

Valued Senior Member
It turns out I'm going to study drama at the university in the fall. I applied to this because in the catalouge over courses it seemed like drama was mostly about writing drama, but now when the papers have arrived, explaining the course more detailed, it turns out that it has to do with acting, theatre! And with puppet theatre too, and improvisation and drama. :eek:
I have never acted in my life! ( well I have appeared both in a film and in a soap opera, but that was not acting really) I don't know how to. I don't know if I dare to even try. They will laugh at me.
The tests in this course are also acting tests. I really don't understand how I even got in to this course without audition.

Anybody with any acting experiences out there? Any advice to a newbie?

Congratulations on your new course. You were in a soap opera and a movie??? Very surprising. Was it a big film?

I'm sure you will be great in your acting. Good luck! :D
It's old news, Bebelina, of course. but... forget the audience.

They're not there... you are.

Remember who you thought you were, when you were dreaming you were someone else. Remember how you felt, when you were sad. Or happy, or otherwise. Remember how you felt, and dont try to overdo what you felt when you remember.

Above all... they really ARE there, the audience. So, when you forget they're there.... remember again when you're comfortable. Does that make sense?
Yes, sort of...but how does one forget the audience?

Adam , it was just a swedish action comedy, called Dö Hårdast( die hardest) like a pseudosatire of Die Hard, but a very bad one. :D
I appeared in a dream sequence of the hero, where I was supposed to be a little girl he had a crush on when he was a kid, my line was:- If you show me yours, I show you mine. In swedsih: - Visar du din, så visar jag min.
Then I threw my head back and laughed my most evil laugh.., when he showed me his (which you didn't see of course, not that kind of a movie). End of dream sequence.
The soap was just a background character without any lines, but I got to wear my own pinkeye clothes and got a long close-up, that was last year on Nya Tider ( new times).
It's easy Beb... get up there, and do it. After a while, you forget they're there, so you do what you do. Later, you'll remember they're there, and you'll do it better ;), if you have it.
When you're about to go onstage, I think it'd be okay to be nervous, but you have to remember these three words: just do it. Go out there, give it your best. If you're good, they'll like you, if not, then too bad.
Cliched as it is - imagine your audience naked? :rolleyes:

Imagine the worst that could happen, or how much worse of it could be?

It appears you've got a good handle on the scene. You know what is to happen and you know what character you're portraying. Simply practice the scene until it comes naturally, in front of a mirror is best so that you may see for yourself if what you're portraying is believable. Don' forget though, you are your own worst critic. ;)

You'll do just fine. :)

btw - Congratulations !!
If there is anything I could tell you it would be two things.

The first, Try to find a character that fits your play or skit. Maybe someone you know. How would they think and act if it were them? Become someone else temporarily and not your self. On stage your actions should be "over done". If you act what would be a normal reaction then it will seem to the audience to be subdued. (You will think it over done and think you are being a ham, when in reality everyone else will see it as normal for the reaction) Emotions don't carry well on the stage so you have to amplify them to make them seem believable.

Sometimes I found that I had an audience when playing the guitar. (Not something I seek as I play for myself) I found it a great concentrator to close my eyes and let my fingers just do their thing. Before very long I was concentrated to the particular song and forgot anyone else was there. After that it just carried over to the next. It became easier and easier to do.

I have faith you will do very nicely.
Thanks for all the advice. That naked thing won't work though, because then I will start to laugh...and can't stop. That is the most embarrasing thing. :p
Yeah, doesn't work for me for the same reason ... Though sometimes (in front of an audience) I just start giggling for no reason and can't stop ... :rolleyes:
Yes, it's the nervousness... and then it gets worse when you know that this is not a good time to laugh uncontrollably. :D
Well, you know that old bit of advice -- take off all of your clothes so that you're naked, and then pretend like you're clothed. Never tried it but i've heard that it works wonders.