Dream Logic


Registered Senior Member

I was just wondering if people have ever noticed in a dream, that some sort of foreshadowing has been implanted, and that as a "character" in their dream, they come to some sort of realization of this foreshadowing, perhaps just a bit too late.


In a dream, I am shopping, and I have a bag from this really expensive furniture store. I leave a different deptartment store and one of the employees chases me and says she has to check my bags. She checks all of my bags, including the one from the other expensive store, and comments "This is the least expensive thing in that store" looking upset.

I continued to converse with her as if it was just a regular comment and before I knew it I had walked over to a nearby wall with her where she was writing something down for me. When I turned around to get my things, the bag from the expensive store was gone, and when I turned around again, so was the lady from the department store.

In the dream I thought about what had happened and came to the conclusion that the lady from the department store had distracted me on purpose so that someone could steal my bag, and this is why she made the comment about having the cheapest thing from the store in such an upset manner.

For some reason I feel as though in all my dreams, though there is some sort of general logic to the sequence of events, things don't usually come into play in such a large chunk. I feel like in a regular dream, the comment from the lady would not have occured, and if my stuff got stolen it would have been much more random. Maybe overanalyzing.

any views?

In dreams you always see what you think about (because dreams are made of thoughts), so if you think about logic, you will see logic.
Does not sound like the dream meant anything. I have had some dreams recently. There was this lounge owner who was eyeing me back and forth between a pole, wondering why I was talking to his employees. It was strange. When I went to bed this morning and started drifting off, my dream was an analogy to that. And it did not seem any bit personal.
Are you worried you shop to much,?Are you worried about the quality of items you buy?,Do You worry about what other people think of you based on what you purchase?Are you a material person?Do you worry about being robbed while you shop?Do you project an image of wealth?would it embarass you if a friend spotted you coming out of a lower-class store? Are you an excessive buyer? over purchased on the credit card! perhaps none of the above.Your dreams are a collection of your subconscious thoughts,based on experience or ideals you have.Fears and hopes,Unless of course you may be clairvoyent and can dream the future,which is possible,but you would know this already.