Dream Recall help please


Registered Member
Ok i have been working on lucid dreams and last night i tryed to do dream recall. I went to bed at midnight and set the alarm at 4:00 am. When it went off i just layed there thinking of a dream to right down but i could not remember anything. So i went back to sleep and my mom woke me up this morning and i went to our house that we are building and started pulling nails. While I was pulling nails it hit me all of a sudden about a dream I had last night and I slowley started remembering details. I dont know if the dream was before 4:00 am or after when i went back to sleep. So does anyone have any idea when i should go to bed and when to set the alarm because I want to remember when i awake not spontaneously later in the day. Thanks
I just read this book - Remembering Your Dreams by Craig Hemilton Parker, and WOW! It's an illustrated book, but it has so much amazing information about your dreams. It also talks about dreaming your past lives and remembering the future and so on. But it has a lot of techniques for remembering dreams. I have become fascinated and so interested in dreams after reading the book (a day ago) and now all I want to do is practice them! Also, a lucid dream is very important and it's easier to remember it. Try asking yourself in awakening "Am I dreaming?" and look for signs. That will program your unconciousness to ask that in dreams that way you can have some control in your dreams. Before going to bed, tell yourself you will remember your dream. It also programs your unconciousness. When I do it, I also try to imagine the feeling I have when I remember my dreams and try to see myself remembering it. (It sounds like you've read the book already, I don't know why...):)
Keeping a dream diary is important. As I understood you already do (write them down). I just started mine and it's a sketchbook. But keeping one also kind of tells your unconciousness that you will write them down. Also, the book talked about dreams with such "juices" I just want to read it over and over and learn everything about dreams, one of which is not taking it to seriously but be prepared to learn about yourself even if it is a bad side of you. Dreams were considered almost a reality a long time ago. They were considered messages from the gods in some religions. Although I do not believe that, I do believe dreams are a way to your soul and it is a way your unconciousness talks to you. I am truely amazed by dreams' ability and encourage everyone to read Recalling Your Dreams.
Don't take dreams too seriously but instead believe in them. They can inspire you and connect you to your soul. You can change in a good way and learn more about yourself. It's truely an amazing experience to wake up from a dream! Lucid dreaming and being in control are even better, but I haven't reached that point yet. I'm just trying to work on remembering my dreams and stuff.:)
Also the book has some information on interrupting your REM cycle as a way to recall dreams. Remembering Your Dreams has some informaton on ESP (Extra Sensory Perception). That caught my interest too. And I am starting to believe the everybody has psychic powers locked within. Some include Precognition, Clairvoyance, Psychokinesis, and Telepathy.
Dreams are amazing experiences to me. It's like being in a different world where emotions, your true slelf, run free!
Also, please nobody jump on me if they think I'm wrong about something. I just wanted to write about something I feel passionate about and if you disagree with something I have said, please don't start making fun of me or begin to make rude remarks. thank you.:)
PS - "A quick and simple way to create an unfamiliar environment to encourage dreams is to sleep at the foot of the bed. Assuming that you sleep alone or that your partner doesn't mind looking at your feet all night, it's an amusing way to encourage a dream. The disoreantation you experience when you wake up and see the room from an unfamiliar perspective can act as a stimulas to make you immediatly remember your dream before it fades. ....it reinforces your decision to have a dream as you go to sleep and prompts you to remember one when you wake up. ....however, once you begin to get into the habit of routinely remembering your dreams such extreme measures may not be necessary. Nonetheless, this experiment is fun to try."
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