Dreams, a reality of their own....?


Reality is in the Minds Eye
Registered Senior Member
Boggle this one in your noggin:

(1) All matter is composed of electricity. (that includes you and I)

(2) Your brain/body runs off of electrical currents and signals

Since you and I are constructed of electrical currents which form mass, are then the images, sights, and sounds in our dreams, which are no doubt made of electrical signals, alive too? Or is "alive" truly a form of expression?

Now this is all a shot in the dark, but it is interesting, yes? When a dream ends, do all the dream characters "die?" Certainly they are "doing stuff" in the dream, or is it merely a video in your mind which is used to keep you asleep? Perhaps the dream world isn't a reality like ours, but there seams to be something there, something that says that its a reality, but not like ours... or is it?

(something in me says that dreams are some form of World WITHIN a World, especially since we are MADE of electrical currents and so is the dream, which may suggest that each human mind is also a world within a world)

Dreams are put together by the brain, accumulated, programmed, all without your knowing of it... One experiment my brother did while we were on a road trip: I was a young kid, deep asleep in the vehicle, he whispered 1 word into my ear over and over for like 5 minutes, then he woke me up and all he said was something like "Of the following words, which is the most familiar to you right now" And of all the random words I guessed the one which he had been whispering into my ear, but I have no recollection of the whispering taking place, which suggests that the "subconsious" picked it up.

Which brings me to my last rambling bit: Is it possible to "transmit" ideas, or feelings into dreams of sleepers? Either through some sort of "brainwave replication transmitting device?" Perhaps the best "feeling or idea transmitter" is called the TV?

Feel free to make posts about any of the shiz you see here, or about something of your own experiences.....
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manmadeflyingsaucer said:
(1) All matter is composed of electricity. (that includes you and I)

That happens to be inaccurate, All Matter is made of "Energy" not electricity. Electricity is just a form of Energy but there are many other forms of energy, for instance Magnetism and waveforms are also Energy.

(2) Your brain/body runs off of electrical currents and signals

Actually that bioelectric's, the human body for most part uses chemicals for signals and the bi-product can be electrical amongst other outputs.

As for Dreams being realities? Well you could ask the same of Movies, when they end and the credits role the characters don't exist anymore, but they never existed to begin with. They were mearly actors and actresses playing a role for the duration of the film, choreographed by the writers pen and the directors direction.

The human mind is quite capable of generating it's own direction, for instance you are now reading what I had previously written and I made the decision of what to write. Which meant consciously trying to string words into sentences and depict through a literal illustration what my point of view or understanding might be.

There are many different interpretations of what dreams are, to some they have been here since mankind can remember and are depicted as existing throughout history. Some suggest that dreams might be painted by some muse or deity (mythology: Morpheus, Greek god of dreams), This in the future could be shown to be a high probability at least in the field of Virtual Reality and Cybernetics (in the form of interactive systems for disabled people)

As for Subliminal programming, thats already known through such things as Hypnosis. It's possible to use repetative patterns to defeat addictions or habits.

The human mind has a habit of processing things though, processing both things we consciously think about and of course sub-consciously. Thats why if someone asks you for the name of something and you can't remember but it's on the tip of your tongue, later in the day you might sudden remember what that name was when you are no longer trying to concentrate on finding it.

the eventual way the human mind will be understood is through computational synththesis or a Virtual Brain.
Energy (a concept) cannot exist without time, and time is a concept which describes a rate, therefore energy cannot actually "exist" but is merely a measurement of the work than can be done with whatever force you are working with. By "electricity" I meant currents, moving charges. Since you cannot deny that atoms are made of protons and electrons etc which are moving, constantly.
I can deny that atoms are built so, however doing so could be proven wrong if tested.

The reason Energy is termed is because due to the laws of "Energy Conservation" it can not be destroyed, it's always present in one form or other. When you start to try and conceputalise the workings of an atom you should probably look at Field Theory. Field theory doesn't state electricity it mearly points out that their are many fields (waveforms and energy) that makeup an atom and it's components.

You mention electricity however you don't look at certain obvious points present in our universe, like for instance the non-conductive nature of rubber which is also as obviously made up of atoms.
manmadeflyingsaucer said:
Energy (a concept) cannot exist without time, and time is a concept which describes a rate, therefore energy cannot actually "exist" but is merely a measurement of the work than can be done with whatever force you are working with. By "electricity" I meant currents, moving charges. Since you cannot deny that atoms are made of protons and electrons etc which are moving, constantly.

I don't think that's true. Photons move through space and not time and they are a form of energy.
Energy is a concept which describes how much work can be done with something, your photon, while yes it can do work, it is NOT energy.
manmadeflyingsaucer said:
Energy is a concept which describes how much work can be done with something, your photon, while yes it can do work, it is NOT energy.

I might have missed some of the symantecs used. Any concept cannot exist without time and the concept of energy is no exception. What the concept desribes however exists just fine and even moves without time.

Look at the behavior of matter as it approaches massive gravity. It comes to a standstill within time. Photons differ from standard matter in that they don't have mass and move at the same 186,3?? mps in the presence of massive gravity. This relation in reality indicates that a presence (i.e. something that exists) with an absence of mass that moves through space doesn't move through time. It also indicates that time and mass have an explicit relationship.

The actual phenomenoa of a photon is energy. As evidence all plants on earth utilizing photosynthesis, solar cells, and the photoelectric effect support this.
manmadeflyingsaucer said:
Energy is a concept which describes how much work can be done with something, your photon, while yes it can do work, it is NOT energy.
As CC has said a photon is most decidedly energy. You are allowing your superficial understanding of the relationships between matter and energy to deflect you from discussion of the interesting point at the heart of your thread: do dreams have an independent reality. The mechanism by which they would possess this is less interesting than the possibility.
"As the sun obscures the stars by day, so does wakefulness blind us to the fact that we are still sleeping, dreaming."

No doubt that you can find all kinds of scientific aparatus, in your dream (if you were 'lucid'), to 'measure' all sorts of 'things' (concepts); find 'photons', 'quarks', 'black holes', etc... In your 'bed sleeping dream world', perform the actions of archaeology, geology, statistics, everything, actually, that you can do here, just like in your 'waking dream world'. As in the 'night dream', lucidity gives a few more 'options' in 'this' dreeam...
Your idea has great merit, one that is accepted and currently being studied by those in the know. Rest assured that those in power consider this to be an aspect of the "great work" the alchemical gold.
Agitprop said:
There are many ideas here, to who's do you refer?

manmadeflyingsaucer said:
Is it possible to "transmit" ideas, or feelings into dreams of sleepers?...
"...and now, a word from our sponsor..... When you wake, operators will be standing by!"
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