Dr. Pon Raul

Vote for the most Ethical Moral and most Justifiable President available.

  • Obama

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Paul

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • A fluoridated chimp

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • A rock on the moon

    Votes: 4 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Registered Senior Member
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This information may be hazardous to your health. You have been warned...
Ron Paul is a figment of your imagination.
He does not exist. Business as usual. Move along...

This kind of thinking by the Elite is unethical, immoral and downright mean! But hey... that’s what they do best.

I’m voting for a rock on the moon for president. GO ROCK!! ROCK ON!!!
The Rock is winning by a landslide. I'm sure the U.S. of A will see a huge turn around in jobs and lower unemployment numbers when the Rock takes office. Not to mention the PR value of a U.S. president that permanently lives on the moon. NASA will have to visit the moon to ensure the Rock has full control of the nuclear football, so setting up a permanent base there only seems reasonable which would be another huge plus for America!! ROCK ON ROCK!!!!
The reasons I love my candidate.

A moon rock can't...

Raise taxes
Declare illegal wars (I guess congress would be on their own..)
Initiate Nuclear war
Bail out special interest
Create programs that buy votes
Sing along to the same old tired song
More reasons why I love my candidate.

A moon rock can...

Teach us that silence is truly golden.
Promote a green environment by not breathing.
Show us that age means nothing in presidential races.
Watch over our earthly existence from a safe distance which would cut secret service security details by quite a bit and save us $$$!!
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Why was I the only one who voted for the chimp? I figured that most of the repubs would be voting for the chimp, after all, they did the same when Bush Jr was running.
Well, that's obvious

Fluoridation. Lots of Republicans, over the years, have complained about fluoridation.
@Arioch --

Then you know that the chimp might accidentally push the big red button due to a malfunctioning pineal gland! How could you be so easily tricked by the chimp’s rhetoric? I find fault with your reasoning and implore you to reconsider your vote.
@Servant --

Just like Bush could have "accidentally" pressed the red button due to a malfunctioning sense of reality brought on by the delusion that he was in contact with god then.
Mrs. Fraggle and I have been registered Libertarians for about thirty years. We voted for Ron Paul when he was our party's candidate and we'll vote for him this time if he gets on the ballot. If not, we'll vote for the Libertarian candidate.

There is not enough difference between the Democrats and Republicans to agonize over. They both want to take away all of our money and all of our rights. About all they differ on is that the Republicans want to take away our rights first and the Democrats want to take away our money first.

Nonetheless it was a Republican president who oversaw the crash of 2008 that turned so many of us into paupers (the Controller of the Currency, Bush's appointee, could easily have stopped the banks from issuing subprime mortgages but he just didn't give a damn), and the Democrats have been happily prosecuting the war on drugs despite their alleged reverence for individual rights (even though the last three presidents admitted smoking pot and two of them still have all their brain cells).

Yes, Ron Paul is an asshole, but so are all politicians. But he's a sincere asshole, much too old to be sidetracked by pride or favors. He would, for sure, halt the War on Islam (which is responsible for $3 trillion of the national debt) and the War on Drugs (which is costing us a fortune in tax revenue we can't collect on the sale of illegal merchandise), he would tell Israel to go fuck itself, and he would not let the government borrow one more dime. Yeah he's on the wrong side of some major issues like abortion (name one obstetrician who is comfortable with the idea, after all, they love babies), but the President doesn't have the power to make it illegal.

Can your guys, Tweedledum and Tweedledumber, do any better than that?

All us old hippies felt a twinge of pride and justice when the first dark-skinned president took office, but geeze he hasn't acquitted himself very well, he's all talk. We would have felt just as proud if the first woman had gotten the job, and who doesn't think Hillary would be doing it better?

Edit: Hey, my vote put Ron in the lead! Nyaa nyaa nyaa!
What is the point in voting at all now that 'International Permission’ Trumps Congressional Permission for Military Actions? The exchange between Senator Sessions and Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey clearly puts the constitution in the grave. The UN will now appoint the president I guess....

Coup D’etat
What is the point in voting at all now that 'International Permission’ Trumps Congressional Permission for Military Actions?
The U.S. has been using its status as the world's largest military power to simply act like a big bully for more than sixty years. (More than a little ironic, since we fought WWII precisely because Germany and Japan were acting like big bullies!) Don't you think it was inevitable that the rest of the human race would eventually put a curb on it? Moreover, isn't it just about time? The government is so full of itself that it plans on resolutely borrowing more and more money from China to finance more and more wars, until our economy finally goes Greek. (Yes I know that it spends more on retiremement benefits than on the military, but just give it time!)

Besides, all three branches of government have been using the Constitution for toilet paper for decades now. That argument is moot.
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