Downfall of the Intellect


The intellect is an excellent servant but a fucking worthless leader. Just remember that, all of you.
Originally posted by Zero
The intellect is an excellent servant but a fucking worthless leader. Just remember that, all of you.
Personally I'd rather follow someone with brains than just balls.
But the real problem is all the mindless and ball-less little sycophants who need a leader in the first place.

I was talking about the world inside you, but oh well.

As for politics, there's a saying:

The best leader to have is a lazy, smart one. The worst leader to have is a busy, stupid one.
Oh, hear you are zero, I missed you buddy.

You owe me one answer.

You defined reality as this world and I gave you perfect logic that you're wrong. Let me repeat my logic.

- To a dead person, this life is a non existance or fantacy.
- To a living person, death is an absolute reality that noone can escape.
- Then this life is a fantacy.

Come on now, show your atheistic muscles.
Originally posted by heflores
Let me repeat my logic.
You presume far too much. :D

Originally posted by heflores
- To a dead person, this life is a non existance or fantacy.
- To a living person, death is an absolute reality that noone can escape.
- Then this life is a fantacy.
A dead person has no more a perspective/view on life than any other non-living collection of chemicals.

I thought that you were leaving to corrupt your kids?
I'm working on improving the logic for proofing the theistic view.\

Here's my latest version of the logic.

- Life is a non existance or fantacy to the dead people.
- Life is a reality to the living, Death is also a reality for the living.
- Life is then a (quasi reality) to the living.
- Death is also a (quasi reality) for the dead and the living.
- Judgement must be a phasiatic stage to transform a person from quasi reality to absolute reality.
Why the obsession with talking to me? Is this a female admirer chasing me around? Wait.....waiiiit.....*squints* You ARE my girlfriend in disguise, aren't you? Hey Evey, how've you been? Missed ya! Dinner on Saturday night?

I answered your post! Geez! And stop spamming the boards with your "arguments"?
Originally posted by Zero
Why the obsession with talking to me? Is this a female admirer chasing me around? Wait.....waiiiit.....*squints* You ARE my girlfriend in disguise, aren't you? Hey Evey, how've you been? Missed ya! Dinner on Saturday night?

I answered your post! Geez! And stop spamming the boards with your "arguments"?

Who is that Alexander the Great,
"If you can't conquer them, marry them?? philosophy"
Ah biting sarcasm. You can't fool me Evey. I've sniffed you out! Who says I can't beat you? I love ya! Can't think of beating you. We're one, remember, hon?

You're Evey! Admit it! NOw!:D
Originally posted by Zero
Ah biting sarcasm. You can't fool me Evey. I've sniffed you out! Who says I can't beat you? I love ya! Can't think of beating you. We're one, remember, hon?

You're Evey! Admit it! NOw!:D

who the hell is Evey??? And stop sniffing please....literally....:D :D
If only Xev were here. We'd make a terrific threesome.

*whistles at finding his gf in sciforums*

It is improper to "chase" someone around from topic to topic with the same question, particularly when it has nothing to do with the thread. Please desist. It's only a matter of time until the moderators catch up with you anyway.

Originally posted by Zero
I was talking about the world inside you, but oh well.
Ah, well in that case; I disagree. The heart is fickle and the groin is... well you know. What, do you suggest, should lead?
