Dreams: Applied meaning to random impulses?


God is a Chinese Whisper
Valued Senior Member
I have read a theory somewhere that when you sleep your brain fires off random neural impulses in it's rest state.
Your mind (when it is in a more conscious state) tries to apply cognizant thought to these impulses that it does not recognize in an attempt to "understand" them and relate them to what you know.

I am not sure of how I feel about this, but one thing that points to the validity of this claim is my thought process in (or just before) that in-between state of waking and sleep.
When I am just about start falling asleep and someone is talking to me and trying to have a conversation, one of two things will generally happen.

1.) I will "snap out of it" and wake up to the conversation.
2.) My mind will respond with totally non-sensical replies (that I will not say out loud because I am still lucid enough to know they make no sense).
For example: I am falling asleep and my girlfriend asks, "What time are we going to the beach tomorrow?" My mind will hear this question and the reply to the question in my head will be something like, "The dog hair triangle blue French".

Any thoughts on this theory (or the validity of my sanity ;)) ?
This, as far as I know, is the most accepted dream theory, in the psych world anyway. At first I found it to be sort of, unromantic, as most always want dreams to mean something, but as I thought about it, this could very well be something very huge. Who is to say these images are "random," perhaps they are a higher intellegence's way of thereputic message, a reason to believe that conciousness can be elevated. I don't know, I think if only the brain could be understood spirituality and understanding and knowledge would all come closer to being the same thing. I also read a lot of Robert Anton Wilson...so maybe I'm a bit of a, "dreamer."

Wow, did I really just type that last sentence? That is what a 40 year old dumbass high school teacher that watches nothing but the new John Ritter show would use as his "closing of reply joke." Don't think I was like sitting here chuckling about how clever I am, I'm just trying to make a point...not a pun.

What I meant to end the post with is "Are you drunk enough to have sex with me? Answer the question!"

Cool college student,
Anderson Evans