Dream sharing OBE


Registered Member
I had a strange obe last night, which started with everything looking like i was on acid or the alice in wonderland type visuals. I woke up thinking i still couldn't get to sleep only to realize this acidy effect as i looked out onto everything in the room. The blacklight was on and made everything more intense. i jump up on the side of my bed and the jump and flew down the hallway into the living room, my girlfriend was sitting on the couch watching t.v. like she was expecting me to come into the room. She was shocked though that i was able to fly into the room over her head and land on the couch. I looked at her and asked her what was up, about the situation that has been going on in our relationship. She had told me when you trust me is when i'll trust you, and when you trust you i will trust you. Then i jumped back up and did a somersault in the air and landed on the other side. She looked at me like she was totally shocked that i could possibly know how to do this sort of flying and whatever i wanted in this obe. Maybe she didn't think that i was that far in development of my self????? I looked at her and then flew back into the room and laid back down in the bed. The whole time everything felt weird and looked acidy and irridescent. Can someone else pull you up and call you to them into their dream-obe???? Cause today when i awoke i felt as something was known by the both of us and we haven't spoke all day!!!!!! But it seems as if she knows what happen in the sleep time......
please help......

Could it been a shared OBE or did she pull me into her dream. Casue i felt as if i was be called but i don't know....
how do you know it was out of body

Do you two regularly astrally travel, and did she ask you about it before you mentined it? IF the answer to either of these questions is no, I think you just had a dream, no matter how odd. Many "odd" dreams we do not even recall and many "real" ones we do, are still not real ; your subconcious mind is very powerful.
i astral travel alot and i know what it feels like. So i know it wasn't just a weird dream. I've been reading up on it since ive posted this note. And now that i really think about it. I know it happened to both of us.....we are very in tune with each other whether we like it or not.
back on topic...

This morning I decided to lie down even though I was already up twice. On my floor, I got quite relaxed, so I hoped I could do something with it. I practiced visualizing until the objects looked real then I started moving around in the dream/astral dimension and decided to fly. I noticed my window had a ledge in the dream so I was glad it wasn't my real window... otherwise jumping off would've hurt. I wanted to visit others' dreams (since I have before) but realized at 7 most were awake, so I just woke up.

Then I realized I was already dreaming before practicing because my targets for practicing visualization (floating clay pots I saw in pottery) never existed in my room in the first place....

A lucid dream within a dream...

Ok that's my sharing for the day. My best tech seems to be waking up, going back to bed, then not caring too much about it.