

Dear Aussieaboriginal,

Background on Fermi:

Enrico Fermi was born in Rome, 1901. He is best known for his contributions to nuclear
physics and the development of the quantum theory. In 1938 he won the Nobel Peace
Prize for Physics. He produced the first nuclear chain reaction at the University of
Chicago in 1942, and worked on the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos during WWII.

Fermi was a firm believer in extra-terrestrials and was frustrated by the lack of firm
evidence of their existence.
One afternoon during lunch at Los Alamos, he blurted out his now famous question,

"Where Are They?"

Hence the paradox:

"If there are many civilizations in the Galaxy
why haven't they contacted us?"

Some thoughts on this are---------- Since they should be here they are here and we
ARE seeing them, or they are here and we are NOT seeing them, or they are here
and they are hiding, or if they are not here WHY NOT?

There has been much pondering on those questions, such as:

The Cosmic Zoo Theory
The Bezerker Theory
The Gibson Countinuum

Please view the following WebSite for some obsevations:


Looking forward to your thoughts.

Interesting post BLUESHIFT!

But who's to say it hasn't already happened?

If a little boy encounters an alien in a far-off forest and tells no one, has the encounter linked our biology to an alien biology through association?

In other words, does every human-being on the planet have to know and accept alien life for what it is?