Dream and conscious simultaneously


Registered Member
A while back I was having a sort of nightmare about this maze and other related mazey things, if that exists :bugeye:, and near the end of it I woke up as I can plainly remember seeing the window next to my bed, but at the exact same time I could still 'see', my dream. The dream looked hazey, but the two scenes were overlapping each other, its was very odd.

In a similar account I've woke myself up before somehow, and managed to sit up in my bed (which took a long time because I felt paralysed, (doesn't that happen when you nod off anyways?), but I was still awake (partly) and moving but only very slightly.

Has anyone else ever had a similar occurance or can offer an explanation of how this can happen? :confused:
(I am not sure why this is in parapsychology and not in Human Science. Has someone decided this is an unlikely to be real phenomenon? I think a case can be made that somnabulists must experience this, since they often think they are engaging in one activity or are in a certain place, but are really in another YET at the same time they manage to navigate through the place they are in. Hence they must sometimes be seeing two things.)

Yes, I have, especially in dimly lit rooms.

I have also walked out of my bedroom at night and spoken to my parents, but been asleep. I repeated phrases and seemed to be responding to things that, as far as my parents were concerned, were not in the room.