kind of swim while still upright back down to the ground. Because if I go too fast I might get out into space and will die or be lost.

2. I always dream in colour.

3. I have died once as far as I can remember. Drowned in a tidal wave. After I had died I went back to the start of the dream (to try and change the fate) but would just keep on drowning and dying until I woke up. I told a few friends and they say thats what happens to them when they die in a dream.

4. I don't control the outcome per se. I am almost always if not always in charge of my own actions but do not control the actions of other people/things/animals/supernatural. Perhaps I subconsciosly control others. But a month ago in a dream I said something to my mum and she acted as if she didn't want to hear the truth. I thought about that dream a couple of nights ago, that subject came up and I thought no, I should say what I said in that dream. My mum acted the same way I had dreamt. I have dreams of the future as well and sometimes it happens exactly as the dream. It is freaky sometimes the accuracy. Sometimes I dream about people the next day and I might meet them the next day. (You'll see one of them at the 2004 and/or 2008 Olympics Australian diving team if you need proof).
1. Yes, once I flew in a dream when I was little, I had no control of where I went but I could change the view, whether it was third or first person. I flew out of my body and soared through Manhattan and then a bunch of other stuff. I've also had falling dreams-WHICH I LOVE!!! Am i the only one who does?
2. Yeah they're in color, except its usually pitch black in my falling dreams.
3. Sometimes I have control-can someone tell me how to lucent dream? I'm thinking about getting those goggles people use (if anyone has them tell me if they work) for them, but if anyone has any pointers itd be a real help.
Great Information

A few days ago I asked everyone several questions. They were:
1. If you fly in dreams, how?
2. Do you dream in colour or black and white or a combination?
3. Have you ever died in a dream.
4. Have you ever consciously controlled the outcome of your dream?
These questions are really interesting to me and I think in need of closer examination. First of all, here are my answers.

1. I can fly in my dreams as well. I begin by running then bounding and finally I am able to tuck my legs under me and take flight. It always works for me this way. The really curious thing is that I asked two members of my family the same questions, a niece and a cousin, and they flew in dreams the same way I do. Could it be a hereditary trait? And what would that say about the importance of dreams?

2. I read a long time ago that researchers hypothesize that really creative people dream in colour. I don't know if they gave a reason, or if I just forgot it. For the most part I dream in colour, but sometimes I know that the dream is in black and white. Sometimes it switches from one to the other.

3. I believe the same article also said that if you die in your dream then you die in real life. I know that it is not the case, because I have died in a dream. Actually, I thought it might be a premonition and not a dream, because I have had the same 'vision' several times. It involves a car accident. I actually witness myself die and realize that I am floating above the accident. Not sure what that might say about dreams or life after death if anything.

4. I discovered lucid dreaming about 7 years ago, totally by accident. Somehow, I 'woke-up' when I was still dreaming and was able to completely change the course of my dream. For a long time after that, maybe 2-3 years, I was not able to have another lucid dream. Then I had another accidental lucid dream again. Since that time, I have been able to lucid dream occasionally off and on. I don't always realize that I am dreaming, but if I do, then I can control it. To answer shrike, I don't know if the glasses work. Popular belief is that if you think about a symbol, say your watch, then you see it in your dream, you can realize that you are dreaming and take control. It is one of the most empowering experiences that you can have.

There has been a recurring thread here about recurring dreams. I myself have several different ones. Some are good, but some are very bad. Anyone else have these? What do you think they mean?
Yeah I have dreams which follow on a story and have its own background and history. I have had them for many years of my life. It is like watching an episode of a show on TV except you control the main character and the others react as believable and dynamic as it gets.

I guess I'm on the holodeck 15 hours a day. :D
Dream Flying


I have been able to fly in my dreams since I was a little girl. At first the flying was small distances either horizontal or vertical.

This flying is not very often and when it occurs I instinctly try to hold onto my state of it as long as I can. There has been daytime and nightime arial projections and if you contact me I can tell you more, as I do not know if you have moved your interests elsewhere at this time.


I do not personally believe that there can be a clear demarcation line between color and black&white as there is in television sets. Our minds simply do not interpret the environment in the same manner as a television. An absence of color in a dream may be totally different from the absence of color from a television screen. It may be a useful metaphor, but I think it ignores the fact that an organic interpretation of color or its absence is suspended not in waves of light or measurable angstrom units but in a soup of feeling and subtle association. Perhaps in a dream, color is the idea that represents color. Color is a type of information carried to our brains via the optic nerve. When we dream it may be something else entirely. Of course I don't know, but that is my opinion.
always color - never got the b&w thing, thought it was cultural from early daguerreotypes/film/tv and not biological.

i fly, but it's just like swimming...in the air.

- js.
1. no flying (prolly good, im afraid of heights)
2. always in color... though sometimes kinda like "Natural Bron Killer" type deal
3. yes, i once dreamed i was so skinny i flew out the car window. i died and was stuck in a forest where ppl were mean, and my mother came to rescue me.
4. yes... when im dreaming and then realize "this is a dream."

i watched a documentary in my psychology class about a teenaged girl who.. every night, would dream, float above the bed.. and waake up in the morning. she thought it was normal. then she went in and had tests done.. and the placed a random 5 igit number over her bed (so she could only see it if she were floating. she woke 3 times duing the night. the first two times she said she didn't see it. the third time... she got it on the first try. the next day she dissapeared..... (its understood that she was afraid of what might happen to her, so her parents pulled her out of the tests)
I know several people who have never dreamed in colour in their entire life, and they were curious as to why I asked the question, even wondering about whether I was truthful when I said that I dreamed in colour.

I know people who never retain their dreams and others that recall them for brief periods, but it seems no one holds onto them for long.

Flyer, I am still interested in this topic. The concentration involved in flying for me seems to be intense. If I concentrate too long on something, or too intensely on flying, I stop flying. I have also experienced "out of body" experiences, where I seem to be able to control my "essence" and go where I want. That happens a lot less frequently now then it used to.

Has anyone had a, lets call it a waking dream, where they can see themselves doing something in the future, and it later comes to pass? Kind of like reverse deja vu?

I used to imagine that dreams were like a different reality where we actually lived, and this reality was the real dream. Not sure as to what part of that I believe now, but there it is. Whoa, I'm rambling now.

Anyway, bye for now.
Did You Know...
deja Vu is't really deja vu at all...... its when your brain sort of "short circuits" for a moment, and then regains its composure , so you feel that youve alredy expirienced when you are exxpiriencing. so your really seeing it for the first time.. not "seeing again"...