Dream frequencies.


Registered Member
Hi all,
i wanted to ask something here.

I know that if i want to meet someone in a dream, we must have the same frequency to meet in that dream.

So, same frequency from the two people are the main thing for a meeting in the Mental plane.

So, here is my question, how can two people set themselves to have the same frequency during sleeping??

Me and a friend of mine want to meet each other in a dream, the Mental plane, not the astral plane, so how we can set ourselves to have the same frequency?

Im talking about dreams, not an Astral Projection.

hope you can understand what i mean

Thank u a lot

im waiting for replies.

Hadeka said:
I know that if i want to meet someone in a dream, we must have the same frequency to meet in that dream.

Wow, I didn't know that. Not only is the statment claiming that dreams
can be shared, it is also claiming 'how' to do it by aligning the 'frequency'
of all participants (I assuming we're talking about electrical brain oscialtions
measureable via EEG). Can I ask you to provide references to these
amazing claims?
I know that if i want to meet someone in a dream, we must have the same frequency to meet in that dream.

Really??? So I have the same frequencies of a real live blood sucking vampire that keep haunting me in my dreams?!?! Cool!! And that huge mutant ant that keeps devouring my house too?? Awesome!!
Sometimes I share the dreams with my sister. We see the same dream, but act on our own and don't see each other, but are in the same place, the same situation and the same other characters. She's my half sister, 8 years older and we live in different countries, converse on instant messaging, but are very close and simmilar in our personalities and thinking.
Don't know anything about these frequencies, etc.
Hadeka said:
I know that if i want to meet someone in a dream, we must have the same frequency to meet in that dream.
:D :D :D
Don't you just love it when posts start out this way?

Please explain to me what "frequency" you are referring to and how you "know" know this to be true.
Communist Hamster said:
That'd be fun. Tune in to some girls frequencies. Sweet dreams!

Only ComHam could come up with that line. What a sicko.
Make sure the person you want to interact with does the EXACT SAME THING.

1. Get some maple leaves.

2. Get some maple syrup.

3. Cover your body in maple syrup.

4. Place the leaves on your body in the sacred places - one on each nipple, one on each hand, one over your third eye, and one on your left hip. (this is very important to attain the same frequency)

5. lie down and try to sleep.

if nothing happens in this initial dream phase, you must switch beds with the person you want to interact with.

If that doesn't work, remove the maple syrup and replace it with kerosene - your head is the most important part - make sure it is soaked.

Then light a match... and touch it to your forehead.

But, no worries... the maple syrup thing usually works. I have done it! I swear. No, really. I have seen it with my eyes.
Elli, normally, I would agree with you, but this sounds like such psycho-yuppy bullshit that I must disagree...sorry dude.
Votorx said:
So I have the same frequencies of a real live blood sucking vampire that keep haunting me in my dreams?!?! Cool!! And that huge mutant ant that keeps devouring my house too?? Awesome!!

Its your house he destroys. I wondered who the unlucky bugger was. Is that you in the green pajama tops and bowler hat that tries to drive the ant off by beating him with a rolled up copy of the National Enquirer?

Warning: Please read Ellimist's post very carefully. You start with the maple syrup, and if that fails then use the kerosene. The order is important.
