dream i had,


it was around this time period, maybe a little further advanced, but i wotn beat around the bush, i was there there was a cure for death basically, and it happened with nanotech machines that found an alternate energy and fuel for humans, they converted our whole system including organs receptors etc, they basically changed our whole system ofopperation, t becomme more "efficient", but people had to be updated with new tech 24/7, and peoples organs were replicated inside of themselves, always having nanotech inside of them all times, basically beccomming a cyborg. they stored our consciousness onto machines that didnt die, i have a funny way of revisiting dreams at will, so i can go back to this dream to "find out more" i do this alot its where most of my theorys and philosophy come from, "visions" "dreams" meditation, deep thought.

EmptyForceOfChi said:
it was around this time period, maybe a little further advanced, but i wotn beat around the bush, i was there there was a cure for death basically, and it happened with nanotech machines that found an alternate energy and fuel for humans, they converted our whole system including organs receptors etc, they basically changed our whole system ofopperation, t becomme more "efficient", but people had to be updated with new tech 24/7, and peoples organs were replicated inside of themselves, always having nanotech inside of them all times, basically beccomming a cyborg. they stored our consciousness onto machines that didnt die, i have a funny way of revisiting dreams at will, so i can go back to this dream to "find out more" i do this alot its where most of my theorys and philosophy come from, "visions" "dreams" meditation, deep thought.


Nice...about the revisiting part...I too can revisit a dream...but unfortunately or fortunately for that matters...the dream changes a bit...I guess a lesson once given is not retaught, got only one chance to learn that lesson. Anyways I too get some of my inventions from my dreams, make sure you write it down thou...maybe they actually make sense...and can be done in real life.
Roman said:
Dreams are meaningless.
Dreams are far from meaningless. They can give you clues about your deep unconscious fears, desires, etc.
Don't get me wrong, I think freud was WAY off, and that dream interpreters are BS. I think you should just see the obvious. Overinterpreting dreams is stupid, and that's what both freud and dream interpreters do.
What I mean is like... If you dream about getting a bunch of plants and being really happy about it, it probably means you want to buy some plants.
If you dream about sex, you probably want some.
you know, stuff like that.
About revisiting... I've only had one dream I revisited, and that was when I was about 3-5 years old. I had pretty much the exact same dream 3 times. It had something to do with an earthquake, my parents not listening to me, and de devil coming out.
GASP. I just realized something.. it's exactly like the power rangers!!! OMG! lol. You know how they did that beam thing and the earth began to shake and then you could see the monster getting bigger? that's EXACTLY how it happened!
of course, I may just be piecing memories together... the dream was a long time ago, and ... well, yeah.... stupid memories and human limitations. i ramble too much.
i agree about the fact that dreams can help you out in some ways.... one time (a long time ago) i had a starcraft desktop picture, it was basicaly just sunset with a black silouette (that i couldnt identify)

in my dream i used photoshop to brighten up the picture a litle bit, and i was able to see the outline of a hydralisk in the foreground, and a hive in the background. and so the picture made sense

(did i take that to far off topic? lol)