Dream memory flood!


It's been five years since one of the most bizarre things that have ever happened to me took place. I was 13, it was 3:30 in the morning and I hadn't slept at all that night. It was proving to be quite difficult which it usually was at that point in my life. But 2:30 am was the usual mercy point of my insomnia. As I was laying there, and perhaps about to doze off I shot up, flickered the lights on, got myself a pen and notepad and began to document the epiphany of a slight moments realization. It was a dream that popped into my head; actually it was several dreams that popped into my head. About 8 of which I'd previously never written down before. They were really interesting dreams too. Epics almost...

The first was about me and my sister being chased throughout the city. Only it was the future. There were funny outfit, teleportation devices and yet everything was still quite...homey. Another one was where my dog went missing, and in searching for him I discovered I could fly and walk through things.

There were a few short dreams but most of them were long. Dreams I would love to recall detail for detail however I was facing one problem. I simply couldn't copy a single 'gist' of one dream down before five or six more would resurface in my head. It was amazing. Before I knew it I had 34 new dreams I'd never documented before. And in my rush to get them on paper before they slipped away from me I placed the lines quite crudely on the notepad. I illustrated dream lakes, dream cities, and dream malls when I could. In fact several times since then I have come close to making a complete map of interconnected dream worlds in this great dreamiverse. But most of the time I did not have time for illustrations. The dreams kept coming. Long, incredible dreams about riding through cities on my rollarblades, monsters overtaking dream schools, multiple days camping ect. Before I knew it I had 50 dreams, then 60, then 70, and finally somewhere around the 86 mark with exhaustion setting in the floodgate getting narrower and narrower I put the pen down, and reveled in the experience. It was near overwhelming because all this time I'd thought my life had been dull and uneventful, when there was this other life going on of which I'd paid little attention to. A life rich with adventure, magic, people, places, stories. I was awed. And the thing is, I had only retained a mere tease of the dream experiences I'd had. Lets say I'd averaged five dreams a night for 13 years... that would equal a total of 23,725 dreams in total. Which leaves about 23, 639 dreams unaccounted for and perhaps forever lost.

I slept really well the rest of the night. And to the kids at school I was already the kid who was convinced about aliens existing. So this was just an add on to the weirdness of my persona. The experience to this day fascinates me. It makes me wonder about the nature of memory and if it is in fact possible that dreams are like normal memories except there are so many of them that they get condensed (like Mp3's) and stored for eternity in the less accessible part of the mind. I can recall fragments of living an entire childhood in dream world on a dream street with dream parents, dream siblings, dream friends and dream neighbors. My dreams were generally quite long. The experience also increased my recall of dreams after that night and less than two weeks later I had a dream experience which is only equaled in 'Bliss' by two other dream experiences and maybe one 'real life' experience. But that’s a whole other topic.

So does anybody have any similar experiences? Do you think it's possible to induce another one of these 'floodings'?
Cool! :)

I had a period when I slept as much as I could. I was trying to move my consciousness into my dreamworld and leave "reality".
I got out of bed just to eat and go to the bathroom.
It was working, but also it was killing me and separating me totally from my friends and close ones. The reality of the dreams were getting stronger and gaining cohesion.

Maybe I am living in that dream now, because I´m not sure when or why the sleep project ended.
And life is just so good:)
interesting experience, and thoughts ...

I've never experienced anything quite like that, but my dreams are notoriously long and plot driven.

Also, the recurr if I don't confront the 'enemy' in my war/monster dreams.

I believe that you do hold the memory of all billion (or however many) dreams you have, this explains de ja vu, to me, because your mind filters through every possibility it can imagine while dreaming, which you forget, until you are in the moment when one of your dreams proves true.

One can do a lot to enhance their memory of their dreams, I got to the point when I was focused on this that the lucid part of my brain never fell asleep ... my body would fall asleep, I would dream and remember every part of it. Even the transistions between dreams. Once I had a single dream that lasted the entire night.

so I definitely think it possible to induce more of your 'floodings' too ...