Dreaming while awake


Registered Member
A while ago about a year now I took shrooms for the very first
time. While i was "tripping" or whatever word you want to use for it i was concious and had my eyes open and was looking around the room. I was in listening to the people around me talking like normal but at the same time I was seeing something else happening and the two intertwined. The other thing looked like it was a dream and the dream was a transparent reality. And I was thinking that if it is possible at all then what really is reality and how can you control what is going on around you when two seeming realities are going on at one time. I myself could not move in either my dream or what reality if thats what i should call it or my reality it was like i was paralyzed in both.

I know this jumbled mess up there is confusing and I am trying to sort it better and will probly edit it to be a little more understandable.

Ok i tried to unjumble my text up there to give it more meaning

About a year ago I took shrooms for the very first time. While i was "tripping" something very strange happened to me and I dont know if it happens to everyone else. I layed down and soon found out that I couldnt move and couldnt talk but I could hear and see everything that was going on around me with mild understanding. But at the same time this was going on another reality which i will call a dream was going on. This one was transparent in reality. It was like having a dream while still being awake and not having any control of my own body. I am just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and since i know this is possible because I went through it if there is a way to duplicate the feeling over without the use of drugs. And maybe a way to control yourself in one or maybe both realities.
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what shrooms do is unlock a part of your mind you don't normally use while in a wakened state. Nor have I ever tried any hallucenogens. I don't claim to be a scientist so I can't tell you exactly what parts, or why this happens. I can tell you that there are ways you can have these 'alternate' realities without using hallucenogens. Sometimes you can just space out(this will take a while) and your subconscious will kick in. . . You can call this a trance state, a natural trip, or a waking dream. . whatever you want.

Question reality.
I do not use drugs and I have had several experiences which sound very similar. I fell asleep last night on the sofa and was dreaming that I could hear sounds of an argument. I got very scared and felt that someone was trying to get inside my apartment. I opened my eyes but was still in this dream state and still experiencing very strong feelings I was dreaming. It actually took major effort to "wake up" even though I could sit up and was still having this "dream". It was very terrifying. I find that this happens when I am very tired and if there is any noise around to stimulate some kind of thought process.

there is one reality.

this reality.

anything else is in your mind. You were dreaming.

Read up on neuroscience. The brain releases chemicals into the body to paralyze it while sleeping (mostly), so that you cannot sleep walk while dreaming. Sometimes this fails. Sometimes the chemical is released while you are awake and on drugs - cannot move. This occasionally leads to hypnagogic hallucinations - ghosts, angels, aliens...

Neuroscience. Study it. You will find some answers.