dreams and einstien


Registered Member
I had a dream recently and became aware of the fact that I was in a dream. I told myself I have to wake up but before I woke up I took alook around . When I woke up I realized that the things I saw in my dreams appeared instanstly . Just like things appear in reallife. Because light traveling at light speed iluminates them. I wondered if the things in my dreams were moving at light speed. Einstiens theory of realitvity says people can determine the speed of light . If this is true then the "things" in my dreams were appear at light speed . This mean thing other then light can move at light speed. What do you think.
Lucid dreams have nothing do to with the speed of light. Also, relativity doesn't say that people determine the speed of light.
You're posting about your perceptions of a dream. These perceptions are based on what you experience in "real life" just as much as your experiences in "real life" are. This is because your experiences are all filtered through the brain.
I wondered if the things in my dreams were moving at light speed.

They were moving at the speed of thought , which is an electrical signal which travels at a lower speed. Dreams are just thoughts of your subconscious mind so they are subject to the same electrical energy as your conscious brain is, to a degree.

"Less famously but no less significantly, the telegraph also transformed the way we think about the pace of our inner life. Morse’s invention debuted just as researchers were starting to make sense of the nervous system, and telegraph wires were an inspiring model of how nerves might work. After all, nerves and telegraph wires were both long strands, and they both used electricity to transmit signals. Scientists knew that telegraph signals did not travel instantaneously; in one experiment, it took a set of dots and dashes a quarter of a second to travel 900 miles down a telegraph wire. Perhaps, the early brain investigators considered, it took time for nerves to send signals too. And perhaps we could even quantify that time.

The notion that the speed of thought could be measured, just like the density of a rock, was shocking. Yet that is exactly what scientists did. In 1850 German physiologist Hermann von Helmholtz attached wires to a frog’s leg muscle so that when the muscle contracted it broke a circuit. He found that it took a tenth of a second for a signal to travel down the nerve to the muscle. In another experiment he applied a mild shock to people’s skin and had them gesture as soon as they felt it. It took time for signals to travel down human nerves, too. In fact, Helmholtz discovered it took longer for people to respond to a shock in the toe than to one at the base of the spine because the path to the brain was longer."

einstien dream.

First I would like to thank you for indept explantions . Thank you. I'm not a scientist I was just wondering . Id like to add this . When I looked around in my dream I rember thinking " I have to wake up" I think that helps determine how fast the things that I turned to look at appeared. When I turned the dream world was already constucted. What I mean is that everything I turned to look at was instantly there. I brought up Eistien because he says that light will move at the same speed to a viewer if it is in a vacum. I think that's what he says . I wonder if the "dream matter" is precived at the same speed that "real matter" is precived by "dreams eyes" and by real eyes. I guess that people got to see real life instantly . Maybe we don't . Maybe we are a nano second or 2 behide. Thanks again for your answers.
First I would like to thank you for indept explantions . Thank you. I'm not a scientist I was just wondering . Id like to add this . When I looked around in my dream I rember thinking " I have to wake up" I think that helps determine how fast the things that I turned to look at appeared. When I turned the dream world was already constucted. What I mean is that everything I turned to look at was instantly there. I brought up Eistien because he says that light will move at the same speed to a viewer if it is in a vacum. I think that's what he says . I wonder if the "dream matter" is precived at the same speed that "real matter" is precived by "dreams eyes" and by real eyes. I guess that people got to see real life instantly . Maybe we don't . Maybe we are a nano second or 2 behide. Thanks again for your answers.

I don't mean to be difficult...

But you do realize that when you were looking at things in your dream... you were not "looking at things" nor were you using your eyes, right?

To quote Morpheus, "Do you think that's air you're breathing?"
Lucid dreams have nothing do to with the speed of light. Also, relativity doesn't say that people determine the speed of light.

To quote Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam) Sun is the reason and the world it will bloom/Sun lights the sky and sun lights the Moon/Sun is the reason all the happy trees are green/ And who can explain the light in our dreams?
i am looking at stuff

First that's a great quote . If you don't look aroud in dreams why does it seem like looking aroud? You don't have to answer that.i'll see if I can look it up . I have also wondered do dreams have a gravitational pull . Went I dream I am usally astanding on the ground. After I thought aboout that (gravity in dreams) I had a dream and in the dream I jumped up and then went back down to the dream ground. I'm pretty sure dreams have no gravitational pull because I have had dreams that I flew in. Do you think dreams have any physic law. And if not doesn't that mean the law of physic aren't laws. Maybe dreams aren't physical things haha
First that's a great quote . If you don't look aroud in dreams why does it seem like looking aroud? You don't have to answer that.i'll see if I can look it up . I have also wondered do dreams have a gravitational pull . Went I dream I am usally astanding on the ground. After I thought aboout that (gravity in dreams) I had a dream and in the dream I jumped up and then went back down to the dream ground. I'm pretty sure dreams have no gravitational pull because I have had dreams that I flew in. Do you think dreams have any physic law. And if not doesn't that mean the law of physic aren't laws. Maybe dreams aren't physical things haha

Dreams are based entirely on the awareness and knowledge of the dreamer. Basically, the mind cannot access knowledge outside of itself, so your perceptions of gravity or lighting or even flying- is what you would have in a dream.
Hey Neverfly, why do I find it difficult, nearly impossible, to read in my dreams? I read well enough when I am awake, but I have observed in semi-lucid dream states that I can't read so much as a stop sign. I just assume by the shape and color.:confused:
Hey Neverfly, why do I find it difficult, nearly impossible, to read in my dreams? I read well enough when I am awake, but I have observed in semi-lucid dream states that I can't read so much as a stop sign. I just assume by the shape and color.:confused:

Why are you asking me?:shrug:

<Cough> I have, with concentration, been able to read in a few dreams. But I'm not sure this counts as being fully asleep... a bit like a Night Terror, where you're in between REM sleep and being awake.

Most people also do not dream in color. In my case, which is more rare, I dream in vivid color- more vivid than colors appear when awake.

The reason, I think, is that the cognitive parts of the brain, those that handle complex mental tasks such as reading, writing, problem solving, self awareness and such must shut down during REM sleep. Rather, they must shut down in order to rest lest their functionality be compromised. Without regular rest, the cognitive parts of the brain suffer damage and a long enough time without sleep will cause total breakdown- Otherwise known as death. I'm not sure what physical processes are involved in this and knowing me, I'll be googling that shortly...:shy:
You will find you cannot do a lot more than read when asleep. You cannot solve complex problems, write, perform pattern recognition, maybe even color recognition.
Your self awareness is lacking if not completely gone, and sometimes people will dream of themselves from an outside point of view. Others may dream of themselves but with an obscured, grayed out or unrecognizable face.
You also are very unlikely to look in a mirror in a dream.
You may not be able to count past three in a dream or unable to change your own actions. You must "watch" yourself do things you might ordinarily never do- or unable to perform functions you should be able to, such as able to stand up from a fall (Find yourself too weak to simply push yourself up) and unable to determine why.
Because the cognitive part of the brain is On Break.
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Ok, I tried looking into it...
Sadly, the answer is not well understood medically and it's also not easily identifiable to one source.
Rather, it's a cascade effect to a very careful balance between the many chemical, hormonal and electrical dependencies the brain requires to operate properly.

For example, we see a serotonin increase during REM sleep.
Melatonin, increases prior to sleep and decreases before the brain wakes up.

Probably due to the complexity of the brain interacting with the nervous system and many glands that produce the hormones to govern behavior, going without sleep results in increased hormonal production for wakefulness and repressed production for sleep. This kind of chemical hammering can only be tolerated for so long, before sensitive tissues must shut down due to "toxic effects."

The thalamus tries to compensate for this, re-routing cognitive ability- and the hippocampus becomes over-stimulated.

Yeah... um...
I'm no Doctor... Cascade Effect. :|
